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[FM24] [WIP] Iron Curtain 1988 - If you rebuild it, it will come.

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After a long term test and check on the newgens that are created, I have stopped the test.

The basic idea is good. No issue with that. However....., there is an issue with the Soviet Union because we have to use the Soviet Union instead of Russia. An added issue is that it generates people with extinct nationalities like for instance Estonia.

So I have continued with the nationalities file (already started during the test) and am now busy finishing up the Soviet Union data. Yes, just like Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union data only cost me two days :)

I had some time away from the computer planned in June for redecorating the house, but due to illness of the people working on it that work has been postponed. It also means I will have all time of the world to continue working.

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@Wolf_pdGood to hear that the test worked and it really is a shortcut that creates a good db. Unfortunately that the Soviet/Russia problem exists. Well, it was worth a try. What if we keep the db filled with players, but ask the game to use fake players?

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30 minutes ago, Jorgen said:

@Wolf_pdGood to hear that the test worked and it really is a shortcut that creates a good db. Unfortunately that the Soviet/Russia problem exists. Well, it was worth a try. What if we keep the db filled with players, but ask the game to use fake players?

Using fake players will only replace the existing names with fake names, so you would get a very good Argentian player called Mancuso at PSG.

But I am thinking about partial deleting.

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Hahaha, I didn't know that. So that isn't a solution. I hoped the game populated the teams with the right nationalities too.

So then partially deleting is an option, but it would feel somewhat strange to have real players and fake players side by side.

What about free transferring them? They still exist with the wrong nationalities ofcourse. But new players will get the right nationalities.

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5 hours ago, Jorgen said:

Hahaha, I didn't know that. So that isn't a solution. I hoped the game populated the teams with the right nationalities too.

So then partially deleting is an option, but it would feel somewhat strange to have real players and fake players side by side.

What about free transferring them? They still exist with the wrong nationalities ofcourse. But new players will get the right nationalities.

Free transferring with nationality adjustment could work. The hardest part is moving the players around. I could handle the compete 16 Soviet Republics in a weekend afterall.

But I agree, having fake and real players next to each is a bit odd. It also could lead to inbalance.

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We will see. It has given me some idea to test some naming conventions for FM though. The Eastern European names were a surprise, but I am going to test them with other regions now as well. Just to see what happens.

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On 28/05/2022 at 10:28, Wolf_pd said:

A test is running with the files. Seeing some improvements, also seeing some less positive things.

The improvements, in general the game seems to follow the rules set in the foreign rules. So China will have no (in one case two foreign players) foreign players. The USSR the same, but English and German teams do have some foreigh players, between 2 and 6. That's a positive.

Then the negative, the namebase for the Soviet names is a mess. It might be because I am using the Soviet Union and not Russia, but the names are based on Eastern European names and not Russian/Soviet Union names. This makes me think the game is looking for names based on the Region and not the language. I am now running a longer test, about 10-15 seasons to see what happens with the Soviet names and what happens with the general balance.

I have a theory - the game creates the names from a) players in the database and b) names in the old name database, which we no longer have access to. Most nations deal OK with not having a) because they stuill have b), but for extinct nations, b) is probably also blank, and so the game tries to fill it the best they can, hence probably getting the names from the general region.

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1 hour ago, Reiver said:

I have a theory - the game creates the names from a) players in the database and b) names in the old name database, which we no longer have access to. Most nations deal OK with not having a) because they stuill have b), but for extinct nations, b) is probably also blank, and so the game tries to fill it the best they can, hence probably getting the names from the general region.

Your theory is correct. Can confirm that based on tests with deleting all items and some tests done for minor nations in Oceania done by a different user who noticed a similar pattern when moving his nation around continents and regions. Can't think of the name of the user, but his thread was really interesting.

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I have continued cleaning up the nationalities and have finished Eastern Europe and am working on the nordics. The nordics should be finished tomorrow (Sweden, Finland, Iceland to do). There are a few really big ones, no coincidence it is the big 5 again… Ok, big 4 as I have already done Germany.

So that means now, counting 55 nations in Europe, I have 28 done with 4 extra former Soviet republics in Asia done as well. I have to see if I am going to check more (not going to do everything!), but that depends on time and amounts. One advantage is that the more data you have done, the better the data for remaining nations is already. So maybe I will move data for England, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal forwards as these are the biggest bunches left. Outside Europe, China and Hong Kong have to be done but these are smaller.

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On 08/05/2022 at 16:43, teamemutest said:

For some strange reasons, Slobodan Marovic is still considered as Yougoslav/Montenegrin, probably someone at SI who didn't check

I was looking at the other Yugoslav players and they are all well-known players so I think it has been more of a visual thing. Set the player as Yugoslav and the second nation as their second nation will mean that if you set him in the history for Yugoslavia that you will have the correct flag set in the game.

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Il y a 3 heures, Wolf_pd a dit :

I was looking at the other Yugoslav players and they are all well-known players so I think it has been more of a visual thing. Set the player as Yugoslav and the second nation as their second nation will mean that if you set him in the history for Yugoslavia that you will have the correct flag set in the game.

Okay, thanks for the information !

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Nordics done, Luxembourg and Belgium as well. Slow progress as I am finishing up for holiday! :)

Luckily that will mean I can really concentrate on fun things soon (this mod ;) )

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After Belgium, The Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the first big one England (about 7000 checks....) are done. Next up is another big one, France (about 8000-9000) checks. It's pretty clear where the big work is (the colonizing nations.... and Italy.)

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France has about 2000 checks to go and then it's in quick succesion Monaco, Andorra and on with Spain. That one should be close to finishing on Friday. I love the speed :)

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Spain is now halfway, while the initial plan was to finish Spain on Saturday. With Italy turning out smaller than I thought (7K compared to the 12K) I expected, I will save some more time, but as my new computer is arriving next week and I need install everything there and get back up running I might lose a week. At least it will mean I will have TWO computers running tests after the new desktop is set up. :D

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Some update news, things are progressing nicely on Italy, which should be finished this week. Then it’s San Marino, Malta, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Israel, China, Hong Kong and some assorted other nations to do. But that will be done next month as my new computer comes in and I want to get that one ready for editing and gaming. The old computer also has to be repurposed for testing which means mainly removing a lot of software I won’t use anymore. So those are the plans for next weekend and next week. But after that I should have two machines set up for testing and my electricity bill will go through the roof :rolleyes:

Finishing the nationality part has gone quicker than I hoped. As I said, the difference between editing in Covid brain fog and now are massive. Something I want to do before setting up the new pc is check on the amount of player movement needed so I have a good idea how much time it would take. Added bonus here as well is that I think I should be able to work with the editor open on both systems. If I set up my screens properly it will even mean I have the two editors on screens next to each other :)

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I worked a little bit harder, so I was able to finish Italy, San Marino, Malta, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Israel, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, South Sudan, Bonaire, East Timor and Eritrea!

Just in time to go to bed and start setting the home office 2.0 tomorrow :)

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Il 29/5/2022 in 23:29 , Wolf_pd ha scritto:

What do you mean?

I mean that you start this DB too late, every year. Today is 26/06/2022 and the DB isn't yet complete: when you can play this?

I don't want to criticise you, this is only miy opinion..

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2 hours ago, PaMi 7 said:

I mean that you start this DB too late, every year. Today is 26/06/2022 and the DB isn't yet complete: when you can play this?

I don't want to criticise you, this is only miy opinion..

Opinion noted.

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Waiting for a final part to arrive for the new computer so working on the old one tonight to check some things. Suddenly I notice that since I have added the Soviet Union, Albania has gone missing....

Oh oh.... In the overview screen where you pick your nations the Welsh flag is missing, but you can select Albania. Selecting Albania will pick the Soviet Union for you though (weirdly enough....). If everything is OK, it should just be a visual glitch that plagued me in IC20 as well, but what I managed to solve.

Edit: Turns out that Yugoslavia is also missing in the nation selection screen, but when you click Denmark, it will select Yugoslavia... This is iffy.....

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I found the offending file, which is a weird one as I have had for some months now without issue. It is likely a file order issue and I hate those! :mad:

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a 10 day pause I am back working on the files. I fixed a minor issue in Portugal 22.3 tonight (The Killer already did the hard work helping me out) and Greece is also close to be doing done in 22.3. Italy is another one for tonight, before I start moving over all files to the new machine tomorrow. It's a beauty!

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Looking into the Albanian problem this morning and where I feared it would be caused by using the Soviet Union or adding Albania, it's not even that.
There are two files active in my test right now, the extinct nations file and a temporarily name changes file and that's what is causing it. Let's see if I can pinpoint it to one file now and fix it, because it is rather annoying.

Edit: It is in the temp file, so that's a relief!

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May i ask you a question, because it was difficult to understand for a non native speaker.
Are you using real players and generated for minor teams or are all players generated?
Thank you for your effort. I love seeing the updates

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16 minutes ago, YugoParty said:

May i ask you a question, because it was difficult to understand for a non native speaker.
Are you using real players and generated for minor teams or are all players generated?
Thank you for your effort. I love seeing the updates

You can always ask questions. I am not a native speaker either, so meaning can be lost along the line.

After Jorgen mentioned the option of removing all players and generating players, I looked into that. In the end I decided against it, as the Soviet Union players ended up with Eastern European names and not Soviet names.

Right now I am using real players only. Generating players will be an option which is free to the person playing the mod.

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After some hard work today, I have finished all Soviet Rules in basic rules, including cups. Unfortunately it means I am not finished yet. First I need to convert the file to 22.3. When that is done and it doesn't show any issues, I have to convert it to advanced rules and then start setting the various playoffs between levels.

There are quite a few actually. The most important being the one between level 2 and 3 with three pools of three teams fighting for the 3 promotion places. Then there are all the promotion playoffs between level 3 and 4 totalling 9 playoffs, or possibly more depending on my appetite ;) But it gets worse between level 4 and 5. Most republics are OK, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan have just one division at level 4 and 5, but Russia has 8 at level 4 and 5, Kazakhstan has 4 at level and 14 at level 5, and Ukraine has 6 at level 4 and 26 (...!) at level 5. So if you ever want a challenge, start at level 5 in Ukraine. Although I think getting up from the Lithanian, Latvia, Estonian and Moldovan levels through the third division level which is shared with Northern Western Russia is going to be even tougher.

The one file I didn't manage to finish (and won't finish this weekend) is the North American Continental Cup file. Yeah, I preferred adding several 1000s of changes to the Soviet file over fixing the North American file :D

Tomorrow a new attempt at North America, a long test on the Soviet file and maybe I will run them on both machines to see the speed difference.

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So no North America tonight. Having a particularly bad night mentally with a lot of brain fog, so it's back to the easy data work to keep me occupied.

After working on a 18 or 19 inch screen it is good to be back on my trusty triple 24 inch screen. You will be surprised how quickly you get used to the small screen though. The 24 inchers did feel big for a bit. Less entertaining is the amount of password I need to set everywhere and I am not exactly a fan of the Windows 11 layout yet. I assume I will get used to it.

Anyway to the editing work, what I have done to limit the move work is decided that all foreign players with a max PA of 50 that play at a level where no foreign players are allowed are released on a free. Reason is that they are not that much, but mean a lot less work still.

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Am 10.7.2022 um 14:28 schrieb Wolf_pd:

You can always ask questions. I am not a native speaker either, so meaning can be lost along the line.

After Jorgen mentioned the option of removing all players and generating players, I looked into that. In the end I decided against it, as the Soviet Union players ended up with Eastern European names and not Soviet names.

Right now I am using real players only. Generating players will be an option which is free to the person playing the mod.

Ah thank god. I think the real players are giving it the spice. Thank you for your effort. 

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On 12/07/2022 at 19:33, YugoParty said:

Ah thank god. I think the real players are giving it the spice. Thank you for your effort. 

Yeah, real players add to the what-if idea.

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In the meantime I am fiddling away removing foreign players from teams. For Italy we are talking about 500 players of 2500 players already done for instance. If (big if) for each nation it is 20% that can be done with just 1 edit, that would make a huge difference in my workload.

Edit: Fun bonus of the new computer is that the search function is so much better. 16GB or 64Gb makes a difference.

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After working through the < 50 CA/PA players which will mean about 2000 less players to check and move, I am now looking into the players with amateur and non-contract status if I want to do the same.

Again, this is mostly for low level players, so will only impact the free transfer player pools and saves me massive time to move players back. We are talking about 5000 players with those contracts (not all need to be moved btw, as they could play in nations that I am not going to touch). I have to chew on this a bit.

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On 16/07/2022 at 18:44, Wolf_pd said:

After working through the < 50 CA/PA players which will mean about 2000 less players to check and move, I am now looking into the players with amateur and non-contract status if I want to do the same.

Again, this is mostly for low level players, so will only impact the free transfer player pools and saves me massive time to move players back. We are talking about 5000 players with those contracts (not all need to be moved btw, as they could play in nations that I am not going to touch). I have to chew on this a bit.

Decided to go for the non-mod nations for now, so all non-mod nationals playing in a foreign competition with a amateur or non-contract are released. After that it is time for serious work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

August 1st, so we are back in business. Nothing fancy to report as I am continueing with data editing and testing.

More interesting is the analysis I have done on the competition that are not working. Conclusion is that I need to revert some stuff to FM20 form to get things working again. That will mean slightly less detail, but I prefer to release a reasonably good product over more delays for details (for the bonus: how many times did Somalia take part in the WC qualy? The answer after the break!)


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On 01/08/2022 at 23:42, Wolf_pd said:

August 1st, so we are back in business. Nothing fancy to report as I am continueing with data editing and testing.

More interesting is the analysis I have done on the competition that are not working. Conclusion is that I need to revert some stuff to FM20 form to get things working again. That will mean slightly less detail, but I prefer to release a reasonably good product over more delays for details (for the bonus: how many times did Somalia take part in the WC qualy? The answer after the break!)

So Somalia did take part in WC qualifying as much as they didn't.

Anyway, after some cleanup of data and finishing the amateur/non-contracts foreigners in Portugal Gibraltar is next and that will mean Greece, Cyprus and Turkey will probably be done as well this weekend. Next to that I am going to (re)fix the World Youth Tournament and I have some finishing touches in mind for basic rules Germany. Germany is another one that will need some extra work in the advanced rules in terms of playoffs. If there is something that would improve FM editing it would a system in the editor that could help you assign teams to playoffs in the basic rules.

But first I need to work as yesterday was a mess of a day and work has spilled over in the weekend. Not planning to spend too much time on it, but I need to think out a problem and do some preliminary tests. Yes, my day job is testing, testing software and testing the patience of developers. I am especially good at the latter one.

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Things went slightly quicker than expected, which means I have finished the work on the amateur and non-contracts for non mod foreigners and have now started with people non contract type set. So that's another 1500 foreign players of 21000 cleaned up. while I am enjoying the Sandman on the side. Luckily I don't have to get down to zero foreigners. Still Austria is going to be a pain (2350 foreig players left) and Italy isn't great either (2000 foreign players left). Next one is West Germany though and that one is already below 1500.

Considering I have about 2500 foreign players that can stay I have 17000 total left to do :)

But first tomorrow some more work to do.

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Tomorrow the first nation will get a complete cleanup.

All foreign players from China will be send back to previous teams. All Chinese players will be called back to China. All loans in China will get a thorough check.

My file says there are 123 foreign players in China, so that's doable for an evening. Not sure how much Chinese return though. Anyway, we will see, this is the real bulky work and the faster it goes, the better. At least the data work gives me some time to fix issues I run into. The editor can still surprise me :(

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Guest Darkness89
2 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

Tomorrow the first nation will get a complete cleanup.

All foreign players from China will be send back to previous teams. All Chinese players will be called back to China. All loans in China will get a thorough check.

My file says there are 123 foreign players in China, so that's doable for an evening. Not sure how much Chinese return though. Anyway, we will see, this is the real bulky work and the faster it goes, the better. At least the data work gives me some time to fix issues I run into. The editor can still surprise me :(


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