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Live-feature takeover

Los Terminatos

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One of the main things getting people involved and excited in football manager careers, is the relatedness to the real life football-world situation. 

Often times when people start a save, they look at a real life football situation, evaluate which teams are overperfomlng, underperforming have interestering players etc. And based on those information, they start the save themselves. 

However when they start a save, it is all reset and the over performing or underperforming teams, are not in the same situation within your game. Therefor this can discourage the gameplay when lowering the relatedness. 

I feel, that if there were a feature, where you started a career save based on live stats and table standings, it could attract a lot more people to play, and also keep people engaged even further. 

For example imagine a Manchester United fan, wanting to see whether his/hers tactics could do better than the current ones and set them back for glory days. Whenever he/she starts a career like this, the club is probably already set for succes with the current squad, no struggling in dressing room or being x-amount of points behind in the league table. 

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6 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

You're a researcher yourself @Los Terminatos are you really wanting to be involved with keeping the data and information for teams updated on a weekly basis? 

SI would essentially have to double their researcher pool, or spend a ton of money paying researchers for the amount of time and effort this would take up, something I'm sure that they aren't willing to do, besides the issues with database updates breaking mods and causing all kinds of bugs normally... You essentially wouldn't be able to have any league files because they would be obsolete within days with every database update being probably game breaking.


As a researcher myself I don't know if it would even be possible time wise for me to update all of my leagues on a weekly basis, although I do cover more leagues than most.

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  • SI Staff

Well I only do the research for 1 club myself, Stoke, but I've put my own thoughts to one side as its a feature request. I am wondering if there's some kind of suggestion that doesn't immediately put tremendous pressure on the research team because that does seem like where the burden would rest. The research is voluntary so suggestions do need to keep this in mind.

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I agree when considering the amount of time the researchers will be put in, it does not seem feasible. 
However I do believe a feature like this could be automatized integrating it with a database already updating league statistics. Meaning the manual work from researchers would still be the regulations in summer/winter times. 

But I agree on your points, it could be hard to integrate, especially if it were to be manual work and it could possible cause further bugs. 

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