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How to get European nations playing in a tournament without making the WC go extinct.


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I am trying to make a tournament where all 211 FIFA members participate. It is a straight knockout tournament. I will describe the timeline of my attempts, hopefully someone can help me diagnose where I went wrong.


Attempt #1 


I took the intercontinental cup (CWC twice removed), made it not extinct and changed the format. I went to the teams section and added the numbers of teams each confederation sends, it was set for bring best national team, continent Europe, and maximum 55 teams. 

The format at this point was as follows 

176 teams play a straight knockout, 88 teams qualify to the second round

the 88 teams are joined by 40 teams to make 128 teams, they play a straight knockout

64 teams reach this round, they then play a straight knockout 

32 teams play a regular WC format with GS and KO


Gave it a go and found that the format was good, but no European nations joined. This tournament took place between July - Dec 2021 so I suspected it was because of the Euros. A lot of non FIFA nations where playing. 


Attempt #2 

Went into into the editor and made the WC extinct, changed the dates into the July-Dec 22, and changed reputation from 140 to 200. Gave it another go and it worked perfectly. Spain got knocked out in the very first round, Lewandowski was top goal scorer followed by Halland, and Belgium won the competition. I think I still spotted some non-FIFA nations in the early rounds, but It seemed that every European team made it. Now I just wanted to find someplace on the calendar and play it alongside the WC. I also wanted to remove the GS and make it straight knockout.


Attempt #3

Back into the editor on a fresh database, create a new competition and have it played in July-Aug 2023. Same steps followed as attempt 1 but removed the group stages and replaced it with another round of knockouts, set the teams to 211 as thats the actual number of fifa members and adjusted the stages accordingly. Reputation was set at 200 and then gave it a go. No European nation showed up. All the South Americans and everyone else showed up with their best players and there were no European teams. Even in the teams sections in the tournament, the European nations were listed, and in the injury leaderboards they were also showing, but not in the tournament. I checked the schedule of major nations and no one had any games during the months of the tournament. Some had games in the months of June and September, but no clashes. The Asian and African teams had clashes with their actual tournament, but the game rescheduled their games so they were playing both at the same week essetintly. 



Attempt #4

Went into in the advanced editor, I've never used it so I'm going in blind but I adjusted the prize money for tv and participating and stuff like that. Some small European nations started showing up, but still no big nations. 


Attempt #5 

Went back into the advanced editor and did started freestyling alot of stuff, most notably I made Germany and Austria co hosts, and added in 2 slots for host nations in the teams section.  Went into the game and same result as attempt 4, the final was held in Cameroon so something went wrong with hosts thing as well


Attempt #6 

Back into advanced editor and I went into teams and put bring specific team and choosing France, Italy and Spain. I also continued to freestyle. After saving and testing and getting that sweet valid, i went into the game, and now the competition doesnt ever appear, a number of attempts followed and still the same result. The competition is valid in testing but doesn't show up in the game.  


So I'm going to give it another go tomorrow starting from scratch. And my main questions is how do I get these European nations to play in the competition. Follow up questions includes what would cause a competition not to show up if its valid and how do I make sure the final is actually hosted on the host's stadium

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Impossible to say without a file.

I can name at least 3 reasons issues could occur, but non will help you because if it is not the real reason I am sending you into the brush without a compass.

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5 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

Impossible to say without a file.

I can name at least 3 reasons issues could occur, but non will help you because if it is not the real reason I am sending you into the brush without a compass.

Fair enough. I've given it another go at creating it in the editor. Moved it back to summer 2021 (Sept-Dec) instead of summer tournament just to limit test. European minnows like Malta and Azerbaijan showed up, still nothing from the majors


Below is the file

Nationscup 4rel.fmf

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