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Self-funded coaching qualifications (or other ways to spend money earned)


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It's so annoying when you're starting to outgrow your club and your exit is inevitable, but the club won't (or can't afford to) fund a coaching course. Since the in-game currency isn't actually used for anything (the money the manager has earned anyway) perhaps add in that you can self fund a coaching qualification.


Maybe add in an option every year where you have to rent/purchase a property using your money to make it slightly more realistic, just something to give you the option to spend your money.


I just feel like the lack of options to spend the money you've earned feels pointless as there is no real incentive to have to earn more.

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  • SI Staff

Ideas on how managers can use their funds does rise from time to time and we have seen the mention of self-funded courses before. The progression, in terms of coaching licences and ability, for managers/staff in games is something that is an iterative process and so we will keep this idea in mind moving forward.

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