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Add height and weight to the Player Overview screen


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When checking through many players to assess whether theyre good potential purchases, please add the height and the weight of the player near his name in the top left (where there is plenty of space).


Its easy to just get focussed on attributes, and to forget what the basic feel of a player is, just his fundamental physical appearance.

You may see a CB who has good attributes so you pursue a purchase, spend lots of time negotiating, without realising he's actually only 5'10 and his jumping reach is never going to develop beyond 12.

To have this information displayed on this screen would reduce wasting time clicking through to other screens to find the height/weight.

It would also help this overview screen to provide a better overview of the basics of who the player is, which is what the screen is for.


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  • SI Staff

The footedness of a player is also on the screen you've shared, to the right of the player attributes. Hopefully this does cover all areas of what you were wanting to be shown, as the information is already there we wouldn't really consider this a feature request.

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