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I still remember losing a Champion's League 2-0 final with the xG value being around 4 to exactly 0 in my favour. Sometimes the game's just frustrating!

But on the long run it usually works out as it should. Unless the xG/shot-value is ridiculously lopsided on a more regular basis. Take your screenshot for example: Your average xG/shot is under 0.1, your opponents is 0.18. Their chances have more quality and sometime they'll pay out and those of lesser quality will not. Sometimes such differences in quality just happen but sometimes it is a result of a too aggressive defending that reduces a lot of shots faced but in turn makes those that get through pretty good ones.

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I have this issue with my current Sampdoria team. They are, player for player, easily good enough to consistently occupy the 5th or 6th spot in Serie A. However, we consistently loop weak headers at the opposition keeper, scuff one on ones wide of the post, hit the bar etc etc etc. Meanwhile, our opponents can routinely be relied upon to score a corker from outside of the box. 

We also have a wonderful trait of (for example) losing at home to an already relegated side when needing a draw to secure qualification. When we have a chance to achieve something, we always stuff it up. 

Luckily, I remain sanguine. A lifetime supporting Everton means I have seen all of this before. 

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