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[Suggestion] Better use of space on Club Info screen


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Currently, the layout of the Club Info screen has a lot of dead space, which means that for teams with numerous Legends, Icons, and Favoured Personnel you are limited to seeing about 3 and a half of the people on that list before scrolling. They just look tacked onto that screen in a hurry.

Newcastle, on my current save, have 19 Icons. It would be nice to see more of them at a glance.

A very quick cut and paste job on a screenshot, and you can see how much space could be gained with no loss of information. It wouldn't even need to be as large a change as shown. It is genuinely confusing that someone designed that screen to be such a poor use of space...



Edited by JP1990
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  • SI Staff

This screen, along with many others, does vary in its usage of space depending on your resolution. Ultimately, there are going to be times when on a larger resolution that its just a little more stretched to occupy the space. The game can already accommodate the information in a much lessened space - for example:


We do keep in mind suggestions about the UI though and will consider this moving forward.

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