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[Request] Players comparison using CA stars or using verbal - three options


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First, this issue has been in discussions/requests before. Even by me. Now, something new, something totally different...


In earlier discussions there has been opinions how good stars are in presenting players' quality. And, of course, there are also those who think stars are not good at all.

My problem was, when my team was promoted, and I had to find new players who were better than any of those old ones - new ones got only five stars CA - NOT helpful.


Think, what kind of orders you would give to your scout in different situations, and there is also your answer...

       - We have to find a better playmaker.                                                                                         -> comparison to your own team's players               (situation like now)

    - Our GK isn't good enough. Find GK that would be in top 5 in this league.                         -> comparison to all GK's in this league                           (You would get a list with top half GK's in this league added with those that scout has found.)

     - We'll get promoted. Start finding a decent playmaker for the next year.                           -> comparison to one league level up players           (Like when VNL South team needs at least two stars VNL playmaker.)  (Even 'Scout Assignment' 'First team player' isn't that helpful here.)

       - We'll get relegated. These players cost too much. Find good ones for the next year.         -> comparison to one league level down players              (Comparising to your current players isn't reasonable, but.. to supposed next year's, one league level down, players' quality is what you need!)


You should be able to give orders for your scout relative to what you are looking for! There should be at least these four options:      current team, current league, and one league level up/down.

MAYBE - when your team has reached, for example, some UEFA league, you might want to find an extra quality player for that.


I know - every new enhancement for FM should have some plus and minus effects.

Situation like now - your scouts know your players, so they don't have to make any extra work when starting these 'vanilla' assignments. Everything stays as they are now.

When assignment is for this league or one league level up/down, it would take (maybe) one-two days extra time to do research on that league and those players (to be able to compare). So, more complicated job - needs more time!

(So, when a scout researches quality of players' in one/two positions (like with Wingers), and one league level up/down, it means about 20 teams * 1-2 positions * 1-2-(5) players = a lot of work. 1-2-(3) days extra work for research.)

MAYBE - if that possibility to UEFA league etc. is included, your orders for scout could also be relative to that league.


The third option - NO stars at all. Verbal, maybe?

I can live with those stars, but SI should ask players who don't like them, what else there could be. Or, if those players would like to solve this problem with changing skin, or something.

I have thought one solution - there could be a verbal   "level / scout's opinion best / worst"  mixture. So, NOT just  "poor, decent, average, good, excellent", but also something like

"top 3 talents", "best overall playmaker", "our corner specialist", "can play in 6 positions", "deteriorating", "gets only slower", "has moods", "injured a lot", "wanting to leave?", "can't afford him"

So, a bit like scouts' opinion on player's main strength, these could be "calculated" using all the data. But also issues like "will only to play in position X" could be taken into account.

And I think that most of these pieces of info are ALREADY scattered there in different views - here only the most meaningful - positive or negative - would be shown!


Results of reseach would be done with stars AND a definition what was that assignment (like, 'tall CB with good heading for first team' or 'decent CMF playmaker for VNL'), or it's verbal. It would be the player that could choose.


That's all from me now. Please, write comments - do you think everything is good the way they are now, or is there something that needs to be done with scouting and stars there.

And, if you think, that something needs to be done, VOTE FOR THIS! That's the only way this get's recognition by SI.

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IUt would be good to be able to scout for players in anticipation of a promotion / relegation from your current league.

The number of stars you should select for such an assignment I don't know.


If there was a criteria option in the game for assignments like this, that would be helpful.

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  • SI Staff

In addition to the stars ratings when it comes to the presentation of information about players players there are also letters, and even a numerical 1-100 system. 

You aren't locked into stars across the board, and its worth keeping in mind that all of these ratings are just projections of in-game staff opinions. 

Do scout reports not currently fill the void of providing written descriptions about aspects of a players game? They're rather short but in their current incarnation they're quite to the point and concise by design. Putting forth three competing ideas makes it a lot more difficult to gauge. I'd like to ask what is your preferred implementation and put that forward on its strongest foot. 

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1 hour ago, Michael Sant said:

I'd like to ask what is your preferred implementation and put that forward on its strongest foot. 

First, thanks for answering.  Second - I mentioned verbal only, because some players don't like stars in FM. I'm not one of them.


FYI, I'm not an expert with FM - in any way. In every game I've started I have to seek some help. And, I like stars. For me it's a way to keep players' folders 'in order'. It's a bit like when a scout would have left me a bunch of folders, and there's a few with a note "Check these first."

--  --  --  --

BTW, how does a scout decide, what range of stars count he will use in any report? Is that stars range desided for every report, or is it "locked" somehow? Is it based on our teams players' quality at that time? If scout scouts an opponent team, what about then - their 3 stars is about equal to our 3 stars?

--  --  --  --

In my original post I told about my difficulties in my early career. That team had just promoted, and when I ordered scouts to search 'fits First team' players, all suggested players were good or leading, BUT ONLY in that last year's league. Not nice!


When I rethink my idea, I'm realising, that maybe it isn't the STARS that are an insufficient way - it's the ORDERS that I can give to a scout. In the end, if I check every scouting report one by one, those stars work fine. All that I need is to know, what is the assignment, or what means if someone has three stars...

(It will cause problems, if there is a list where players' stars counts are not comparative.)


Part of the original

On 02/10/2022 at 03:20, rristola said:

Think, what kind of orders you would give to your scout in different situations, and there is also your answer...

       - We have to find a better playmaker.                                                                                         -> comparison to your own team's players               (situation like now)

    - Our GK isn't good enough. Find GK that would be in top 5 in this league.                         -> comparison to all GK's in this league                           (You would get a list with top half GK's in this league added with those that scout has found.)

     - We'll get promoted. Start finding a decent playmaker for the next year.                           -> comparison to one league level up players           (Like when VNL South team needs at least two stars VNL playmaker.)  (Even 'Scout Assignment' 'First team player' isn't that helpful here.)

       - We'll get relegated. These players cost too much. Find good ones for the next year.         -> comparison to one league level down players              (Comparising to your current players isn't reasonable, but.. to supposed next year's, one league level down, players' quality is what you need!)


You should be able to give orders for your scout relative to what you are looking for! There should be at least these four options:      current team, current league, and one league level up/down.

MAYBE - when your team has reached, for example, some UEFA league, you might want to find an extra quality player for that.


In my opinion, you should add these possibilities into scouting assignments. Like what happened to me in my example, those suggested players were better than my current ones, but not good enough for team's current league level...


How to present results with stars? If comparison is with the players in your own team, then stars are as they are now.

If comparison is made on league basis, then 0,5 stars means "not good enough to this league" and 5 stars means "excellent" or "belongs to a higher league". 3 stars is the average player.


There's a few thoughts. Please, ask more if there are more questions.

And, sorry, if the text is a bit confusing - English isn't my native language.

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