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Tactical slots and familiarity

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Is 3 tactical slots enough?

For me I would like to have two formations trained and would like to have each trained as 1 option defence another positve and a third attacking mentalities. This though takes up 6 tactical slots so it can't be done to gain familiarity in them all.

How do you play the game, ? I always think it best to have 2 formations in case 1st one doesn't work and can go to a plan B or for a second one for if you want to try something different against another team. However if you tweak the mentality or certain team settings it affects the tactical familiarity of the tactic. The only way to make this work and for it not to affect tactical familiarity is to have more slots for the tactics and more breakdowns positive, defence, attack etc  of each main formation


Edited by wazza
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Agree. Don't think there is a need for it to be limited to 3. Maybe anything after a set amount is more effective based on your/your staffs tactical rating?

Would also like different formations saved that auto swap pre set players, pre game at least. If I'm playing 2 up front, I don't want my LWB as a striker and my DM as a winger, auto swap those positions for a saved lineup. Currently it makes a right mess using the existing lineup.

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I've always wanted at least an extra slot in addition to the current 3, and definitely get you wanting more available. I myself use a home, an away, a sus, and one for the trickier away games. Maybe it's just me but, i'm pretty sure 4 variants of this nature is something that would be utilised / accounted for by managers irl, as these full match scenarios would be quite common throughout the season.

So four slots would seem reasonable to me that should be trainable to a relatively decent standard. But I think if you did import a new tactic that varies slightly to one of your trained existing ones, then the familiarity would probably instantly be greater than one which is an entirely different philosophy and style to any of your currently trained ones.

I hope a fourth slot could be considered going forward...

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I wanted to create a thread like this. I use 2 team shapes and one home one away variant so 4 slots would be nice imho. 3 tactics and home and away variants for 6 slots total would probably cover all needs.

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According to the manual:

A maximum of three Tactics can be worked on at any one time; the Primary Trained Tactic benefits from 60% of the contribution towards the team’s Tactical Familiarity, with the other two each gaining 20%. Familiarity rises and falls depending on the team and player instructions set in a tactic and is remembered across all tactics. For example, if a player is tasked with Short Passing in all three tactics, the Familiarity will be higher in that particular regard, which contributes towards the overall score when extrapolated across all players and instructions.


That means having more than 3 tactics into slots require some revamp in training as well. Hmm not sure if more than 3 tactics will give some benefit, because the majority of AI use 4-2-3-1, 4-4-2, 3-5-2 and 4-3-3 according to my finds in FM22.

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