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*Official* Football Manager 2023 Feedback Thread

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8 minutes ago, Nic Madden said:

In terms of our development practices, I've been the producer on the Match Team for 5 years now and we've changed and evolved as a team during that time, our development practices have improved during that time we review them continually, especially after every cycle to see how we can improve the way we work to get the best product for our fans and do the best within the time frame we have.


Does producer of the match team cover graphics? If so, can you enlighten with what happened to graphics after FM17? Why did they dramatically take a turn for the worse? Are the rumours they were contracted out to an external team true???

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If SI for one season skipped any and all new features and *only* focused on getting the ME as close to right as possible, I wouldn't mind the lack of new stuff. When the ME is as good as it gets, then new features can/should be implemented.


- T

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I really do not understand so many complaints for this game. I play this game for nearly 20 years now, and I can comment about it. This version is big improvement. The ME is realy nice, with the pressing is now more realistic than ever. Scouting is also improved as I can see for now. As some of the developers wrote, this game is football simulation with thousends of variables. This is not FIFA it is not about graphics and I am very happy about it. We must be grateful that such game exist in this time. 

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21 minutes ago, Nic Madden said:

...and this is a constant process of making sure the Match Engine is as balanced as it can be against real life stats, though automation and stats can only get you so far and the eye test is vital. 

Now I'm obviously not as knowledgeable as you when it comes to ME, but wouldn't it be better to actually create something that looks like a real football match. What I mean is, the movement, positioning, decisions, etc. Then after that, focus on getting the numbers to match up to real life? I feel like the ME is too focused on producing realistic numbers, but in turn, the way the game plays out feels lackluster. 

Imo there's often a lack of variety, especially when you see certain patterns play over and over again, multiple times per match, in every single match. For example, what I often noticed is the IWs/IFs not willing to dribble inside when in the final third, because there's no space inside. Instead, they find the space out wide, so they constantly run wide with the ball, to the byline (even though their "Cut inside" PI/traits should tell them to do the opposite in most cases). 
Then there's defenders not reacting to balls over the top, or straight out running in random directions, away from the ball. 
Pressing is not working correctly a lot of the time.
I'd say these should be prioritized over having realistic numbers.

Oh and the numbers often aren't realistic, or just aren't calculated in the right way. (OPPDA - passes per defensive action, are usually around 8-10 for the best pressing sides in real life, but in FM every single team sits on 3-5)

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1 minute ago, damjanovski said:

I really do not understand so many complaints for this game. I play this game for nearly 20 years now, and I can comment about it. This version is big improvement. The ME is realy nice, with the pressing is now more realistic than ever. Scouting is also improved as I can see for now. As some of the developers wrote, this game is football simulation with thousends of variables. This is not FIFA it is not about graphics and I am very happy about it. We must be grateful that such game exist in this time. 

Not about graphics, but graphics is a by product of a football simulation game. It’s a key driver for immersion. Stadiums and environments looked much better in FM2017 compared to what we have today, why? Lower league stadiums in this game all look like they hold about 10,000 fans. Stadiums like Wembley which is 90,000 capacity looks like it’s 30,000 in game. 

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1 minute ago, Ferocious289 said:

Those changes are laughable. They had 3 weeks to fix/mend/patch at least over 3-5 of the 1000 other glaring  issues within the game from the time of the reports. The new headline feature squad planner doesn't even work right, cup draws are messed up, defenders are messed up, player unhappiness is messed up,database player stats are more or less the same from fm22 and a ton of other stuff which you can find in the bug tracker that could have been looked at before insulting us with making the GK looking more animated or changing managers which anyone can do with the pre or in game editor that takes less than a minute.

There is no justification for this, what really should happen is SI should swallow their pride and issue a public apology to those who used up their free time to be unpaid testers during the beta and those of us who pre-ordered who expected the full release to be different from the beta

I have no affiliation to SI other than a club data researcher but from my perspective as a long term buyer / player I have seen ME's get worse on release than they were when Beta was released because a number of bugs have been fixed but have had a functional regression elsewhere in the ME e.g. a little like Wack-A-Mole, smack 1 bug down and 2 pop-up.

Im pretty sure all the key bugs that have been identified in Beta will be reviewed by SI but in a 2 to 3 week window I expect the chance to review bugs / fix / test and regression test is too small a window and risk of introducing new bugs significant. In fairness to SI they did say the current ME is stable and from a risk perspective I expect more people will be happy with that one thats been changed and now has new / worse issues.

As a long term IT Test Manager than I can say that go-live of products is much based on Risk and its also involves very hard decisions on what bugs / problems go-live may or may not have.

Taking away the pressure of a fixed go-live date SI now have the option of longer term fixing / retesting and regression testing without commitment to a patch go-live date. This would be my personal view of the situation

Of course we would like a much more stable and bug free ME / Game at point of Beta release and that challenge remains with SI

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Random question - but can any of the devs please confirm the "speed to process other teams matches" option? It's set to "Fast" by default.


Will changing it to Slow or Normal produce different results in these matches or do these options have no effect on the actual scoreline of the other matches, just to do with processing speed? Really interested to get a definitive answer on this.



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2 hours ago, Meraklija Vujevic said:

testing live now on stream and defending is still disaster

balls over defenders are  are disaster

I really don't know what SI was doing last 6 months

curent match engine  is unplayable



Have you tried dropping off more?


Lowering your DL?

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I think there is also an argument that by focusing on perceived flaws in the match engine, from a subsection of the consumers, you're running the risk of diluting variation in the match engine. I have found less issues this year than last. Most have been related to goalkeepers, excess penalties, and too many yellow cards. People say that IWs and IFs do not cut inside, but I have seen it plenty. However, this was a massive issue in the early build of FM22's engine. I was able to correct balls over the top by tweaking tactics. 

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3 minutes ago, zachalxnder said:

I think there is also an argument that by focusing on perceived flaws in the match engine, from a subsection of the consumers, you're running the risk of diluting variation in the match engine. I have found less issues this year than last. Most have been related to goalkeepers, excess penalties, and too many yellow cards. People say that IWs and IFs do not cut inside, but I have seen it plenty. However, this was a massive issue in the early build of FM22's engine. I was able to correct balls over the top by tweaking tactics. 

Indeed. The view on the ME is always really subjective and varied, and everyone has their opinion. I think it's often forgotten that SI are entitled to their views on it as well. 

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I did play half a season with barcelona during beta, and I didn't see any of those reported ME issues, like bad defending, some users seem to be up in arms about. Maybe mental attributes are even more important now in ME, so you see the alleged ridiculous stuff in defence more often especially in lower league matches where the average of attribute points is obviously lower?

I am certainly surprised by @(sic)'s video earlier, didn't see such things at all, and I play every single game on comprehensive highlights.. Players running away from the ball all the time is, however, obviously a bit too much to not complain about it..

So is the impact of mental attributes a bit too extreme in lower leagues perhaps, at least, as far as watching ME is concerned?..

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12 minutes ago, Os said:

Have you tried dropping off more?


Lowering your DL?

It's not the matter of picking the wrong tactics, it's the matter of player behavior.

9 minutes ago, zachalxnder said:

People say that IWs and IFs do not cut inside, but I have seen it plenty. However, this was a massive issue in the early build of FM22's engine. I was able to correct balls over the top by tweaking tactics. 

What do you consider as "cutting inside"? I've also seen players cut-in occasionally, mostly around the middle of the pitch when they have plenty of space to run into. The issue with cutting in is actually players not willing to dribble inside the pitch, while taking on players at the same time. They're just afraid of opposition players, they're just running around into space with the ball, and I wouldn't call that "dribbling" or "cutting in". Especially considering that space is often just in wide areas, so they're mostly running wide to the byline.

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3 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

Just to be clear the studio position is not to release changelists between Early Access versions and full versions. 

Appreciative that other games have different approaches and like every year, the viewpoints made within the community this will be fed back to those that make the decisions on our approach. It is clear from some of you here that some people would like to have more information, so appreciate the feedback on that. 

What we are looking to do is update issues via our Bug Tracker to indicate when an issue is resolved over the next few days where possible. 

The position is to make it hard as possible for the community to understand fixes that we have raised during early access to the full release. A changelist is easily distributable and readable and most importantly understandable for customers of all ranges. By not releasing this you're asking hardcore and casual players to go onto the website and sift through each category and with those categories find the answer to a problem raised.

SI may think it's being smart but the community clearly see right through what you're doing. It's damage limitation. Why broadcast bugs haven't been fixed and be held account?


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I might be wrong here but I think that a good number of people would prefer if SI did the following:

Release a game. Call it Football Manager. Do away with the concept of "beta" and treat that period as early-access, so as to remove the expectation that every bug will be fixed by "launch". Charge £49 for it.

Then, over the course of 3 years, feel free to not add new features, but fix bugs and improve the match engine over time, take user feedback and use that time to also develop the next game, building on your match engine, but new/reworked features come exclusively in the next game.

During those 3 years, you can have invitation-only alpha playtesting with members of the community and let _their_ feedback actually guide development as well.

Every year, release a data update. We all know what that is. This update can be paid-for DLC, but at a much reduced price (£12.99 anyone?)

Use the time to not half-bake features and experience, and actually by the time the 3 years goes, you will have had enough time to do a good job actually making what your customers feel is a NEW GAME rather than a glorified data update, plus earrings, watches and rings.

Then, as I say, 3 years later ... boom ... Football Manager 2

Sure, SEGA and SI might think they'll make less money, but is that really true? I'm not convinced that's the case.

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Just now, Os said:

Can we get a dislike button please,


I have seen so much hyperbollic garbage on here from people who simply don't know how to play the game.


Frankly it's tiresome.

If you click on the person's name, you can ignore them. It is the best feature SI implemented in the past 5 years and luckily it works. :D 

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2 minutes ago, (sic) said:


What do you consider as "cutting inside"? I've also seen players cut-in occasionally, mostly around the middle of the pitch when they have plenty of space to run into. The issue with cutting in is actually players not willing to dribble inside the pitch, while taking on players at the same time. They're just afraid of opposition players, they're just running around into space with the ball, and I wouldn't call that "dribbling" or "cutting in".

I played as Arsenal during the beta and had Saka and Martinelli cut in from wide areas, dribble past defenders towards the byline, and go on to score on many occasions. Early on FM 22, I could not even get wide players to score. It was such a huge issue in the early stages of last year's game because it completely excised such an integral part of the modern game. 

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4 minutes ago, Os said:

Can we get a dislike button please,


I have seen so much hyperbollic garbage on here from people who simply don't know how to play the game.


Frankly it's tiresome.

The "dislike" button will discourage other people from giving their opinions.

If you think other people's opinions are trash, you don't have to look at them.

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6 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

Indeed. The view on the ME is always really subjective and varied, and everyone has their opinion. I think it's often forgotten that SI are entitled to their views on it as well. 

And this is what some people will never understand. It is completely subjective. For me, the ME is miles ahead of anything they have ever done on release day. Far better than FM22 ever was. The only slight issue I have is the goals coming from opposition keepers long balls. People talking about their high line being breached in open play need to look at how many times even a quality team like Liverpool get turned around due to them playing a high line. There are of course issues but some can be fixed with tactics, others are done a disservice in the way the graphics represent what is happening. Overall though, SI can be very happy with where the ME currently is. 

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29 minutes ago, (sic) said:

Now I'm obviously not as knowledgeable as you when it comes to ME, but wouldn't it be better to actually create something that looks like a real football match. What I mean is, the movement, positioning, decisions, etc. Then after that, focus on getting the numbers to match up to real life? I feel like the ME is too focused on producing realistic numbers, but in turn, the way the game plays out feels lackluster. 

Imo there's often a lack of variety, especially when you see certain patterns play over and over again, multiple times per match, in every single match. For example, what I often noticed is the IWs/IFs not willing to dribble inside when in the final third, because there's no space inside. Instead, they find the space out wide, so they constantly run wide with the ball, to the byline (even though their "Cut inside" PI/traits should tell them to do the opposite in most cases). 
Then there's defenders not reacting to balls over the top, or straight out running in random directions, away from the ball. 
Pressing is not working correctly a lot of the time.
I'd say these should be prioritized over having realistic numbers.

Oh and the numbers often aren't realistic, or just aren't calculated in the right way. (OPPDA - passes per defensive action, are usually around 8-10 for the best pressing sides in real life, but in FM every single team sits on 3-5)

To an extent we do this, part of working on the ME is identifying how much we should be balancing the stats, and how much we should be focusing on 'gamefeel'. Our main priority is always going to be how the match looks and feels, and we have a lot of v knowledgeable coaches in our internal QA team who are constantly feeding back to us on a number of issues they've found. But stats are still very useful to see the bigger picture at times, and to assess the effect of fixes e.g. if you make a finishing improvement then how did that affect the global conversion rates? It's a very useful tool but never one we'd solely rely on without an eye test as well to back it up.

As for certain stats, yes at the end of the day the FM gameworld has its own data provider (us!), which means at times we have different definitions to some real-world companies. OPPDA is one of them, since we tend to have higher numbers for defensive actions it means that the OPPDA number can be lower for us. But as long as the statistic makes sense within the context it is used (i.e. higher OPPDA = more intense pressing teams) then it should be fine, and we do factor this in when analysing our balance against the real world stats.

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3 minutes ago, zzkeg27 said:

The "dislike" button will discourage other people from giving their opinions.

If you think other people's opinions are trash, you don't have to look at them.

That's the point.

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16 minutes ago, zachalxnder said:

I played as Arsenal during the beta and had Saka and Martinelli cut in from wide areas, dribble past defenders towards the byline, and go on to score on many occasions. Early on FM 22, I could not even get wide players to score. It was such a huge issue in the early stages of last year's game because it completely excised such an integral part of the modern game. 

Last year it was an issue both off the ball and on the ball as far as I am aware, it was fixed in later updates. This year, off-the ball movement is fine, I don't have any issues with that.

Like I've said, when a player enters the final third, there's a 90% chance he'll just run wide with the ball instead of cutting in (which means running inside with the ball, preferably dribbling past players). Players did this a few versions ago just fine, though you could argue it wasn't totally realistic either, because they could just cut in and dribble past everyone to score. 


11 minutes ago, Jack Joyce said:

To an extent we do this, part of working on the ME is identifying how much we should be balancing the stats, and how much we should be focusing on 'gamefeel'. Our main priority is always going to be how the match looks and feels, and we have a lot of v knowledgeable coaches in our internal QA team who are constantly feeding back to us on a number of issues they've found. But stats are still very useful to see the bigger picture at times, and to assess the effect of fixes e.g. if you make a finishing improvement then how did that affect the global conversion rates? It's a very useful tool.

As for certain stats, yes at the end of the day the FM gameworld has its own data provider (us!), which means at times we have different definitions to some real-world companies. OPPDA is one of them, since we tend to have higher numbers for defensive actions it means that the OPPDA number can be lower for us. But as long as the statistic makes sense within the context it is used (i.e. higher OPPDA = more intense pressing teams) then it should be fine, and we do factor this in when analysing our balance against the real world stats.

I hoped that was the case, thank you for confirming it. It would've been incredibly unrealistic to solely focus on numbers/stats alone without looking at the bigger picture, so I'm glad to be told that's not the case.

When it comes to defensive actions, they also didn't make much sense to me. Most of them are always happening in my own half, mostly in my own defensive third. It doesn't matter if I play a high press, or a low block, it's always the case. So it makes sense that OPPDA is connected to this. 
The issue I have with that, is that it's hard to compare certain things to real life, to see if you're doing something correctly. It's also harder to analyze stuff in-game, because how do I know if my high-press is working correctly or not, when most of my defensive actions are always going to happen in my own defensive third? 

fbref for example separates tackles in defensive, mid, and final third - so you can easily see which teams play a higher press, and which teams like to defend deeper.

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Just went through my initial draw for the Europa Conference League. Two problems still there that were reported in the beta - the speed of the draw - it takes an eternity for the early rounds.  More worryingly the text from the host was out of sync with the teams being drawn e.g. it saying 'And let's see their opponents' while having already skipped to the next draw and the host should be referring to the first team in the next match to be drawn.

It's a real shame this isn't working as it looks great.  I think if you choose the 'overall' tab instead of 'live draw' it should proceed at the pace of the standard FM cup draws.  I like to use the auto draw, but at the current pace I'm only likely to use the new versions for rounds where there are no more than 8 teams left.

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57 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

That's a far bigger reflection on the people complaining than the state of the match engine itself.  There were nowhere near as many (actual) bugs in this year's ME during the beta than there was in previous years, but people have been lining up to have a pop at the game since the new features came out and some YouTubers moaned about it. That's why we've got to where we're at. 

@Rashidiproved earlier that the hyperbolic reaction to the issues with the match engine are mostly nonsense. And he's someone who's opinion I definitely respect. As well as watching things with my own eyes and not being influenced by YouTubers with American accents... :rolleyes:

Anyway, this is where I will take my annual leave of the feedback thread. Happy moaning everybody :lol:

I suppose Zealand is on his own when he has criticised the lack of International Management improvements and no set piece creator changes... if only he had an English accent. Weird argument

Also, Its not just Youtubers having a pop at the new features, or lack thereof.

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Oh wow, what a disappointing release. I was looking forward to playing some FM after work today. Now, I'm looking forward to finding out if Steam counts beta playtime to the 2h necessary for refund instead...

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41 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

Tbh, I actually think SI should do away with early access, and expand the internal beta. Just because you test in a beta doesn't give you an instant expectation of an update, especially if said update isn't ready, but honestly feels like people don't get that. If the information derived from feedback is best utilised in December, that's what should happen. If it's best utilised at launch, that's also what should happen. But that can only ever be a call by SI. 

Oftentimes games release their open betas (and closed betas) long in advance of the games release for a week or two. They then go away for a few weeks or months, fix the reported bugs from the thousands of playtests, and go live with the full release once the game is ready. They have already said that relying on internal beta testing would be very tricky as its a very limited amount of people that can try to "break the game" so to speak, to try and find areas that need fixing.

The issue boils down to the time constraints of yearly releases. The complexity required to make new features on games these days clearly makes it more time consuming than back in the day. Going back to the old days of a big release every 3 or 4 years with lots of new tried and tested features... and then smaller DB update releases each year in between would be better

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I posted regarding this on the Beta feedback thread and I feel the need to bring it up again. This should be a feedback thread on the game but all I see is pointless sniping. Just saw someone dismiss "YouTubers with American accents" - I get what/who was being referred to but something about the emphasis on accents doesn't sit right with me. Another person effectively said everyone complaining has no idea how to play the game. Sheesh.

I love this game just like I'm sure everyone - including those with negative feedback - does! And that is part of why there are such passionate responses for and against this version in this thread. We all CANNOT have the same opinions and isn't that the beauty of FM or life in general?! So why do we feel the need to attack opinions that differ from ours? Isn't it easier to just see someone's feedback and ignore it if it doesn't align with yours - or upvote if it does? I understand that some people deliver less than constructive criticism but I feel sometimes these get addressed as some sort of personal attack to someone who has no issues with the game. 

I just find all this tiring because I can't even see the feedback I came here for. Kudos to @Nic Madden @Jack Joyce for sifting through all of this and responding to actual feedback. 

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7 minutes ago, BrightLad5 said:

Oftentimes games release their open betas (and closed betas) long in advance of the games release for a week or two. They then go away for a few weeks or months, fix the reported bugs from the thousands of playtests, and go live with the full release once the game is ready. They have already said that relying on internal beta testing would be very tricky as its a very limited amount of people that can try to "break the game" so to speak, to try and find areas that need fixing.

The issue boils down to the time constraints of yearly releases. The complexity required to make new features on games these days clearly makes it more time consuming than back in the day. Going back to the old days of a big release every 3 or 4 years with lots of new tried and tested features... and then smaller DB update releases each year in between would be better

That would be financially terrible, which would end up being developmentally terrible. 

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29 minutes ago, (sic) said:

It's not the matter of picking the wrong tactics, it's the matter of player behavior.

What do you consider as "cutting inside"? I've also seen players cut-in occasionally, mostly around the middle of the pitch when they have plenty of space to run into. The issue with cutting in is actually players not willing to dribble inside the pitch, while taking on players at the same time. They're just afraid of opposition players, they're just running around into space with the ball, and I wouldn't call that "dribbling" or "cutting in". Especially considering that space is often just in wide areas, so they're mostly running wide to the byline.

to support further this, the trait in game that most of wide attacking players that focus their style of attack by dribbling to create chances  have "cut inside from right/left/both wing/s" .. the ingame description is " This increases the chances of a player on the ball looking to cut inside from the right/left wing and attack in central areas", specifically refers to when players have the ball, but i seen a lot of people justifying the lack of dribbling by their off the ball movement saying " hey i have salah and he scores a lot", sure he have great off the ball movement and finishes plays greatly, but how often u see those types of players creating chances by leaving defenders behind because they got rekt by feints/dribbles ? ... they are very very rare and is really frustrating to have players like vinicious jr running wide every time and very rarely attempting to make their way into the box because of full of lava.

image descrption of the trait mentioned above:



what kind of plays i refer to? look a few secs of neymar vs lorient, specifically the play a 3:32 when he dribbles two opponents and leaves them behind.


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Must say I'm enjoying the ME. 

There appears to be much more 2nd ball "scraps" between players, with the ball not always perfectly going to a desired player from a kick/header.

So ME gameplay seem more realistic.


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48 minutes ago, Choi seung won said:

If you do not want to improve the appearance of the stadium, create and distribute a stadium editor so that users can improve it themselves.

Currently, user-created things such as face packs, kit packs, and skins make fm much more fun.

This! I wouldn’t be able to play this game without the graphics that the community provides. 

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Very early days the skin and dialogue much improved. The overall interaction with players, agents etc improved, even the attitude of the player's agent seems better. Appears smoother to move around than other previous iterations of the game. Played a couple of matches like the animation, an improvement again from FM22/21 imho. Players movement seems good. No game stoppers for me yet. Early days as I said but first impressions a +1.

Back to testing.

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4 hours ago, warlock said:

Same as always.

But in the interests of positivity, I'm very happy with FM23 - love the ME, my defenders aren't broken, squad planner and scouting focus could do with some work but they're fine for the way I play the game, and I actually like press conferences and player interactions as a bit of a challenge. I have no doubt I'll clock up another 1,000-plus hours in this year's game.

What do you like about the press conferences? I've seen people say it's the same questions again and again without a refresh. Also highlighted in this review.

Many state the lack of tangible improvements. See here . It seems as if SI are relying upon the Champions League license...

'It's just that those new features just aren't, hand on heart, very exciting.'

'But what would we have made of the present match engine back in November 2008 when it debuted in its earliest form? It's hard to imagine we'd agree it looked like 14 games' worth of progress'

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My original commentary from the early access is here:

Additional comment. Convincing people that the early access beta is somehow detached from the full release of the game is some impressive sleight of hand. FM seems to be the only place where people is convinced that the official release makes an actual difference to the game. Maybe a few bug fixes at most, but it's why I'm a cynic when anybody says "but it's the Beta!"

And the reason I actually came here to comment. Woe be unto those in the nosebleeds! Another retained "feature" from FM 22. I'm not entirely sure if this is a bug or intentional.





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1 hour ago, themadsheep2001 said:

That would be financially terrible, which would end up being developmentally terrible. 

This just isn't true is it its wild conjecture at best, there are many different ways to maximise revenue just look around at other games that have subscription models, chargeable DLC, in game purchases, I am not saying all of these are right for FM but there are plenty of different ways to do this you are stuck with looking how it currently works and thinking that's the only way.

Ironically I think that is one of the biggest issues with the ongoing development of the game, SI are struck into what they have always done from a development and financial perspective they are not particularly forward thinking in any of those areas which is why we have got to a point where the yearly cycle has reached critical mass, they have to have new "features" to sell the new "game".    

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2 hours ago, Just4Downloads said:

Does producer of the match team cover graphics?

I manage the team of engineers that work primarily on the Match Engine as well as some of the data that comes out of it. We work primarily on the Match AI, Animation Engine and our tooling, among other things.

Our graphics team are part of our wider shared technology team across the studio, and they work across multiple products and in multiple areas and not just the Match Engine. They help support us on shipping across so many platforms and devices, which has continued to increase over the past few years. Our shared technology team do an incredible job to help us get all of our games out every year across all these platforms and titles. 


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1 hour ago, themadsheep2001 said:

That would be financially terrible, which would end up being developmentally terrible. 

I'm not sure on what basis this comment is made? The value proposition given by this years game is arguably as much or less than the transition between CM4 to 03-04 and CM3 thru 01-02, and none of those games had any issues with any sales based on the information on public record. It's a different era I know, but still.

Is there any evidence to suggest that not changing tack on approach to the release schedule would be financially detrimental to SI? I would argue that given the player base, it's far more viable for hardcore FM fans to buy the game every single year, even when knowing dramatic updates may not happen until a new numbered release. (This has been cited by both mere plebians such as I and influencers such as the roundtable of FM creators)

In any case, I don't expect any commentary from the community is really going to change things radically regardless.

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14 minutes ago, HighFlyingDwarf said:

I'm not sure on what basis this comment is made? The value proposition given by this years game is arguably as much or less than the transition between CM4 to 03-04 and CM3 thru 01-02, and none of those games had any issues with any sales based on the information on public record. It's a different era I know, but still.

Is there any evidence to suggest that not changing tack on approach to the release schedule would be financially detrimental to SI? I would argue that given the player base, it's far more viable for hardcore FM fans to buy the game every single year, even when knowing dramatic updates may not happen until a new numbered release. (This has been cited by both mere plebians such as I and influencers such as the roundtable of FM creators)

In any case, I don't expect any commentary from the community is really going to change things radically regardless.

From a user perspective (ignoring finances) I'd also much rather they spent more time building new games (fixing bugs that have been in the game for years and refining new features) and gave us small updates throughout the release. I often see people say that financially it wouldnt make sense but Im pretty sure that is just speculation as we have no idea what the finances look like for FM and we have no idea how many people currently buy the game each year compared to those that buy it every 2 or 3 years.

If its not just speculation that it would be good to know more about that.

Ultimately we could be wrong and it might not actually improve the game, but its coming from a place of wanting the game to improve.

Edited by Platinum
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Not sure if a bug or just if I'm being stupid, but in pre-season friendly matches we can now choose 15 subs instead of 12. When I make subs at half time, if I bring on a player listed 13-15 in my list of substitutes, I'm unable to give him a team talk.

Edit: not sure why my comment is massive haha, please can a mod edit!  Edit 2: Fixed :) 

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1 hour ago, themadsheep2001 said:

That would be financially terrible, which would end up being developmentally terrible. 

Not being funny here but why do you care if its financially possible or not? Si finances should not concern you....if money is no object then we would all want the very best game possible.

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25 minutes ago, jeru said:

This just isn't true is it its wild conjecture at best, there are many different ways to maximise revenue just look around at other games that have subscription models, chargeable DLC, in game purchases, I am not saying all of these are right for FM but there are plenty of different ways to do this you are stuck with looking how it currently works and thinking that's the only way.

Ironically I think that is one of the biggest issues with the ongoing development of the game, SI are struck into what they have always done from a development and financial perspective they are not particularly forward thinking in any of those areas which is why we have got to a point where the yearly cycle has reached critical mass, they have to have new "features" to sell the new "game".    

They've literally stated this themselves. 

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