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[FM24] [WIP] Iron Curtain 1988 - If you rebuild it, it will come.

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I have a colleague who speaks Russian and I can read it to a certain extent, but it mostly first finding the book.

No plans to add the Cyrillic names, reason is that it would give issues for the namelength for a lot of teams.

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On 03/09/2022 at 20:09, themodelcitizen said:

I guess the main drawback to that tried-and-tested method is that the game won't instantly recognize that Croatia Berlin vs. Hertha Berlin is a city derby, say, or that a Croatia Berlin academy product who later plays for Hertha should be recognized as playing for his hometown (think of that one press conference question), as the two "cities" each have their own unique ID.

Otherwise it should work, visually, the exact same way. If there's a better method I have yet to encounter it

Have you tried Club Vision? I have done some small tests in the Caribbean and there it looks like you can set a vision to have players from a certain nationality. It works at startup at least as much as creating regens/newgens with the applicable nationality. It's not perfect but seems ok-ish. 

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14 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

I have a colleague who speaks Russian and I can read it to a certain extent, but it mostly first finding the book.

No plans to add the Cyrillic names, reason is that it would give issues for the namelength for a lot of teams.

WHich we already have with east germany, looking at you Betriebssportgemeinschaft Werk für Signal- und Sicherungstechnik Berlin

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@Wolf_pd I found this website: http://www.sscbb.de/text/berlinervereinetreptowkoepenick.html you can select different stadtbezirken
hope it helps


@Reiver perhaps just naming it BSG Werk für Signal- und Sicherungstechnik Berlin (just as we don't write football club as often as just FC)

Edited by Jorgen
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When I get to the Cottbus region I'll have to contend with this (i've posted it once before)



Betriebssportgemeinschaft Lokomotive Reichsbahn Ausbesserungswerk Hermann Matern Cottbus


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33 minutes ago, Reiver said:

When I get to the Cottbus region I'll have to contend with this (i've posted it once before)



Betriebssportgemeinschaft Lokomotive Reichsbahn Ausbesserungswerk Hermann Matern Cottbus

I advise you to post a request thread for the editor.

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On 14/09/2022 at 15:58, Reiver said:

When I get to the Cottbus region I'll have to contend with this (i've posted it once before)



Betriebssportgemeinschaft Lokomotive Reichsbahn Ausbesserungswerk Hermann Matern Cottbus


I'm glad we don't write the name of NAC Breda in the Netherlands in its full meaning

NAC is a fusion club from 2 older clubs, meaning NOAD ADVENDO COMBINATIE
Where NOAD is short for Nooit Opgeven Altijd Doorzettend (Never Give Up, Always Persevere)
And ADVENDO is short for Aangenaam Door Vermaak En Nuttig Door Ontspanning (Pleasant By Entertainment And Useful By Relaxation)
Combinatie = Combination

So it is Nooit Opgeven Altijd Doorgaan Aangenaam Door Vermaak En Nuttig Door Ontspanning Combinatie Breda

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been a bit quiet here since I have not been well lately. However, this weekend I finished up the 22.3 version for West Germany and got some work done on the Czechoslovak players. Work was crowded due to a colleague on holiday the last three weeks and should be a little bit more normal the common days. Next weekend, putting the USSR into version 22.3

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After finishing the Czechoslovak players on Thursday and doing some data editing for the nations, this weekend it is Soviet Cup building. I have the Soviet Cup, the Soviet Super Cup and 15 republican cups on the menu. When those are done it is 22.3 time.

Some other stuff to do outside FM, so hope to finish everything this weekend. And then next time some time is planned for Polish player moves. Unfortunately Poland is quite big.

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12 minutes ago, MBarbaric said:

I still didn't buy fm 22 and don't plan on buying the 23. I was wondering will fm22 be available for purchase once the 23 is out? 

There is a big chance it isn't available anymore via Steam and the other online retailers. I have found older versions via things like Amazon, Ebay and such though.

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Polish players are done and it is time for the big bunch….., the Soviet Union. This is also the last nation where I have to remove each and every foreign player. After that it will be nations where one or more foreign players are allowed.

In the meantime I didn’t manage to finish the Soviet Union for 22.3 yet since my weekend was just too busy, so I will do so coming weekend. And the way things are going health wise I might end up with a few more free days than I bargained for.

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19 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

Polish players are done and it is time for the big bunch….., the Soviet Union. This is also the last nation where I have to remove each and every foreign player. After that it will be nations where one or more foreign players are allowed.

In the meantime I didn’t manage to finish the Soviet Union for 22.3 yet since my weekend was just too busy, so I will do so coming weekend. And the way things are going health wise I might end up with a few more free days than I bargained for.

Your health goes first. FM goes second. Take care and take your time.

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I got an interesting question from a user with regard to the effect of moving all those players back to their original nation. In essence, the question comes down to, does moving them back, make those nations better or does it make the nation worse off.

There are two things to take into consideration.

  • The effect of playing high level football
  • FM

As the Premier League is the place where most if not all high level players are sucked into, I start there. Foreign players playing in the PL will get better as they get better resistance which means they are grow with that or hit their ceiling. So opening up the borders meant players that otherwise would hit a (probably) lower ceiling in their home country can continue growing. At the same time foreign players will take English players jobs. The effect isn't that strong seeing the general level of England the last few years, but Maguire sitting on the bench at Man U, will not make him any better. I don't know if it has been researched, but I would expect a nation where the export vs import of foreign players will see a plus in development if the export goes to mostly superior nations as it is a developerhelper.

FM has a funny role here. We don't change player values, but change a few nation values. FM will react to nation performances, so a boosted Suriname squad with players like Van Dijk and Wijnaldum will improve immensely. Because players like Lewandowski have profited from getting better in Germany, Poland will profit as well. We can't say if he would have been as good when he would played in Poland for a while longer, but that's in the end not our goal.

Anyway, that's my slightly more than 2,5 cents for today. Back to the Soviet Union!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Am 8.10.2022 um 13:03 schrieb Wolf_pd:

I got an interesting question from a user with regard to the effect of moving all those players back to their original nation. In essence, the question comes down to, does moving them back, make those nations better or does it make the nation worse off.

There are two things to take into consideration.

  • The effect of playing high level football
  • FM

As the Premier League is the place where most if not all high level players are sucked into, I start there. Foreign players playing in the PL will get better as they get better resistance which means they are grow with that or hit their ceiling. So opening up the borders meant players that otherwise would hit a (probably) lower ceiling in their home country can continue growing. At the same time foreign players will take English players jobs. The effect isn't that strong seeing the general level of England the last few years, but Maguire sitting on the bench at Man U, will not make him any better. I don't know if it has been researched, but I would expect a nation where the export vs import of foreign players will see a plus in development if the export goes to mostly superior nations as it is a developerhelper.

FM has a funny role here. We don't change player values, but change a few nation values. FM will react to nation performances, so a boosted Suriname squad with players like Van Dijk and Wijnaldum will improve immensely. Because players like Lewandowski have profited from getting better in Germany, Poland will profit as well. We can't say if he would have been as good when he would played in Poland for a while longer, but that's in the end not our goal.

Anyway, that's my slightly more than 2,5 cents for today. Back to the Soviet Union!

We all know, that Yugoslavia will become an absolute powerhouse

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 17/10/2022 at 18:45, YugoParty said:

We all know, that Yugoslavia will become an absolute powerhouse

100%. That's why I have replaced Denmark with Yugoslavia in the EC92 history as well.

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In the meantime, I am still trying to fix the naming convention for the Soviet newgens. The grey names generated do not fill me with confidence. The latest fix which should have been the solution, made things actually much much worse weirdly.

The situation is now that I have managed to get things such that names are used from Russian, Ukrainian, Belarussian, Lithuanian, Estonian and Latvian. Georgian, Azeri and Armenian are not there yet. The same for Kazakh, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Turkmen and Tajik.
The weird thing is that while the first fix made things better, the last things suddenly makes Asian names (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) a thing.... So back to the drawing board.

Or maybe I didn't well enough after the first fix, so I need to check that one again as well.

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And suddenly I realise where things went wrong.

Previously we had less regions than we have now, Central Europe, Scandinavia, Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, UK & Ireland and then middle East and Central Asia where Israel and Kazakhstan were. In FM22 this was expanded where several areas were split up. When checking the generated names a bit more I also noticed Italian, Greek, Turkish and Spanish names. Turkish names are not that much of an issue and the Azeri have some Turkish named players as well. Greek does pop up a bit in Georgia (also history for that), but the others were odd. Unless..... there is regional link between country and names and SI does that. So that means that only Soviet Union can move to nothern eastern Europa and that Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and the Stans will have to stay put. Too bad. But at least it works with 7 out of 15 republics. The name base would have been a real deal breaker for me.

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About three weeks later than anticipated I have finished the Soviet Union in DB22.3. Only reason being my health that has gotten worse and worse.

Long Covid is fickle.

As I planned two days it means i have about 1,5 days to spend on other things to check, research and fix.

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1 hour ago, Wolf_pd said:

About three weeks later than anticipated I have finished the Soviet Union in DB22.3. Only reason being my health that has gotten worse and worse.

Long Covid is fickle.

As I planned two days it means i have about 1,5 days to spend on other things to check, research and fix.

Take care! Take your time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

FM23 is out and obviously I got some PMs asking if we are going to build a FM23 version of the Iron Curtain. The answer to that is No.

We still need to this one and after looking at where our tempo slowed down, the conclusion is, we need an even bigger team to fit the complete build and test inside one FM iteration. You are talking about 1 person doing the player changes, 1 for the USSR, 1 for Yugoslavia, 1 for West Germany, 1 for the international competitions, and then you have some more people doing East Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Albania, Romania, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. We are talking 7-10 people if I am honest.

Can it be done quicker? Yes, but with my health and full time job, no.

Anyway, back to the subject of this thread ;) I have almost finished cleaning all foreign players of the Soviet Union and will be working on Yugoslavia after that. That is the big one.

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Yeah the project is simply way too big. One Iron Curtain every two versions isn't that bad. At least FM 22 is almost an evergreen game, unlike that crappy FM 20 edition (the match engine was objectively awful).

Keep up the good work!

Edited by TokyoWanderer
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You might wonder that if I have around 15000 foreign players to check, how many of those are Yugoslav players that according to the rules should be moved back.

Well, it’s 2500….. so one sixth of the total. The positive thing is that when I have finished those, a lot of work for the others nations is already done!

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16 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

You might wonder that if I have around 15000 foreign players to check, how many of those are Yugoslav players that according to the rules should be moved back.

Well, it’s 2500….. so one sixth of the total. The positive thing is that when I have finished those, a lot of work for the others nations is already done!

Dear Wolf i still struggle to understand you you bring back the palyers to the nations:(

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Ok, to explain how I work.

First I started with the nations that do not allow foreigners to play in their nation and do not allow players to leave, so nations like China, Albania, Bulgaria and Romania.

For every foreign player in such nation I check for a previous team and move the player there
If no previous team is available I look for a team from their city of birth
If no team from their city of birth is available I will pick a team from their local region (if known) or nation.

For every nation's player that is playing abroad the same applies.

Then I started with the teams that do not allow foreigners, but allow their nationals to play abroad.
The same rules apply here for the foreign players, but for the nation's players I limit the player that are moved back based on the age the nation allow their nationals to leave.
This nations are for instance Hungary, Poland and the USSR.

Then it is time for the nations that allows foreign players.
This means I first need to check which divisions allows which rules (in Yugoslavia that's one foreign player), I need to determine for which teams that applies and move other foreigners out.
For the teams that are allowed to have 1 foreign player I need to determine which player is allowed to stay in the nation. Most reasons to move a player are age, nationality and general level.
The assumption is that young players are only transffered if they are REALLY good, so most young players can be moved. Some nationalities are bound not to turn up, so these are moved (US citizens in Yugoslavia? Less than likely) and with the group that is left I check for their PA and CA.

These rules apply to most nations, so that's what I will continue with when Yugoslavia is finished.

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Since Wednesday I have brought back the 2500 back to now some 900 players to check. All players born outside Yugoslavia have been checked. Things are progressing faster than I expected. Added bonus is that players from the former Yugoslav area are in general well researched, so I have enough previous teams to work with. Tomorrow will probably be a quiet day (physio and a lot of boring meetings), but Wednesday should see some more work. I have (some) hope that I can finish Yugoslavia finisehd this weekend, but if not it will be finished next week for sure and then it is East Germany time!

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In the meantime the admittedly smaller sections of Montenegro and North Macedonia have been finished. Next up is slightly bigger Kosovo, which could be finished tomorrow if I have enough time. Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia will take more than one evening, but the weekend allows for some extra time, so who knows.

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Only Croatia and Serbia are left, which are (of course) the biggest of the 7. It is about 10000 extra changes already and finishing the Yugoslav player will probably see me end up close to 200,000. But I now know why Austria has so many foreign players. Well, had...

Also, this is the first time in my list that Italy has more foreign players left than Austria! :eek:

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With some delays, Yugoslavian player movement has been finished!

The last really big job coming up now is the East Germany foreigners and moving East Germans back to East Germany, but then it is on to Western Europe and that will go much faster because of more lenient foreign player rules.

The file is on 192K changes, which is less than expected, but things didn't need as much changes for the last part as it needed for the first groups of Yugoslav players.

Und jetzt ist es Zeit für Ostalgie!

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I am at 194K right now

Edit: Wait, that just the players :P Total is about 520K, but that's without the changes the East Germany and Yugoslavia will get, so this could already be closer to 550K.

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22 hours ago, MBarbaric said:

I am sure you wanted to say Lokomotive Leipzig, right? Or was it Varwarts, or BSSKGMG Leipzig?

Red Bull will disappear into oblivion, where it belongs.

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