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Coaching Badges

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Currently in my third season with Hemel Hempstead, finished in the play offs 2 seasons on the trot but failed at the last hurdle. The club are 400k in debt despite me trying to bring in as much cash as possible on a tiny wage budget.

My question is in three years ive been here, they have only allowed me to go on the first coaching course to get a National C License. They keep telling me i cant due to funds. By not having the relevant coaching qualifications does it affect which jobs i can go for in future or is it mainly down to attributes?

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3 hours ago, isignedupfornorealreason said:

It can affect your work permits, because some leagues in England now require minimum badges to get a WP. 


Not sure if that's the same elsewhere.

Also, not sure why we can't pay for our own course via the wages tbh.

I thought exactly the same thing about paying for courses yourself. Although, I suppose you'd still need time off to attend from your employer and they could say no to that.

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Your record generally speaks louder than your certifications. In fact, I've landed Professional tier jobs right from the start in journeyman saves with no certifications/Sunday league player, and one of them said it was due to my record.. which I guess was spotless since I had none. If you've had some head coach of the month honors, that helps. A cup or two helps more. Taking a team to promotion helps the most, and teams can flat out reject you for failing to do that in your career.

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18 hours ago, toiletfootball said:

Although, I suppose you'd still need time off to attend from your employer and they could say no to that.

I would say that shouldn't matter at Part time clubs because we're only in the office three days a week isn't it? 


For Full Time Clubs I'd get it, but then at that point FT clubs should have the money and resources to absorb the time constraints.

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17 hours ago, isignedupfornorealreason said:

would say that shouldn't matter at Part time clubs because we're only in the office three days a week isn't it?

Good Point. 

So, following on from the OP I'd love some input as to how to maximise your chances of getting a coaching course,  I can confirm from my own tests that it takes exactly three months for the coaching badge request to reappear after you have been refused. I'm managing in the Vanarama National.  My board have just refused my request twice in a row. They just say no and don't give a reason or allow me to argue. I've just been promoted as champions, I have a healthy bank balance and all my coach positions are filled .I remove myself from any coaching assignments before I request. What is the best time to ask does anyone know? I'm trying to do the Pentagon so if I can't get badges in the English LL it'll take forever.

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4 hours ago, toiletfootball said:

What is the best time to ask does anyone know?

I usually go for it a week or two after season break starts. If you've done a good job for them, and they aren't in insecure finances, there's no good justification for turning you down. I have had them turn me down because they feared I'd leave for another club if I had more credentials, at which point I resigned my post.

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6 hours ago, Prepper_Jack said:

I usually go for it a week or two after season break starts. If you've done a good job for them, and they aren't in insecure finances, there's no good justification for turning you down. I have had them turn me down because they feared I'd leave for another club if I had more credentials, at which point I resigned my post.

Thanks for the reply. I'll give that a try.

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On 12/11/2021 at 19:37, isignedupfornorealreason said:

Also, not sure why we can't pay for our own course via the wages tbh.

Because if they do this then you have to be able to use your money to buy other things and have expenses too. Otherwise everyone would be able to pay for all coaching badges after recieving there wage after the first week (or first couple of weeks) .


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You have to ask during a day-off, although they often turn you down then to if you're training that day they refuse due to you being needed. Yet this doesn't apply to coaches that they send off. I don't know why they don't ask you to go on one.

Maybe an addition for future editions where you need to pass a test to gain a qualification.

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