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[Suggestion] More playable jobs (plus co-op careers!)


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Several of the jobs (other than manager) lend themselves to being playable.  This would not only allow players to experience (and perhaps gain a better understanding of) the various aspects of the game, but also open up the possibility for friends (or Twitch followers!) to join up to run clubs together.

This doesn't need to be big-bang.  This could potentially help "theme" future releases, by targeting an area of management and adding a playable role.  E.g.

  • FM24: U23/U18 Management
  • FM25: Scouting
  • etc.

For this most part this could be achieved using existing game mechanics.  Let's go though a few jobs, from most to less obvious (to maybe even a bit silly)...

U23/U18 Manager

  • Tactics/training/fixture management for that level.
  • Input into the Development Centre.  Prompts for when a player is ready for a step to the next level.
  • Control over U23/U18 loans
  • Potentially separate wage/transfer budgets
  • Hires/fires U23/U18 staff

Director of football

  • Hiring/firing manager (and other staff)
  • Player transfers
  • Shortlist management
  • Handles first-team coach request for targets
  • Handles first-team coach unwanted/development list
  • Defines club culture (warns/ultimatums when not met)
  • Potentially demands formations (warns/ultimatums when not used)

Note:  I know a few people who prefer this job to the Manager job.  Guys who just "Commentary Only" their way through the matches to get back to scouting and transfers!!

First Team Coach

  • Subset of current games "manager" job.
  • Replace direct involvement with transfer market with new target-request mechanism alongside existing unwanted/development lists
  • Restricted player scouting options.  Potentially only opposition scouting.


  • Build player knowledge by using the "Scout match" mechanic.
  • Understand the various competitions in your region/nation and plan the fixtures to scout.
  • Request recruitment analyst assignments from chief scout
  • Potentially manage own pot of budget with details on travel costs and time more prominent.
  • Shortlist management
  • Creation of player reports (inc. grades) for submission to scouting centre.
  • Request to be sent of language courses

Note:  This is an example of a role that may initially not seem deep enough for a player experience.  But I imagine that it could end up being not only a very rewarding "mini-game" but also be somewhat of a tutorial into how to utilize data analytics to improve scouting outcomes.

Chief Scout

  • As above
  • Assigning scouts
  • Shortlist management
  • Selection of report cards in scouting centre/recruitment meetings
  • Providing Next opposition report (via scout + performance analyst)
  • Hiring/firing scouts
  • Handles target-requests from DoF/Manager
  • Sets scouting package
  • Request budget changes from DoF/Manager

Head Physio

...bit of a stretch but...

  • Makes playing time recommendation for injured and recently injured players
  • Makes training workload recommendations for players
  • Controls injury rehab training and potentially determines when injury rehab is complete
  • Potentially manages individual injury rehab schedule (overlay over main training) to skip or replace training sessions with specific types of physio sessions
  • Decisions over urgent and non-urgent surgeries (maybe various specialists/options, cost etc.)
  • Decisions over injections and virus action
  • Hiring and firing physios and sport scientists
  • Request budget changes from DoF/Manager
  • Player feedback to treatments based on personality, age (with different responses to treatment options based on those things)
  • Sports psychologist job/assignments (effects morale, personality and mental stats (e.g. bravery decrease after injury))
  • Nutritionist job/assignments (effects morale, physical, food poisoning risk!)
  • ^^^ Maybe the above two don't have to be jobs, but attributes/specialisations of the sports scientist role?

Assistant Manager/Technical Director/Loan Manager

...or of course combinations (via secondary job(s)).  No specific gameplay additions (other than maybe a few manager interactions), but could be a good way of letting co-op players take over aspect of the career from the manager.


Can or worms.  But maybe one day!


Most of these gameplay options would hopefully require very little changes to the gameplay mechanism.  The main change for most would being able to manually provide input into places like the Scouting Centre, Development Centre, Transfer Centre or even Medical Centre.  In my opinion they would add a lot of depth and major features to the game for comparably little development in most cases.

Given that this is a thread - I'd love to hear any other suggestions for playable roles, or things that could be added or done differently for the roles above.

Edited by AndyRokit
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Not sure about coaches/scouts/physios (not enough tasks available imo) though I totally agree with your Youth/Reserve Manager and DoF suggestions. Head of Youth Development could also be a possibility (basically same as DoF but only for youth squads). But yeah DoF mode in particular is something I'd really love to see in FM.

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  • SI Staff

There are suggestions in this area we've seen before, and for now at least its not a direction we're looking to take the game in. You've put a lot of effort in, and should things change in the future thoughts on ways to keep some of these roles which lack a lot of personal agency fun over longer periods of play would be interesting to hear. 

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