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[Suggestion] Manager Speculation


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One thing that's always been a pet-peeve of mine when playing FM is the lack of speculation when it comes to managers. This has improved slightly over the years but it is still nowhere near the levels of real life. First off before I continue, if this has been brought up - I apologize, this is simply something I really want to see in FM in the future.

The Managerial Circus needs an overhaul at all levels of the game, both at the lower level and the upper level. Let me jot down several points where this can be expanded upon:


  • The sack race. Even from before the first match has kicked off or even the transfer window opened, bookies and the media are already talking about who is the first to be let go. A bad first two or three games and your odds sky-rocket. Now I already know there is an inbox email entitled "Sack Race" but it needs to be put in our faces more. More items in the inbox is not really the way to go in my opinion - rather can we have this under "My Profile" or somewhere in our own section - maybe this means having an extra section on the side bar. Updates can come via text messages from our own Personal Assistant - while also messages from backroom staff in regards to our managerial position can also be sent there. Social Media updates, news articles, personal interviews and even a similar "Personal Inbox" could be sent there to track your position in the FM universe. A few bad results or underperforming and we should literally feel that we are in the hot seat... all it is right now is the board confidence may drop a grade or two. That simply isn't good enough, we don't need flashing red screens or blaring horns (though that does sound pretty cool as our managerial careers could melt down) but we need some essence of "panic stations". That comes thick and fast at ALL levels even if the board is extremely patient and slow to act. Social Media and Inbox Messages just doesn't seem to cut it - we should have something like a "Live" feed in our personal section which takes the drama of losing one game or drawing a match we should have won and shoving it in our face (Talksport and other Radio callers for a case in point). Especially if we are underperforming or things are going badly. Even a simple text message from our PA could suffice.


  • Your Manager Section. This is a necessity in my opinion. We need to expand upon the Home Screen and add an additional section which is solely dedicated to us and only us - and rearrange/combine the sub-sections that already exist. As mentioned in the previous bullet-point - there's speculation that would be under here, however far more can be done as well. I want to feel more involved in the game and while small touches like the end of season reviews are nice - I want to get to know more about myself and how I'm perceived in the FM universe. So, can we expand on our stats as seen under "My Profile" - can we even hold on to older "End of Season Reviews" - can we have a CV section where it displays our achievements and that's what clubs/nations would take a look at (expand upon what we currently have). 
    • If we are actively looking for a new job, I want to see what the chances are of myself getting appointed. Or how other clubs who may be sniffing around may perceive me. This is where our Personal Assistant comes in - I feel we can receive updates if we're job hunting on how clubs feel about hiring us. Rather then percentages, we could use color-coded words or sentences on how certain clubs perceive us managers and how desperate they are. 
    • Before taking on a job, I'd like to see information before even going into an interview on what the board is like, information on the club, recent history of the said club, and from the outside looking in provided by my Personal Assistant - what the board, squad and fans are looking for and expecting when going to hire me. We already have a good format available in Player Cards that we see in the scouting department and how fans and the board perceive signings, why not have something similar for us managers and have similar "scouting like" cards that our PA draws up for us managers?
    • Keep Track of Interests. I really want to see a section where on a yearly basis, we are able to see what clubs we've applied for or what clubs have approached us. The main reason is to build grudges and rivalries but another is to keep track of the failures and what can we learn from them. As noted in the above bullet points and will be seen in later points - we should learn from why clubs have turned us down, almost like old reports or scouting reports on players. They should be "filed away" so that's why we can learn how to better ourselves and of course grow to love or hate certain clubs. I can look back and see that I applied to club x a few times and they rejected me for whatever reason... well their rival club y is on the market for a new manager and has an interest in me... you see where I'm going with this? Plus when we are trying to move up in the managerial world and try to manage a "massive club", we can learn why they rejected us from these reports and why they rejected us in the past - learning what the other manager has on his CV that I don't.


  • Your Personal Assistant Should Act like an Agent. We are already used to dealing with agents as they look for what's best for their clients. Why not our PA's do the same? Now I don't mean taking over contract negotiations - but what I would say is they can "help us" by frequently updating us on managerial vacancies and speculation. They also can give their feedback onto what they feel would be best for us. For example: if the board is giving us a difficult time and rejecting our proposals constantly, not giving us transfer funds, etc... despite delivering on expectations - our PA's could voice their concern, saying that we deserve better and could raise concerns to the board about how we feel, and secretly by our permission - leak information to the media. They could also recommend other clubs and say that we would be better off exploring different options and "these positions" may become available in the future. They can also guide us. Say things are going wrong, or we're being too negative in the media - our PA's could help guide us by notifying that the players, board and fans are starting to lose their confidence in us and how the outside world media perceive us.
    • Adding a Data Analyst Spin - With the introduction of the datahub and football being as analytical as ever, let's have a similar approach for when we are choosing clubs to submit our applications for. Now this can be attached to having a "CV" as mentioned in a point earlier, but let's see what clubs may suit us - or why according to the board of a club/nation they may not want to select us. This could be due to a multitude of reasons rather then just "Reputation"; we may play too much defensive football, we may not perform well in cup competitions or our continental record is not good enough. We may not sign enough youngsters, we may be too feisty, or our allegiances may stop us from signing for a particular club (DYNAMIC RIVALRIES). All of this information can be brought to our attention as board members AND ESPECIALLY FANS AS WE ARE ALL SO PETTY, HYPOCRITICAL AND EMOTIONAL will give feedback (or information that is gathered by our PA) and displayed to us for us to digest. This can give a whole new meaning to management and the importance of not just getting results but also how we are perceived... "Death By Media" is an appropriate term to use here.
      • A subpoint to this. In scout reports we have "Pro's" and "Con's". Let's have similar for us, so we have our own report but then the Pro's and Con's of how clubs view us as managerial candidates.


  • Continuously on the Look. Managerial talk always... and I mean ALWAYS occurs. Day-to-day the mood around managers fluctuates constantly from board members to fans and players. Now under "Staff" we already have Job Centre and Job Security - these two subsections should be moved to our own personal section. Here, we can have our PA's give regular updates (or updates according to how often we want) on positions that soon may become available or new open positions. However rather than a "blanket-all" approach (though that is an option), we could set out our PA to update us on managerial positions in particular leagues, clubs, certain nations, home/nation leagues, clubs of a certain stature, etc... Essentially, just like detailing out an assignment for a scout, let's have the ability to set an "assignment" for our PA's on managerial vacancies.
    • There's one avenue which can be expanded upon when it comes to speculation - social media. When you follow certain leagues, players, clubs, have a favorite, say something in a press-conference, and competitions, that alone is enough for rumors to swirl. We already know how the media react when one player "unfollows" or "follows" or "likes" a post, likewise it could be the same for us. When we slip up, say something and then it's twisted or misinterpreted or we start following something - speculation should follow suit.


  • Increase the Speculation on Your Future. The one thing FM lacks for me is the amount of talk and speculation about managers, especially yourself. We get sick of it when it comes to our players, likewise we should also be sick of speculation surrounding ourselves. It also doesn't matter what situation we are in, managers have been the target of speculation across all levels - whether that's speculation about the current season, start of the next, at the end of your contract or far into the future. All managers, including ourselves have ambitions and future goals - so let's tug at those heart strings. Have allegiances? TARGET. Want to manage your home nation? TARGET. Feel you're good enough to manage a big club or in a league? TARGET. Even managers who are set to be at a club for a long period of time, there is always speculation of moving clubs, moving into international management or returning to a former club. This is especially the case if you are overachieving or being "successful" at your current club - when you start to be successful... EVERYONE takes note, so let's actually see that people ARE taking note of you.
    • This should particularly be noted when you draw closer to the end of your contract. Two years left? Well you may have completed all your goals by that time and want to move onto to somewhere else. Down to your final year? Clubs are eyeing you up as they look to possibly bring you in. You know how we target players with a year left on their contracts or even six months? Clubs do the same with managers, and if we are also looking for a new challenge - why can't our PA's bring to our attention manager's who are near the end of their contract and clubs maybe looking to move on to new leadership. The media should be on us when it comes to our future and our ambitions.
    • Also on this topic, why not take advantage of the speculation that is upon other managers? A manager at another club that you would like to manage is seemingly about to move on, your PA can give you a list of possible soon to be vacancies or again, managers who are in trouble and you can jump on that chance.


  • When New Owners Arrive. We've already talked about speculation, and again this needs to be dialed up far more when there's speculation of new owners - which happens A LOT MORE than you think. As well as when official owners take over club whether fully, majority or have a minor stake (or even a gradual full ownership) - there needs to be questions over your future constantly. EVEN IF YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL. So the speculation is one thing, but the other is you being targeted by new owners. Let's say you have the same nationality as the corporation, consortium or new owner of the club - even if you have no chance you should be linked to the job. Your PA should be all over the chance, sending you updates of wealthy new owners that are buying clubs so you can put your name in the hat. How often have we seen managers join clubs who have countless amounts of money (or a lot more then you are used too) to spend? 
    • Ambitions of the New Owners. The media speculation is one thing, in Newcastle's case in point you have mentions of Mbappe and Haaland. But the owner's also do the same for managers too. Especially wealthy owners will come in wanting star managers or enquire into managers who are above their level. Or there may be a new philosophy of the owners that come in, you may fit that bill and even if in retrospect it's a "Step Down", the owners will still enquire or call your PA to see where you stand. So let's make it happen more!


  • Clubs Need to be More Ambitious. There is hardly any approach (unless you're unemployed but even then) by clubs to take a look at you, especially if you are "successful". This absolutely needs to be expanded upon. We already know that there are constant and continuous private conversations that take place between clubs and managers - EVEN THOSE STILL IN LONG CONTRACTS - over jumping ship to manage a new club. So let's have it in FM. The only time you talk to a club is majority of the time when you are the one to make a move (which is seldom at best), or when there is a vacancy open and a club approaches you. Clubs talk with coaches EVEN WHEN THEY ALREADY HAVE A MANAGER IN CHARGE. Let's be tempted, no matter what level it is! Make it difficult to turn down a club. Doing well in a particular country? Well of course the biggest clubs in the nation are going to come calling. Overachieving in a promotion charge? Well someone who is expected to get promoted or in a division above may be impressed with you and believe you are the new manager to achieve their ambitious. Winning everything at the top of the game - OF COURSE REAL MADRID ARE GOING TO COME CALLING. You have a way higher reputation then a club that you're currently managing at or an old club you used to manage comes calling? It happens and can be difficult to turn down (Ancelotti from Everton to Real Madrid for example). After all, who can say no to all that money, all that eagerness from a club who ACTUALLY WANTS YOU, who feel that YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE, and even if you are above a "bigger" club in the table but at a "smaller name" - it must be so difficult to turn down such a big name with that much more resources and a bigger stadium and more fans. 
    • Allow talks to take place between managers and clubs. We've seen this constantly throughout the footballing world. Clubs agree deals with managers whom are already at their current club and then an announcement comes out that you are leaving at the end of the season. (Bundesliga anyone?). Sometimes the media doesn't catch a whiff of it and the announcement isn't made till the end of the season, sometimes the manager or one of the club's talks, or the announcement is made immediately. This could destroy the dressing room (again... Bundesliga anyone) or there could be a tearful goodbye as your players, fans and current club pine at you to stay. (Mourinho from Inter to Real Madrid for example). Pre-agreements do not just apply to players, the apply to managers too - let's make that happen.
      • Let me expand a bit further. Talks can happen a year or two in advance. It doesn't need to be a full blown interview. How about a director calls your PA and has a question or two, maybe "hypothetically" asking how you would feel of managing the club in question. Talks and little conversations here and there over long periods of time could eventually lead to more proper discussions, eventually a club lining you up to take the job as another manager leaves or is sacked. A call could occur in the early part of a season, then again in a few months time, or in a few weeks, maybe a text message or two from a director who is trying to test the waters and where you stand at your current club. By the way not all of this is picked up the media, quite a lot of this is private - so let's take the risk and try and keep these conversations private too.


  • The Managerial Transfers Need to Occur ALL YEAR ROUND. This point is straight forward, but managers get sacked literally at all points in a calendar year. There have been cases of several hours or days, some managers barely last 3 or 4 games and clubs will target anyone and everyone. It doesn't matter if you are in a title charge in another country, another club will see you and want you and therefore make a bid. (Brendan Rodgers from Celtic to Leicester for example). So let's make it happen, some clubs are more trigger happy then others (Watford and Serie A for example), therefore the managerial market should CONSTANTLY be on the go as it feels quite systematic in FM.


  • We Need more than Just Interviews. When being interviewed by a club, there are some good questions - but that's not all there is to it. Quite often, a position is open and clubs accept multiple applications - so if that's the case rather than being head-hunted, we need to convince the club/nation that we are the right person for the job. For me, we need to expand on the interview. In real life, managers have come up with reports, used data analytics to support their management and done presentations to the Board of Directors to convince them that they are the right manager. They layout their ambitions, their needs, who needs to come in and go, how you appeal and "fit the bill" at the ethos of the club and ACTUALLY BACK IT UP. (You see where the CV and Data Analytical points from above are coming in here ya?) While the interviews are good, we should expand the interviews more. One or two interviews may not be enough at times, sometimes there's three or four. Clubs need to grill us on more then what we promise for the club - they should drill us personally, on our philosophies, raise issues and scenarios of "what would happen if" and raise issues on our style of play and future goals. More then what is now. 
    • We may not be able to do presentations or reports in FM (nor would we want to), but we have to have more than just an interview. The CV's can help in this regard and presenting a "Managerial Data Analysis" which proves how you are the right person for the job. Expansion is needed here but for me more needs to be done. 
    • Likewise, our trophy cabinet may simply be good enough. At times there are clubs who are simply just looking for the best of the best. Won a few Champions Leagues? EVERY BIG CLUB should be after you. Won the World Cup? Well it looks like another nation wants you to have that glory. In short, your success and trophy cabinet should have a great influence on clubs wanting you as well.
    • Start to Build Grudges and Rivalries When Clubs Turn You Down. This is a big one for me. Quite often clubs interview managers and it seems like they are the one to take over... and then they board go with someone else. This has occurred countless times and quite often we don't figure it out till years later. So let's build rivalries between you the manager and a club. You could turn down an offer to join a rival, or you could feel hurt by the board and leave to a different club and compete, or you could hold a grudge and never join that club even if they want you later in your career. 


  • Bring More Dynamics to Long Term Saves. As mentioned in the subpoint above when building grudges and rivalries, we often don't find out who was interviewed or nearly sacked till years later in the future. So one thing I thought would be cool for saves that occur over long periods of time is having the opportunity to release "Books" or "Documentaries" on yourself (Just any form of media really besides a press-conference or that text-question thing). Now what influences this and the reach of these things is your reputation of course but this could totally shake up your save as you go beyond a decade or two. You could expose former clubs, interviews that you've had, talk about retired players, staff or even ones that are still playing/coaching currently and that can destroy or build up relationships. This can also bring a new level to dynamic rivalries as you can even talk bad about rival clubs, fans and players or share the "soft spots" that you have. You can also reveal your future endeavors in such things, where you'd like to manage near your retirement, where you want to retire, maybe international management interests you. 
    • I figure this could be done through your PA. Either the media approach you to do it or your PA suggests maybe doing a book/documentary to increase your reputation (and maybe a bit of income) and then you can decide from there.


  • Managing Youth Teams. This is my final point and it has been brought up before, but can we PLEASE MANAGE YOUTH TEAMS. It's almost constant that managers work their way up from managing youth sides to senior sides. We need to have the opportunity to create our own story in this way, we simply don't right now. This can vary in so many ways too, we may not always get the top job like Pep Guardiola or Zidane - but it's very common for managers to build their philosophies at certain clubs, develop their tactical ideologies as they learn from brilliant coaches and managers in charge of first teams as they try to apply them at youth level. (This is where CV's and Personal Philosophies can be expanded upon). Especially with the women's game coming into FM soon the managerial world can explode open as we hope from the men's side to women's side and vice-versa, we should also have the opportunity to raise our ranks at youth level. The expansion on story telling and building you FM universe and managerial career can be so much more detailed then simply starting as unemployed and work our way up. I know this is a difficult task but this for me is one thing I really want to see come into FM soon.
    • A subpoint on this. Can we elaborate further on our Manager Profile? If we select being a former player - I actually want to be able to dictate my career a bit. More than just a "former international", maybe what position I played or what my traits were? How popular was I globally? (for example did I have Zidane's career, Gerrard's or Klopp's? This can also tie into rivalries and dynamics.) This can have a great influence on your career and even where you start out. After all - bigger names means more media coverage and ticket sales which means more income for a club.


That's all for now. If I have more ideas I'll jot them out below.

Edited by seabas3
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  • seabas3 changed the title to [Suggestion] Manager Speculation

Great read!

This is how a feature request should be like, most of us (myself included) normally just writes "Feature X should be in the game", and that's it. Here you've stated what you'd like to see, and then described in detail how it should work, and how it would enhance the playing experience. Superb work, @seabas3. I wish I could upvote it twice, once for the idea, and another for how well-written it is.

And, of course, I'd love for this to be implemented, this would greatly improve the "personal feeling" of the in-game character we create. I wholeheartedly second this.


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4 hours ago, Maaka said:

Great read!

This is how a feature request should be like, most of us (myself included) normally just writes "Feature X should be in the game", and that's it. Here you've stated what you'd like to see, and then described in detail how it should work, and how it would enhance the playing experience. Superb work, @seabas3. I wish I could upvote it twice, once for the idea, and another for how well-written it is.

And, of course, I'd love for this to be implemented, this would greatly improve the "personal feeling" of the in-game character we create. I wholeheartedly second this.


Thank you for the comment @Maaka. Just trying to do my best haha!

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