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What's going on with the wages in this year's version? Just took the Barcelona Job in 2028 and anyone your trying to sign wants between 5-600k a week. I had Adeyemi at Milan and his agent wanted a new contract he wouldn't go lower than 725k. 

In the Barcelona team there is only 1 player with the squad status of important player and he is on 425k a week. Not ideal. I'd sell him if I could replace him but no chance at the minute. Does the other players signing see my average wage for important player js 425k and therefore request the same?

Tried to sign Gabriel Jesus and he is on something like 180 at Chelsea but couldn't get him to budge lower than 500k a week.

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12 hours ago, jmf1488 said:

Does the other players signing see my average wage for important player js 425k and therefore request the same?

In short, yes. If you're trying to sign "Key" players, they'll want even more than 425k. 

This is a few years old, but a valuable post, imo : 



It's important to keep control over your wage budget and, crucially, the wage structure at the club. In FM20 (and for the most part, FM21 as well) I had self imposed limits on what I offered players. My key players (of which I only had 1 or 2) were at ­£105,000/week (later upped to £120,000/week) and the rest were all lower. This is a third to a quarter of what the truly top clubs pay players, but I was able to compete with them.

Of course, I had players at times want more than I wanted/"could" offer, but I sold those players. There were players I wanted to buy, who naturally wanted more than I was willing to pay, and so I just didn't sign them. In my case, there was a top class 26yo attacking midfielder available. In the prime of his career, but wanted £175,000/week. Yes, it's only 1 player, but the other Key players would have wanted similar, soon as well - we know how quickly players can approach you for a new contract and this would have triggered it. Then, the Important players would also have wanted a little more. Then the first team players. And squad players. In the end, everyone gets a 20-40% bump and my finances spiral out of control.

My example and my limit is obviously extreme, so I'm not saying limit your wages to only £120,000/week, but realise what Neil says in that linked post. The wages you offer to your players have an effect. Other players will want similar, if they're being offered the same status or if they're of the same ability.

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