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FM23 Headline Features Revealed

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thoughts on Zealand video 

  • Experience Matrix - Looks great and V good well thought out QoL addition 
  • Same for the new scouting and near misses
  • Inside the game the ball goes in the air more. 
  • The game is more chaotic - brilliant. By the sounds of it the inaccruacy brought in last year has been refined. Passing are misplaced more which im hoping is caused by pressing. 
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3 minutes ago, CFuller said:

I have a laptop from 2010. It was a high-end 21st-century gaming laptop at the time, but it cannot run FM22, let alone modern games (I now only use it for non-gaming stuff).

Anyway... I think your comment just smells of snobbery and entitlement.

You might have an ultra-modern gaming PC - or at least be in a position where you can upgrade to one - but not all of us are as fortunate. Not all of us can afford to invest in new hardware or PCs on an annual or even biennial basis.

Also, I'm pretty sure a sizeable chunk of the community bought their laptop just to play FM. Even if they could afford to upgrade, they likely wouldn't want or need to. You might be happy to freeze out those customers so the game can look prettier for you, but SI will look at the bigger picture, and they may not want to take that risk until they feel the investment is worth it.

Calling those customers "cheap skates" or selfish or calling SI's decision to cater to them a "scam" is totally uncalled for. They are not the problem.

SI aren't catering to customers who can't afford high-end laptops by stripping back the game; they're skirting on the brink of the acceptable minimum for new features because they know people will continue to pay full price for the product irrespective of whether it improves year-on-year. They could invest tenfold resources into improving the game by the same factor, but that wouldn't even double their sales - it's the same process with EA and FIFA. FIFA fans complain of the same thing we're seeing with FM: zero meaningful improvements to new iterations, several aspects were actually better five/ten years ago, and multiple features have been inexplicably pulled over the same time frame. 

Minimise expenditure whilst maximising profit is the name of the game for any business; FM has perfected the foundation of the game in terms of ME and database realism & realised you don't need to keep adding brilliant new features on top of that to drive profit. Topping up your licences and adding minor cosmetic changes a la FIFA each year is enough to keep the money rolling in.  

This year is the most brazen example of this yet - a testing of the waters to see how little you can improve a product and repackage it as something different. I'm sure the addition of women's football in FM24 / FM25 will be enough to see the game continue to make vast sums of money under the guise of improvement. 

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11 minutes ago, aj6658 said:

One thing ive noticed is how many long shots there are

If it's increased compared to FM22 that will be really annoying. If I don't have "Work ball into box" instruction ticked then I have to set "Shoot less often" PIs for everyone except my centre backs, and even then players are taking too many long shots for my liking.

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43 minutes ago, BuryBlade said:

Tbf, in this video Zealand highlights his frustration that set pieces and international management have not been touched or improved at all. 

I can't wait to endure another year of unfixed set piece bugs where half of my players are nowhere near where I instruct them to be, like my left back set to Stay Back going to the right wing to recieve a short throw by the opposition's corner flag 😍😍😍

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26 minutes ago, aj6658 said:

One thing ive noticed is how many long shots there are

Was it 20 where the beta was well-regarded besides the long-shot issue and the full version completely changed everything around?

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1 hour ago, Mars_Blackmon said:

I literally got bombard with the same type of video from numerous FM channels…Is this SI’s way of marketing the game? SMH.

Basically yeah, it seems like they've seen a backlash they've never experienced before and paid the big FM 'influencers' a few quid to say some good things about the game after they previously made videos saying they were underwhelmed by the headline features

They've not even spread out the time of the releases, all in one go.


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44 minutes ago, KeiranShikari said:

I wish he used a more middling/poor team to show it off.  From the goals he showed it was clearly a side mostly on the front foot which you would expect from that Burnley side.



He couldn't help himself showing all the great goals scored rather than the defending preventing goals!

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19 minutes ago, KeiranShikari said:

They don't....directly. They all want access and contact with the studio so they're never going to say anything that will burn bridges.  It's also their livelihood so they're naturally not going to downplay it.

The fact Zealand and others are feigning excitement about things like that should tell you where they're at.  I've noticed that none of them have really spoken about the AI managers which is disappointing. 

Look at the things they're showing, less the things they're saying. To me it looks like a better rounded version of the last game but there's obviously no major improvements. Just hope it's match engine is balanced. 


Zealand and Benji mix in a fair bit of criticism and disappointment with their enthusiasm.

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10 minutes ago, phnompenhandy said:

Zealand and Benji mix in a fair bit of criticism and disappointment with their enthusiasm.

Only really on the stuff the audience know they aren't happy with. 

My gut feeling is they've sidestepped stuff they'll be criticising in a few weeks time. Obviously it's an alpha but you know how these ads (but not ads) work. 

Can't remember which one of them it was but the guy who was covering the fan stuff. He got Wimbledon promoted to league 1 and went to round 3 or 4 in the cup and his social media following doubled. That's clearly......too dynamic but it was glossed over in the video.

I might sound overly negative but I'm just saying what I see. I'm also looking forward to the game so yeah.

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2 hours ago, Robspierre said:

This year is the most brazen example of this yet - a testing of the waters to see how little you can improve a product and repackage it as something different. I'm sure the addition of women's football in FM24 / FM25 will be enough to see the game continue to make vast sums of money under the guise of improvement

Slow down, the new new version isn't even out yet, give it a chance!

The new match engine looks good, the 'chaos modifier' should be very interesting and make it much more like real football.

It's a great idea and player attributes may be a factor in how much chaos occurs with any particular player?

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 This year they took the fifa route and its basically a rooster update with some tweaks on features . this is not worth the full price .
And a clear example that SI takes its fans for granted has there's no competition to speak off .
Has a long time fan this is by far the most disappointing FM i have seen so far , no feature roulette this year  like previous FMs had , because there's nothing to show .

ME visually still looks horrendous 
Set Piece creator looks like there's no improvements 
International Management untouched 
UI and UX still look like Excel on steroids 
All that money paying off influencers should had been spent on you know actually improving the game 

Edited by Aim_Less
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3 hours ago, KeiranShikari said:

DrBenjy - We'll need 1 or 2 hundred hours in the game to see if defensive football is viable.

Looking forward to Zealand's 'low block was a lie' video in 6 months time.

This is why i rather have official in depth videos showing of this stuff instead of content creators. 

Beta would probably be out by Friday and they only released 1 video about the game and none of it was gameplay lol

Edited by Mars_Blackmon
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2 hours ago, aj6658 said:

Pretty out of order comment. 

If you use you computer for the bare basics like watching netflixs and browsing the web and also like playing FM, you cant expect someone to fork out a few hundred solely to play one game . Particularly in this day and age

That's your perogative if you don't wish to invest a few hundred to play one game. If you're a gamer you buy a gaming laptop. In this day and age most AA games don't consider keeping the graphics the same because people use old consoles or pcs. There would be no PS5 or xbox series X pushing the boundaries because there are some customers who still play ps1 and ps2


3 hours ago, CFuller said:

I have a laptop from 2010. It was a high-end 21st-century gaming laptop at the time, but it cannot run FM22, let alone modern games (I now only use it for non-gaming stuff).

Anyway... I think your comment just smells of snobbery and entitlement.

You might have an ultra-modern gaming PC - or at least be in a position where you can upgrade to one - but not all of us are as fortunate. Not all of us can afford to invest in new hardware or PCs on an annual or even biennial basis.

Also, I'm pretty sure a sizeable chunk of the community bought their laptop just to play FM. Even if they could afford to upgrade, they likely wouldn't want or need to. You might be happy to freeze out those customers so the game can look prettier for you, but SI will look at the bigger picture, and they may not want to take that risk until they feel the investment is worth it.

Calling those customers "cheap skates" or selfish or calling SI's decision to cater to them a "scam" is totally uncalled for. They are not the problem.


You can do what you want, but I don't see why a gaming company to should cater to a minority who are unwilling or can't afford to buy a new laptop. Mobile phone companies don't refuse to upgrade because some people still use motarola and nokia phones.

You don't need to upgrade a pc annually, I upgrade my pc every 5 years, to keep up with games in the new era. If you are unwilling to invest to play even one game and you're buying office based laptops that can only handle word, netflix and other streaming that's your choice., Expecting gaming company to downgrade, remain stagnate and not evolve,because you made that choiceis  is what I call selfish

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33 minutes ago, 2feet said:

Slow down, the new new version isn't even out yet, give it a chance!

The new match engine looks good, the 'chaos modifier' should be very interesting and make it much more like real football.

It's a great idea and player attributes may be a factor in how much chaos occurs with any particular player?

What's the 'chaos modifier'? Must've missed this

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3 hours ago, CFuller said:

I have a laptop from 2010. It was a high-end 21st-century gaming laptop at the time, but it cannot run FM22, let alone modern games (I now only use it for non-gaming stuff).

Anyway... I think your comment just smells of snobbery and entitlement.

You might have an ultra-modern gaming PC - or at least be in a position where you can upgrade to one - but not all of us are as fortunate. Not all of us can afford to invest in new hardware or PCs on an annual or even biennial basis.

Also, I'm pretty sure a sizeable chunk of the community bought their laptop just to play FM. Even if they could afford to upgrade, they likely wouldn't want or need to. You might be happy to freeze out those customers so the game can look prettier for you, but SI will look at the bigger picture, and they may not want to take that risk until they feel the investment is worth it.

Calling those customers "cheap skates" or selfish or calling SI's decision to cater to them a "scam" is totally uncalled for. They are not the problem.


Technology moves forward , 10 years is  a lot in the computer world . Only someone completely oblivious to the world would think a piece of hardware bought that long would be up to task 12 years latter 
there's  a thing called graphics settings that can reduce load on the graphics hardware  , and to be honest the ME visually is 20 years behind technology  wise .


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Here's an indepth video on the new match engine graphics and aminations and dont want to be a negative nancy but geniunely looks exactly the same as fm22 graphically. The ball bobbles more and finishing looks a bit more cleaner, other than that I don't see what could not have been added during a patch


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16 minutes ago, Ferocious289 said:

That's your perogative if you don't wish to invest a few hundred to play one game. If you're a gamer you buy a gaming laptop. In this day and age most AA games don't consider keeping the graphics the same because people use old consoles or pcs. There would be no PS5 or xbox series X pushing the boundaries because there are some customers who still play ps1 and ps2



You can do what you want, but I don't see why a gaming company to should cater to a minority who are unwilling or can't afford to buy a new laptop. Mobile phone companies don't refuse to upgrade because some people still use motarola and nokia phones.

You don't need to upgrade a pc annually, I upgrade my pc every 5 years, to keep up with games in the new era. If you are unwilling to invest to play even one game and you're buying office based laptops that can only handle word, netflix and other streaming that's your choice., Expecting gaming company to downgrade, remain stagnate and not evolve,because you made that choiceis  is what I call selfish

  • Not all FM players are gamers. Some just play football manager 
  • They're not catering to a minority. There a large % who people have weaker machines
  • Consoles are completely different as they come every 7-10 years otherwise you're fine for that time 

Calling some cheapskate cos they have a weaker laptop is arrogant and you're sounding like a twit. 

I agree that we should be pushing the game further and that having such a low spec benchmark holds it back but really F off with this arrogance  

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4 minutes ago, aj6658 said:
  • Not all FM players are gamers. Some just play football manager 
  • They're not catering to a minority. There a large % who people have weaker machines
  • Consoles are completely different as they come every 7-10 years otherwise you're fine for that time 

Calling some cheapskate cos they have a weaker laptop is arrogant and you're sounding like a twit. 

I agree that we should be pushing the game further and that having such a low spec benchmark holds it back but really F off with this arrogance  

You could easily buy an old office pc with a quad core for about £200 and buy a £50 graphics card to slot in to play all the FM's fine. 

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vor 1 Minute schrieb IrrelevantLion:

You could easily buy an old office pc with a quad core for about £200 and buy a £50 graphics card to slot in to play all the FM's fine. 

In some Nations £250 is about the monthly average income. Keep that in mind.

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7 minutes ago, aj6658 said:
  • Not all FM players are gamers. Some just play football manager 
  • They're not catering to a minority. There a large % who people have weaker machines
  • Consoles are completely different as they come every 7-10 years otherwise you're fine for that time 

Calling some cheapskate cos they have a weaker laptop is arrogant and you're sounding like a twit. 

I agree that we should be pushing the game further and that having such a low spec benchmark holds it back but really F off with this arrogance  


7-10 years? nah

PS4 - 2013
PS4 pro - 2016
PS5 -2020

And i have my doubts that the large portion is using old machines , has the pandemic shown lots and lots of people had to get new hardware to work from home 

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17 minutes ago, Aim_Less said:


Technology moves forward , 10 years is  a lot in the computer world . Only someone completely oblivious to the world would think a piece of hardware bought that long would be up to task 12 years latter 
there's  a thing called graphics settings that can reduce load on the graphics hardware  , and to be honest the ME visually is 20 years behind technology  wise .


Exactly this. I hate this whole "but FM isn't there for the graphics"-stigma. Nobody expects or should expect FIFA or Virtual Football Pro-esque graphics from FM. But I wonder if it should really be that difficult to create a FM-game that doesn't have the graphics looking like I'm playing RollerCoaster Tycoon, released in 1999. Even if it would just be improving the textures and objects, without touching the movement of the players. I see first-year college students in software engineering creating more realistic people.

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Just now, Aim_Less said:

7-10 years? nah

PS4 - 2013
PS4 pro - 2016
PS5 -2020

And i have my doubts that the large portion is using old machines , has the pandemic shown lots and lots of people had to get new hardware to work from home 

Do you know what a generation is? 

Xbox 360.- > 2005 - 2014 (Xbox one came out in 2013 but cross gen still occurred after) 9 years 

Xbox one - > 2013 - 2021 - 7 years 

Please dont try using the PS4 pro as a different console. Its the same generation. its just an update. No game was made for the PS4 pro that couldn't be played on PS4 

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21 minutes ago, aj6658 said:
  • Not all FM players are gamers. Some just play football manager 
  • They're not catering to a minority. There a large % who people have weaker machines
  • Consoles are completely different as they come every 7-10 years otherwise you're fine for that time 

Calling some cheapskate cos they have a weaker laptop is arrogant and you're sounding like a twit. 

I agree that we should be pushing the game further and that having such a low spec benchmark holds it back but really F off with this arrogance  

If you play a games even if it's just one, you're a gamer. If people have a weaker machine, there are options to have graphical slider settings to set low settings so your pc/laptop can handle it which helps avoiding infringing on the those who have the laptops capable of running higher graphical demands.

If you want to dimiss consoles you can, look at  indie gaming companies as well as AA games they don't stop making graphical improvements because some customers are using old weak machines.

I don't see the need to call me a twit and arrogant when I'm simply stating facts. It doesn't cost that much money to buy a laptop that is an improvement from a laptop that was made back in 2010. Like I said, if you have a nokia or motorola and expect apple, or samsung to stop making smart phones because there are people still using those ancient phones, then technologically there will never be any advancement

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31 minutes ago, Aim_Less said:

7-10 years? nah

PS4 - 2013
PS4 pro - 2016
PS5 -2020

And i have my doubts that the large portion is using old machines , has the pandemic shown lots and lots of people had to get new hardware to work from home 

PS4 to PS4 Pro is not a 'generation' it is an update on the machine, nothing more.


PS3 release date: November 2006

PS4 release date: November 2013

PS5 release date: November 2020


See a pattern? A lot of people who got new hardware to work from home won't have bought a top end gaming PC will they?

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4 minutes ago, Ferocious289 said:

If you play a games even if it's just one, you're a gamer. If people have a weaker machine, there are options to have graphical slider settings to set low settings so your pc/laptop can handle it which helps avoiding infringing on the those who have the laptops capable of running higher graphical demands.

If you want to dimiss consoles you can, look at  indie gaming companies as well as AA games they don't stop making graphical improvements because some customers are using old weak machines.

I don't see the need to call me a twit and arrogant when I'm simply stating facts. It doesn't cost that much money to buy a laptop that is an improvement from a laptop that was made back in 2010. Like I said, if you have a nokia or motorola and expect apple, or samsung to stop making smart phones because there are people still using those ancient phones, then technologically there will never be any advancement

What do you class as not much money to spend on a really good gaming laptop that can handle AAA games? 

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2 minutes ago, paddypower said:

If there's a graphics upgrade make it an option to use the current graphics. Everyone wins, even the 2003 dual cores. It's a crap excuse.

Don't see how it is a crap excuse. Every game out there has 'minimum' requirements. If we are using FIFA as an example, which seems to be the way people want FM to go, a dual core wont run it, so it would rule them out - you are not able to make the graphical settings that wide in any game.


And the argument is irrelevant. SI will know exactly what % of their customers are using what hardware. They obviously know that by improving graphics they would potentially loose a lot of players so have decided not to do it.

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2 minutes ago, davehanson said:

What do you class as not much money to spend on a really good gaming laptop that can handle AAA games? 

There are people still using laptops from 2010. In the space of 12 years, you think it's impossible for a working man to cough up at least 1k to buy a gaming laptop?

Anyone who has a home,a job, heating and internet should be able to afford to buy a 1k-1.5k gaming laptop

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3 minutes ago, davehanson said:

Don't see how it is a crap excuse. Every game out there has 'minimum' requirements. If we are using FIFA as an example, which seems to be the way people want FM to go, a dual core wont run it, so it would rule them out - you are not able to make the graphical settings that wide in any game.


And the argument is irrelevant. SI will know exactly what % of their customers are using what hardware. They obviously know that by improving graphics they would potentially loose a lot of players so have decided not to do it.

Yes you can. It's not a slider to adjust shadows I'm talking about. It's a complete option just like how we can still choose 2d if we wish. 2D, Classic 3D, Modern 3D. Everyone happy.

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Just now, Ferocious289 said:

There are people still using laptops from 2010. In the space of 12 years, you think it's impossible for a working man to cough up at least 1k to buy a gaming laptop?

Anyone who has a home,a job, heating and internet should be able to afford to buy a 1k-1.5k gaming laptop

So you think spending 1.5k on a laptop is reasonable then? What about students? What about people on minimum wage - 1.5k is potentially more than a months income to someone. So, no I would not say that is reasonable.



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18 minutes ago, Ferocious289 said:

If you play a games even if it's just one, you're a gamer. If people have a weaker machine, there are options to have graphical slider settings to set low settings so your pc/laptop can handle it which helps avoiding infringing on the those who have the laptops capable of running higher graphical demands.

If you want to dimiss consoles you can, look at  indie gaming companies as well as AA games they don't stop making graphical improvements because some customers are using old weak machines.

I don't see the need to call me a twit and arrogant when I'm simply stating facts. It doesn't cost that much money to buy a laptop that is an improvement from a laptop that was made back in 2010. Like I said, if you have a nokia or motorola and expect apple, or samsung to stop making smart phones because there are people still using those ancient phones, then technologically there will never be any advancement

Im not arguing against the need for strive for better. I have agreed with your points and have made them myself.

The phones analogy is a really bad way of arguing it - it doesn't make sense. That whole argument is about competition and doing something better and making money from it. FM is a niche product. only 2m sold so if someone came in wit all the costs, the a confirmed market of 2m


My issue is calling people cheapskates 

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Just now, paddypower said:

It absolutely does, what on earth are on you about? I have an old mid tier PC and I can't play my games in 4k. I can choose and play with the lower settings though...

Right, but to load the game your PC has to meet minimum requirements or it won't even load - correct? 

To load FM your PC has to be capable of running the 3D ME regardless of if you use it or you still use 2D. Doesn't matter how 'choppy' the 3D engine would run, just has to be that your machine can run it.

Now add in 'another' 3D ME - a much better one with much nicer graphics etc - your 10 year old laptop still has to be capable of running it before the game will load. See.


Either that or you are now asking SI to make and sell 2  different FM's with different ME's.

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17 minutes ago, davehanson said:

PS4 to PS4 Pro is not a 'generation' it is an update on the machine, nothing more.


PS3 release date: November 2006

PS4 release date: November 2013

PS5 release date: November 2020


See a pattern? A lot of people who got new hardware to work from home won't have bought a top end gaming PC will they?

the fact that pro versions exist means that consoles cant keep up . you can find a 300£ laptop that can handle this game , you don't need an high end pc to enjoy gaming and certainly not FM 

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Just now, Aim_Less said:

the fact that pro versions exist means that consoles cant keep up . you can find a 300£ laptop that can handle this game , you don't need an high end pc to enjoy gaming and certainly not FM 

I'm not saying if consoles can or can't keep up - I couldn't care less. You used '7-10 years, nah', then tried to 'invent' the PS4 pro as being a new gen console when it wasn't.

And, yes you are correct. A £300 laptop will play FM in it's current form perfectly well. You won't play AAA games on it though, and if people want FM to improve graphics then it is doubtful that a £300 laptop would continue to cut it.

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