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[FM23] Training schedule for coming week - news item panel


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I am trying to edit this news panel that drives me crazy because of the scrollbar :seagull:, but I cannot identify it - and subsequently I cannot find the panel that shows the training weeks.

So, if anyone has an idea what is the news panel, or how to edit the training weeks panel to fit the page.. it will greatly appreciated.



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On 25/10/2022 at 18:44, BuzzR said:


I am trying to edit this news panel that drives me crazy because of the scrollbar :seagull:, but I cannot identify it - and subsequently I cannot find the panel that shows the training weeks.

So, if anyone has an idea what is the news panel, or how to edit the training weeks panel to fit the page.. it will greatly appreciated.



Hey @BuzzR sorry for the late reply.. i kinda forgot about it

news_item_panels/inbox content with weekly training preview panel.xml - > tactics/tactic slot tab container training inbox overview.xml

was what i managed to find until i got stuck and kinda forgot, thought i might share it with you now that i remembered

i'll continue looking for the last part for abit.


Edited by snowofman
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On 25/10/2022 at 18:44, BuzzR said:


I am trying to edit this news panel that drives me crazy because of the scrollbar :seagull:, but I cannot identify it - and subsequently I cannot find the panel that shows the training weeks.

So, if anyone has an idea what is the news panel, or how to edit the training weeks panel to fit the page.. it will greatly appreciated.



okay abit more looking into it and my gut feeling tells me that one of these file or both are the once you need

widgets/training schedule week row inbox.xml

widgets/training calendar week row.xml

i havnt done any ingame tests to see if i'm right, no other files have made me think it's them.

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14 minutes ago, BuzzR said:

@snowofman Thank you so much. You are truly great, helping everyone around the skinning forum.

I will look into these files, and see where it leads. Will post the results.

Thank you and you're welcome

Just doing what i can for those who might need abit of help, we all need help now and then incl. myself

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1 hour ago, snowofman said:

okay abit more looking into it and my gut feeling tells me that one of these file or both are the once you need

widgets/training schedule week row inbox.xml

This is the code . I've identified the container that holds the widgets for a week of training : it's the class="main_box_no_margin" one.

Problem is that as the whole is constructed I cannot change a single dimension for any widget or container.  Except for the training popup ( that height="600" ).

 A lot of convoluted stuff.

<panel navigation_container="true">
	<list id="draw_order">
		<record entity_layout_id="at00"/>
		<record entity_layout_id="at05"/>
		<record entity_layout_id="at02"/>
		<record entity_layout_id="at04"/>
		<record entity_layout_id="at03"/>
	<string id="row_normal_appearance" value="boxes/custom/training calendar/week/paper"/>
	<string id="row_highlighted_appearance" value="boxes/custom/training calendar/current week/paper"/>
	<widget class="spacer" id="main">
		<boolean id="exclude_from_find" value="true"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0"/>
	<widget class="spacer" id="fmin" embed_in_frame="true">
		<boolean id="exclude_from_find" value="true"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" embed_in_frame="true" alignment="all" inset="0"/>
	 <!-- this contains all controls for a week : training dropdown widget / 3 rows of training widget / intesity widget -->
	<container class="main_box_no_margin" entity_layout_id="at00" id="subB" sub_group_id="0">
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_top" get_side="top" set_side="top" target="main"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_bottom" get_side="bottom" set_side="bottom" target="main"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_left" get_side="left" set_side="left" target="main"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_right" get_side="right" set_side="right" target="main"/>
		<widget class="spacer" id="main">
			<boolean id="exclude_from_find" value="true"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0"/>
		<widget class="spacer" id="fmin" embed_in_frame="true">
			<boolean id="exclude_from_find" value="true"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" embed_in_frame="true" alignment="all" inset="0"/>
		<container class="training_schedule_week_widget" entity_layout_id="at04" id="schT" file="widgets/training schedule week widget intensity" name="schedule week table" force_update_table="true">
			<string id="session_description_column" value="true"/>
			<boolean id="shortened" value="true"/>
			<string id="draggable" value="true"/>
			<string id="clickable" value="true"/>
			<!-- week with training : only the training widgets-->
			<string id="schedule_session_widget_file" value="widgets/training schedule large session widget"/>
			<string id="schedule_header_file" value="widgets/training schedule day month header"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_top" offset="4" get_side="top" set_side="top" target="main"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_bottom" offset="-4" get_side="bottom" set_side="bottom" target="main"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_left" offset="4" get_side="left" set_side="left" target="main"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_right" offset="-4" get_side="right" set_side="right" target="main"/>
		<widget class="text" entity_layout_id="at05" alignment="centre_y,left" id="txtL" font="title" auto_size="horizontal" name="week text" embed_in_frame="true" needs_width="true" height="32">
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_top" embed_in_frame="true" offset="2" get_side="top" set_side="top" move_side="true" target="fmin"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_left" embed_in_frame="true" offset="30" get_side="left" set_side="left" move_side="true" target="fmin"/>
		<container class="inner_box_no_margin" entity_layout_id="at02" id="schB" sub_group_id="0" embed_in_frame="true" width="297" height="30">
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_top" embed_in_frame="true" offset="3" get_side="top" set_side="top" move_side="true" target="fmin"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_left" embed_in_frame="true" offset="30" get_side="right" set_side="left" move_side="true" target="at05"/>
			<widget class="spacer" id="main">
				<boolean id="exclude_from_find" value="true"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0"/>
			<widget class="spacer" id="fmin" embed_in_frame="true">
				<boolean id="exclude_from_find" value="true"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" embed_in_frame="true" alignment="all" inset="0"/>
			<!-- popup for training selection -->
			<widget class="widget_popup_button" entity_layout_id="at03" id="scBu" icon_alignment="centre_y,right" show_button_appearance="true" alignment="centre_y,left" name="schedule name popup" appearance="buttons/custom/training/week schedule/button">
				<string id="style" value="bold"/>
				<string id="popup_alignment" value="top,left"/>
				<string id="widget_type" value="calendar_week_schedule_selector_popup"/>
				<string id="colour" value="text"/>
				<integer id="size" value="8"/>
				<string id="font" value="title"/>
				<!-- controls dimensions for drop-down training preset select -->
				<record id="widget_properties" height="600" width="900"/>
				<record id="modal_popup_properties">
					<string id="darkened" value="false"/>
					<string id="attempt_to_reposition" value="true"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_top" get_side="top" set_side="top" target="main"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_bottom" get_side="bottom" set_side="bottom" target="main"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_left" offset="1" get_side="left" set_side="left" target="main"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_right" offset="-9" get_side="right" set_side="right" target="main"/>




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13 minutes ago, BuzzR said:

This is the code . I've identified the container that holds the widgets for a week of training : it's the class="main_box_no_margin" one.

Problem is that as the whole is constructed I cannot change a single dimension for any widget or container.  Except for the training popup ( that height="600" ).

 A lot of convoluted stuff.

  Reveal hidden contents
<panel navigation_container="true">
	<list id="draw_order">
		<record entity_layout_id="at00"/>
		<record entity_layout_id="at05"/>
		<record entity_layout_id="at02"/>
		<record entity_layout_id="at04"/>
		<record entity_layout_id="at03"/>
	<string id="row_normal_appearance" value="boxes/custom/training calendar/week/paper"/>
	<string id="row_highlighted_appearance" value="boxes/custom/training calendar/current week/paper"/>
	<widget class="spacer" id="main">
		<boolean id="exclude_from_find" value="true"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0"/>
	<widget class="spacer" id="fmin" embed_in_frame="true">
		<boolean id="exclude_from_find" value="true"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" embed_in_frame="true" alignment="all" inset="0"/>
	 <!-- this contains all controls for a week : training dropdown widget / 3 rows of training widget / intesity widget -->
	<container class="main_box_no_margin" entity_layout_id="at00" id="subB" sub_group_id="0">
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_top" get_side="top" set_side="top" target="main"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_bottom" get_side="bottom" set_side="bottom" target="main"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_left" get_side="left" set_side="left" target="main"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_right" get_side="right" set_side="right" target="main"/>
		<widget class="spacer" id="main">
			<boolean id="exclude_from_find" value="true"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0"/>
		<widget class="spacer" id="fmin" embed_in_frame="true">
			<boolean id="exclude_from_find" value="true"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" embed_in_frame="true" alignment="all" inset="0"/>
		<container class="training_schedule_week_widget" entity_layout_id="at04" id="schT" file="widgets/training schedule week widget intensity" name="schedule week table" force_update_table="true">
			<string id="session_description_column" value="true"/>
			<boolean id="shortened" value="true"/>
			<string id="draggable" value="true"/>
			<string id="clickable" value="true"/>
			<!-- week with training : only the training widgets-->
			<string id="schedule_session_widget_file" value="widgets/training schedule large session widget"/>
			<string id="schedule_header_file" value="widgets/training schedule day month header"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_top" offset="4" get_side="top" set_side="top" target="main"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_bottom" offset="-4" get_side="bottom" set_side="bottom" target="main"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_left" offset="4" get_side="left" set_side="left" target="main"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_right" offset="-4" get_side="right" set_side="right" target="main"/>
		<widget class="text" entity_layout_id="at05" alignment="centre_y,left" id="txtL" font="title" auto_size="horizontal" name="week text" embed_in_frame="true" needs_width="true" height="32">
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_top" embed_in_frame="true" offset="2" get_side="top" set_side="top" move_side="true" target="fmin"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_left" embed_in_frame="true" offset="30" get_side="left" set_side="left" move_side="true" target="fmin"/>
		<container class="inner_box_no_margin" entity_layout_id="at02" id="schB" sub_group_id="0" embed_in_frame="true" width="297" height="30">
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_top" embed_in_frame="true" offset="3" get_side="top" set_side="top" move_side="true" target="fmin"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_left" embed_in_frame="true" offset="30" get_side="right" set_side="left" move_side="true" target="at05"/>
			<widget class="spacer" id="main">
				<boolean id="exclude_from_find" value="true"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0"/>
			<widget class="spacer" id="fmin" embed_in_frame="true">
				<boolean id="exclude_from_find" value="true"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" embed_in_frame="true" alignment="all" inset="0"/>
			<!-- popup for training selection -->
			<widget class="widget_popup_button" entity_layout_id="at03" id="scBu" icon_alignment="centre_y,right" show_button_appearance="true" alignment="centre_y,left" name="schedule name popup" appearance="buttons/custom/training/week schedule/button">
				<string id="style" value="bold"/>
				<string id="popup_alignment" value="top,left"/>
				<string id="widget_type" value="calendar_week_schedule_selector_popup"/>
				<string id="colour" value="text"/>
				<integer id="size" value="8"/>
				<string id="font" value="title"/>
				<!-- controls dimensions for drop-down training preset select -->
				<record id="widget_properties" height="600" width="900"/>
				<record id="modal_popup_properties">
					<string id="darkened" value="false"/>
					<string id="attempt_to_reposition" value="true"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_top" get_side="top" set_side="top" target="main"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_bottom" get_side="bottom" set_side="bottom" target="main"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_left" offset="1" get_side="left" set_side="left" target="main"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_right" offset="-9" get_side="right" set_side="right" target="main"/>




yeah i feared that much.

a thought that comes to mind, try and wrap it in a container and see if you can trick it into following the height and width of the new container and that way achive your goal

it's just a thought, as i don't have the scroll bar myself, i can't replica what you have.

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3 minutes ago, snowofman said:

yeah i feared that much.

a thought that comes to mind, try and wrap it in a container and see if you can trick it into following the height and width of the new container and that way achive your goal

it's just a thought, as i don't have the scroll bar myself, i can't replica what you have.

I'll try that, see how it goes. Thank you.

yeah, the scrollbar is from the zoom I play on.. 150%

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