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From the bowels of FM universe - Editors need some love


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This isn't a request thread, since we have a sub-forum for that. This isn't also a thread of asking questions about how to do stuff on the editor, since we have thread for that.

This is simply a thread that the editor community can join in and talk about the state of the Editor, what would be the most urgent features or fixes the editor community need to be changed or simply expose some things the editor does, that frustrates you. Or asking SI why certain things have been done that way. Maybe talking about it, can also help SI see what priorities we editors, that work with the tool value more for Editor they aren't aware.

Hopefully, someone that works in Editor decides to interact with us. Answering what they (SI) feel need to be answer. So please, be nice and be pleasant. I think I can speak for everyone that we all want little more interaction with SI in this regard. The goal of this thread, try bring out Editor community closer to SI devs. Venting your frustrations on SI devs will not make them listen any easier.


What I really want:

I had this idea, since last year, that I talked to Neil and realised that we never, ever had add a list of new features and changes to the Editor with each version. It would be nice, even if it is not 1000 new features, to have the list of what's new and what has changed, to fully use every extant of these features. It would be nice if this list was release before the game is release, but on the day of the release is also nice.

I also, think, that a guide to do basic stuff is also needed, specially for newcomers that want to venture into the basic, specially to the advanced rules.

A form to enter massive amount of data, like 100 or 300 or 1000 clubs at once with their respective stadiums, for those that want to change an entire club nation or adding clubs to the lowest divisions. Some sort of excel or even in SI in house file, that we can store our data on, so it easy to save or move to new versions of the game.

A way to have new created stuff (new club, new Player), have its own ID number. I think it would help a lot for us to move files from one version to the next. it ain't issue if you make 1 club, but if you do 300 or more and you want to add logos and kits and backgrounds, having to go through 300 lines in the config file to change the new IDs to have correct logos and kits with correct club, can be level of frustration that can be avoided by this.

Some sort of SI dev, top 10 creative edit files, or honourable mentions to bridge editors and SI devs together.

The likes:

The editor in general and the ability to edit leagues is what makes FM really stand out other games. But recent additions was the Coefficients to the basic editor. Thanks for that.


One thing that I find frustrates is when making a new club, we have to input, maximum capacity of it, expansions and what not, then we have to another screen to set, minimums, normal and maximum attendees of that club. It's repetitive and annoying if you are making for multiple teams. To be part of idea suggested of entering massive amount of data.

The validation system, should be more robust and error massages should even more specific.

The errors of moving an old file to newer version, should be able to group the errors together, instead of scrolling more 10.000 changes, can be lot frustration, to the point I prefer to start a new at each new version is released.

A different way to define the kits. As is, too time consuming. maybe sort of a place to set up your team colours, Background, Foreground and line colours, then at the side or beside that define the style of teams kit, text and dot config. Maybe a randomise button for this, but maintains the colours set up above.

Questions to SI:

What is something that is in the editor, that we editors overlook and you think can make us editors lives easier? Maybe some tips and tricks?

In creating a club on the Editor, what is the most important information to have more balance teams in top league or lower league? What is part you think we can not fill, that the game is good to setup?

If I want for example in MLS, Canadian teams qualify Champions CONCACAF competition or made up one via the league instead of Canadian Championship. Much like to mimic with Swansea qualifies to European competitions via the english leagues. 


I think that is all for now. Sorry for all text.

Edited by grade
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Better Kits would be a start . The ones in the editor are just awful .A good example is the Kitbasher Editor on FM Scout . But the main thing I would like is a better explanation of errors that come up in the editor when editing.  Its badly needed 

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13 minutes ago, prot651 said:

Better Kits would be a start . The ones in the editor are just awful .A good example is the Kitbasher Editor on FM Scout . But the main thing I would like is a better explanation of errors that come up in the editor when editing.  Its badly needed 

An explanation of the error AND the ability to go directly to it in order to rectify it.

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Since I am a moderator and not working for SI I can't comment on any issues except for that most of what has been brought is recognizable for me as an editor as well.

Just like @gradeplease keep it civil. Other than, have a good and healthy discussion on the subject.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I for one would appreciate it:

- A precise explanation of the errors (with a proposed solution? )

- More precise information. Sometimes we have to test to find out what the option we have checked/unchecked really means.

- Some templates would be nice. Like a regional promotion/relegation system or continental/international competitions, or a template for an All Star Game. 

Personally I like to dig into the advanced rules but it takes so much time. Sometimes we have a specific idea but the time to implement it takes us a whole opus. The answer is often right in front of us but to decipher the editor's language is :D

Edited by Samuel77
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