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Daniel Evensen

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220 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"


  • Biography
    My FM blog: https://fmprojects.substack.com/

    My FM YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdV2ONR4KpfY0Tjm6Er04JQ

About Me

  • About Me
    Multilingual autodidact. Blogger and longtime FM player.


  • Interests
    Football Manager; Diamond Mind Baseball; Action! PC Football

Favourite Team

  • Favourite Team
    Yanbian FC

Currently Managing

  • Currently Managing
    Mars FC (Chinese Taipei)

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  1. This depends in part on your operating system. I've never gotten the Steam Workshop to work correctly on Mac computers, for example. You've got to know where the workshop saves the files and then copy them to the correct directory yourself. It's not just Football Manager that has this issue. Every game on Steam has similar problems. I'm on Arch Linux now, and I've learned to set shortcuts to find the correct Proton folder right away.
  2. Sorry for the lack of context! Yes, it's about $2,000 USD. The plan is to purchase parts online, mostly through Amazon.
  3. Hi guys, Apologies if this has already been asked - this is a long thread. Any advice for a processor and graphics card that can handle very large databases (i.e. hexagon challenge sized, with every country in the world loaded)? Bonus points if they are AMD, as I'm using Linux. Looking for a new PC build, though right now I'm mostly concerned with figuring out the processor and GPU. Thanks in advance!
  4. Here's an update as promised. I decided to take a little excursion over to Mars FC in Taoyuan, Taiwan. I did this chiefly because I wound up losing the dressing room at PanSa East FC. We'll be back to Oceania soon; don't worry. Here is the latest playlist, if you're curious.
  5. The Big Change Things have changed a lot. It didn’t go well at PanSa, unfortunately. I started to lose the clubhouse quickly, and we went on a small losing streak. I looked around the world, and found myself with an interesting option to move forward. Naturally, I wanted to stay in Oceania to keep the Hexagon Challenge spirit alive. However, there was an intriguing challenge looming not too far away, one that I simply couldn’t turn down. Mars FC of Taoyuan, Taiwan, was in last place in the Taiwanese league when I arrived. They weren’t just in last place, actually. They were in last place with only 6 matches to go, in an absolutely desperate situation. My challenge was to prevent them from being relegated. I had a little bit of money — not enough money to get anybody really impressive (besides, it’s Taiwan: we’re not signing Messi, lol), but enough to do something respectable. Tactic in hand, I set out to do my best. Great Results The results were positive, to say the least. My first match was against Taichung Futuro, the best team in the league — and, as it turned out, the eventual winners of the league. We were in dead last and were favorites to sink like a rock. We won, 4-1. We followed that one up with a 6-3 shellacking of Tainan City. And then came our first close match - a 3-2 victory over Athletic Club Taiwan. We had arrived. Doing it the hard way Of course, that wasn’t quite enough to keep us afloat. After a few draws and some bad luck, we wound up finishing the season in 7th place. That meant we weren’t automatically relegated, thereby saving my new job. However, it also meant that we had to play a relegation playoff battle against Ming Chuang University. We won both legs, though it wasn’t easy. We had two 2-1 victories, two matches that really could have gone either way. And, well that’s how we did it. I came in as a total unknown, a random coach from American Samoa going out on a little vacation. And now I’ve got a reputation for saving clubs from disaster. I think we’ll stay in Taiwan for a few seasons before returning to Oceania. It provides a welcome distraction.
  6. Apologies for the delay - being gone on vacation for a few days has thrown me way off schedule. Do You Believe In Magic? If you don’t believe in magic, you should check out our start to this season. We’ve been absolutely spectacular. We destroyed Ilaoa & To’omata by a 5-1 margin, exacted our revenge on Lion Heart by a 2-0 score, and have been spectacular since. Our only blemish was a 1-1 draw with Vaiala Tongan, and even then we looked like the better team. The plan is working. We’ve had 3 clean sheets, have won 5 of 6 games, and have yet to lose. Dark Clouds Ahead There are storm clouds on the horizon, however. Pago Youth are playing just as well as we are, and keep jumping ahead of us in the standings. We play against them next, and I’m not entirely sure how this is going to work out. The problem is that I released a bunch of the young players we signed from abroad when they started showing consistency and personality problems. Once they were dropped by us, they promptly signed with other clubs, leading to a real Pandora’s Box situation in American Samoa. We’re not the only club with foreign players now — and we’re in danger of slipping away. New Tactic Part of the success came from a new tactic that I designed. It’s a possession focused 3-4-2-1 system, designed to wear down the defense and play the ball up the middle. Ideally, we score goals after holding the ball for long periods of time and wearing out our opponents. It doesn’t always work, sadly. The American Samoan players seem especially prone to lumping the ball ahead and trying to outrun everybody when they are under pressure. Still, we’ve been able to maintain possession for large chunks of time each game. This could wind up being a great success for us in the long run.
  7. The Ultimate Humiliation I had my hopes up, I’ll admit. We came out of that funk looking impressive. Toa Maile scored 2 goals in a 3-1 win we enjoyed over Pago Youth, and then scored 3 more in a masterful 4-0 defeat of Black Roses. We were really close to Lion Heart, and we had a better goal differential than they did. All we neeeded to do was to win out to give ourselves a fighting chance. Game Over Of course, we didn’t do that. We came up against Taputimu Youth for the 19th match of the season, needing a win to stay alive. I went nuts with my transfer policy. I signed the best players from Lion Heart, Ilaoa & To’omata, and Vaiala Tongan. I figured I’d try a scorched earth strategy to prevent them from winning. It didn’t work. Lion Heart won — and then we inexplicably lost to lowly Taputimu Youth. It was a 1-0 loss, but it wasn’t really close. Joe Seong scored in the 65th minute, and we basically rolled over and died. And that was it for our season. The Plan As if our season wasn’t dead enough, a 3-0 loss to Ilaoa & To’omata sealed our fate. We wound up in 4th place at the end of the season, after being up near the top all year long. It’s a long offseason, but I’ve got a plan. I’m going to go around to all of the amateur countries in the world, and will sign anybody who is willing to come along. We don’t have the budget to scout these players, but I’m not afraid to sign them outright to amateur contracts and then release them. Let’s see if we can’t get some sort of super team put together for next season. I’m tired of losing, after all.
  8. Ominous Signs? You know what? I’m actually not sure we’ll win the league this season. The beginning of my worries came with our match against Utulei. We won, yes, but only by the slimmest of margins — an embarrassing 1-0 triumph against the worst team in the league. Our young centerback Hengihengi Pouli scored our only goal, which is the part that stings the most. Even our fan support waned. We only attracted 276 customers to that stinker of a match. We usually have right around 500. The Big One That’s when we faced Lion Heart. Lion Heart have established themselves as our only real competition this season. They came into this match in second place, with 27 points to our 29 and with a game in hand. And, oh man, did they ever beat us. We lost the match 5-2, and weren’t in it at all. After Jermaine Sione scored in the 40th minute for them, Toa Maile came back with an equalizer. Sione scored again in the 64th minute, but Rock Kaleopa game back a few minutes later to tie it up again. And then we just fell apart defensively. Sione got his hat trick, Junior Teoni added two more, and it was a disaster. It All Falls Down We followed that up with two poor matches: a 2-2 draw with Royal Puma and a 0-0 draw with Green Bay. We managed a 5-2 win against the Tafuna Jets to make it somewhat interesting, but I really don’t think we have a chance at doing anything better than second place this season. I’ve got no idea what happened to the magic we had the first year.
  9. This is relevant to my interests! I've been hoping for a good unified Korea file for a while. Looking forward to it!
  10. Back In The Mix We’ve made it back to the top of the league. We’re solidly in second place, right behind Lion Heart — and I think we can overtake them. This season has quickly advanced from a lost cause to something absolutely doable. We started it off with a big win against Taputimu Youth, a team that I always knew we were more than capable of beating. We destroyed them, 3-0. Maybe the defense isn’t so bad after all! 18-year-old Elama Atu had a goal. Atu has risen up as our most exciting young player, by far. It feels like there’s nothing he can’t do. He seems to give the rest of the team a boost of energy when he makes his runs, and is quickly becoming a fan favorite. The Big One We then had the real big one — a match against Ilaoa & To’omata, the team we’ve been fighting with tooth and nail for the past two seasons. I was ready for everything. I thought this was going to be one of those crazy matches that was going to come down to the wire. I thought it might be an all-time classic. It wasn’t, of course. We beat them 3-0. It wasn’t even close. Atu and Maile scored, which is the way it should be. This win has me thinking that we might wind up winning the league this year. Revenge Finally, we got our revenge on Vaiala Tongan. We destroyed them in this match, 5-1. It wasn’t even close. We scored early, and we scored often. We scored goals like gangbusters, and we didn’t take our foot off the gas at all. We do have a good team. I just don’t think we fully realize it yet. We should be winning the league, not drawing a few matches here and there and losing to a team near the bottom of the table. I just hope we can figure out who we really are as a team.
  11. Building Back Up Well, things have been pretty inconsistent since I last reported to you. We responded well to those frustrating early season draws, destroying Royal Puma by a 5-1 margin and crushing Green Bay, 4-1. I thought that we might be able to keep ourselves in the title hunt for a little while longer. Toa Maile was scoring goals for fun, and right winger Robert Kaleopa was getting in on the act. And then the other shoe dropped. We Lost To Them? We somehow managed to blow a match to the Tafuna Jets, losing by a 3-2 margin. Paneta Kuresa scored a hat trick for the Jets in the end. The first goal came near the end of the first half, when we had a 1-0 lead. Central defender Ueli Tualaulelei, usually one of my favorite players, gave up a penalty that I simply cannot forgive him for. Kuresa scored that one easily, added a second shortly after we went up 2-1 around the 50th minute, and then put us away in the 80th. It was simply an awful blow - there’s no better way to describe it. Our title hopes have not necessarily been completely dashed, but it’s hard to imagine us coming back strong from that one. Hatred of Big Matches I think we’ve got a lot of young players on the squad who secretly hate big matches. We followed up that loss by crushing Pago Youth, 5-3, and then blanking Black Roses, 2-0. We played well in both matches, though I worry a lot about the propensity our defense has for giving up goals. My worry is what will happen when we play Vaiala Tongan, Ilaoa & To’omata, and Lion Heart again. We can’t win the league unless we beat the other elite teams, and we don’t really deserve to call ourselves an elite squad until we do so. It’s going to be an uphill road.
  12. Slow Start It’s been a slow start to our third season here at PanSa East F.C. We were up 5-1 against Vaiala Tongan in our first home match, and looked like we were going to win it in a laughter. And then they started to come back. After an awful second half defensive performance on our part, we were lucky to get out of it with the shirts still on our backs. 5-5 was the final score, and we didn’t score a single goal in the second half. I’m not sure if I should chalk it up to our rivalry with Vaiala Tongan, or to poor defense. Whatever the problem is, I hope it doesn’t last. Bad Defense The bad defense only continued from there. We went up 4-1 over Utulei in our second match at halftime, and scored a 5th right after the second half started. I thought that we might score 7 or 8. We had a few matches like that during the preseason friendlies. Besides, Utulei look like a really bad team this year. True to form, though, we gave up a couple of second half goals, barely escaping with a 5-3 victory. We had 10 goals in 2 matches, and yet only had 4 points to show for it. Maybe there’s something in the air. What Next? We followed all of that up with a disappointing 1-1 draw at home with Lion Heart. I’m not sure what to think about our team this season. We’re not horrible, but we also aren’t as dominant as we were the first year. It might be the tactics. It might be some of my transfers. Or it might just be bad luck, combined with unfamiliarity on our squad in general. Whatever it is, we’ll see if we can’t turn this season around. We’re in 6th place right now, which is simply unforgivable.
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