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You've got one or several key players who the rest of the squad look up to but have negative traits.

Check your team report to see who the team leaders are then check their relationships page. If there are red arrows against professionalism, loyalty etc - they are causing this. 

If they are young you might be able to get an older player with more desirable traits to mentor them to reduce these traits. But if they're older you will have to get rid probably.

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Also, press on the description (ie "The peer pressure within the squad will dissuade...") and it will pop up a list of people influencing the score.

@Marc Vaughan I find a lot of people still don't know about this feature (the pop up list of influencing players) even after a year and a half. What do you think about something like this to make it more visible (ie a dedicated icon for areas which have a list of influencing players):


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