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little bugs that cause great anger


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Hello my friend

I know I've been sending you too many bug reports so far, but now I want to share these little issues that are making me more angry about the game. You probably won't be able to take care of this until the upcoming version of the game, but if it gets fixed in FM24, I would be very grateful. I have created some video files for you to understand what I mean because my English is not perfect and I use translator a lot.


The numbers on this list is same like in my file on OC and have form: "FM community + number + little describe"

To the point:


1) When I am in the table editing window, I scroll through the list of column names to select the ones that interest me to insert into the table. (And it is ok xD)
I cannot scroll the list with the mouse in such a way that the selected item (column name in the list) is outside the visible area of the list. The only solution is to click on an item in the adjacent list and then scrolling works, but that's not how it should work. Similarly, when you click the column name in the right part of this view (it is not there in the recording) then the list on the right is locked on the element that is selected and it cannot disappear from the vision. And the left list "fixes itself".
By the way: selecting multiple items in the list also broke. You can only select one item - in some version of FM a few years ago it seems to me that it was possible to select more items. But adding items from one list to another also worked badly. I write more about this in points 9-11


2) When I revert to FM from another application or folder on my computer by using various hotkeys, the hotkeys I used before reverting to FM22 work.
For example, I have a windows folder open and I click ALT + F4 to close it. The key combination closes the window of this folder, and if FM was the last application I was in before this folder, FM will automatically activate and the application asks me if I want to save the game + if I want to quit the game. As if I used ALT + F4 inside the game.


3) Similarly, when I use the combination (CTRL + WIN + left arrow), which is used to switch the screen displayed on the monitor, then the game catches the combination (CTRL + LEFT) and jumps to another window in the game adjacent to this window that I was viewing before going to another window in Windows.
BTW, thanks to that I found a key combination for browsing in-game items [after so many years of pissing off this shortcut I realized that it was a good shortcut] (in shortcuts it is as 'next objective') (THX).

For example, if I was in my club's player's window, I would change the screen to windows [window # 2] and go back to the screen where game is located [window # 1], the game will jump to the next player on the team. As if I used the combination CTRL + LEFT.


4) When in FM I am in a place where you enter a value, for example in a notebook, using TAB causes moving to the next item in the notebook.
On the recording, when I press too much TAB, I will go to INBOX. However, using SHIFT + TAB to undo a TAB doesn't work at all because you can't assign this value - it catches a shortcut from the Steam platform.


5) In the settings I noticed that the CTRL + F11 shortcut is responsible for the opposite action to TAB, but it does not work properly. 'Interface-Enable Keyboard - Next' is on the TAB button and 'Interface-Enable Keyboard - Back' is on CTRL + F11, but it doesn't work well.
This last shortcut just leaves where I typed the text, and when I use the same shortcut again, it will go back to where I was before clicking that shortcut.


6) With contracts, you cannot increase the number 0 to any other value. Similarly with the value 5.
By the way, I also found an error displaying the value in the window, something got stuck when scrolling the amount and only clicking on a different amount and changing it helped with moving the text in the window with this defective (first) value.
BTW, when I increase the amount from 25 down I get 15 and when I give it up again I have 20, then down I give 10, up - I have 15, down - I get 5 and I can't change it up anymore.


7) The widths of the columns are sometimes too wide.
For example, the value for favorite people sometimes takes one or two surnames, but the column extends to a few or a dozen surnames.


8) When we use automatic column alignment, sometimes one of the columns grows to a very large size (and for no reason).
It is impossible to reduce the width of the last column, it always takes up space from the penultimate column to the end of the window.


9-11) Adding column names: once adds the column names at the very bottom (okay, that's correct by default), other times when we select an item in the resulting list, and then add an item from the source list, it adds items above the selected one element from the result list and adds subsequent elements up, (another time adds elements down - I have not noticed what it depends on, but it is annoying, because I never know whether to add elements to the list in the order in which they should appear, or in the order the reverse - so that they do not have to be added to this result list). Sometimes there is an option to add new elements under the selected element, and sometimes it is possible to add elements above it.

During the recording, I noticed something else: when I hovered the mouse over the list of results (the one I am creating), the last item on the list was always selected, even though I did not click anything.

You can see something like activating this table, because there are circles to the left of the name of the item that I added (when this item is added to the list, the new item does not have this circle - it appears only after hovering the mouse over the list)


Bonus 1

In some places the acceptance by pressing the ENTER key does not work and you have to press the mouse to confirm.

When I notice it again, I will mention it here in the comment, because it concerns some specific place in the game that I will not remember now.


Bonus 2
When I am in the window where I type something, for example I create the name of the view, then I will use the above-mentioned shortcut to switch the screen in windows to window 2 (CTRL + WIN + right arrow) and then return to the game by returning to the first screen in windows (CTRL + WIN + left arrow) is the text that was selected, it will be deselected as if I clicked the left arrow.


Bonus 3
Sometimes returning from windows using a sequence with the TAB key activates a shortcut in the game, which is responsible for moving to the next element in the game, and thus the text that I had selected is deselected and the focus is on another element in the game. Now I don't have a video of it, but like in Bonus 1 - when it comes out again, I'll give it to you for sure.

Just out of curiosity, do you have all my files saved somewhere or do you delete them after time? How much of this have I shared with you? 😂


Let's all build a powerful FOOTBALL MANAGER! ❤





OK, I have an update to item 7. Send video with name 'FM community 07 - columns - update.mp4'
When I have a list with my favorite people, the last column, although it contains short information (the attribute applies to free kicks), gets such a width that it goes beyond the area and you have to scroll to get to it, plus when scrolling the view the number appears at the beginning of the column

Edited by myfunnygame
about oc files
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apropos number 7

I try to have a nice view of the attributes for free kicks - specific positions

and I want to see the player's basic positions and the selected position in the current tactic.

If I add the column "selected position to next tactic", this column will be too large (like u see on picture) than the default width of the window and I need put another column with the same name (yes, we can add up to 3x the same column with the same value 😮) to show the column "selected item "in the place where I wanted:



And this wide column with the same value as the narrow one does not matter to me anymore because I only wanted this column at this point.

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On 14/09/2022 at 08:24, FrazT said:

This forum is not meant to be a platform for identifying or asking for bugs to be fixed.  It is for users to suggest new features for the developers to consider for future versions, so please bear that in  mind.

u sure, but it is something like feature if u will repair something what is not make good in past.


Could u sent this topic to better section on forum?

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A feature is a part of the game that is new and not currently part of the game.  Something that is already in the game and is not working correctly is a bug and should be reported in the relevant subforum of the Bugs forum.  Each bug would need to be reported separately so check with the Bug posting guidelines for help with this.

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  • SI Staff

You've clearly invested a lot of time in the post, which is great to see. As FrazT mentions though, these would be classed more as bugs and feedback matters rather than feature requests. Making something work correctly isn't something you should have to ask as a feature of the game after all. Should issues like these still not be rectified in FM23 when you get your hands on it, then hearing about these issues in the bug tracker would be of great help.

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