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Upgrading Transfer & Contract Negotiations [Suggestion]


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Hey All,

If this has already been mentioned than I apologize. 


I would like to see an upgrade when it comes to negotiating contracts and transfers with clubs, staff and players. Right now the overall process is good and has improved over the last few editions, but what annoys me is when in negotiations - I forget sometimes what clauses or bonuses I've excluded during the negotiation process. 

I therefore have a solution - even though it is tedious, could we have every clause and bonus laid out before hand? For me this is a simpler way to lay out the offers made and see what was offered previously. I also at this point can then remove clauses and/or bonuses and it be very visible that I've done so.

There are a few extra points I would like to add;

  • Can we see some sort of visual cue for "favorable", "important" or "preferred" bonuses, clauses and other components that the club, staff or player prefer to negotiate on or favor?
  • If we do exclude something from negotiations - do not remove it, rather can it be "greyed out" and possible be brought back after a few more rounds of negotiations?
  • I would like some live feedback for the negotiation process. If I have a DoF or other members of the Transfer Committee - can they give me live feedback before submitting a bid? Maybe I add a clause, or bid a bit too high - can one of my staff members help guide me or make a suggestion?
  • In negotiations and someone counter-proposes a contract or transfer - can I see exactly what the differences are? I know we are able to see the previous offer, but right on the same screen - in brackets off to the side with the original "bid" then a negative or positive number which tells me the difference, then the new number next to the clause or component of the bid would be MUCH better in my personal opinion.
  • Can we have a more thorough but simpler explanation of how clauses and bonuses will impact us OR the other club, staff member and player? Some clauses are pretty straightforward, but it is easy to forget and sometimes we do not think about the financial impact of a transfer. It can get a bit confusing at times as well what certain clauses and bonuses mean. We already have notes on the left hand side when entering negotiations or bidding, but can we elaborate with this further or change how that information is presented? Jot-notes would be preferable.


To add onto the financial point of this topic - a re-vamp of the financial screen would be nice. While it is possible to understand, it feels very overwhelming and can be quite confusing. Having detailed, chartered and tabalized information is nice - however much like the Datahub, there should be a simple and clean way to present the information.


This is what I have for now, if I think of more I will add onto this post. 



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