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Loving the new personality info

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I don't know if everyone has noticed this in FMM23. There is a new feature where the game gives you more information about a player's personality. In previous years, a player's personality would be, "Loyal" or "Normal". This year, if you click on "Normal" a little box pops up with additional information, such as "Lazy", "Consistent", "Unprofessional", etc. I like to have players with what I consider to be positive personality traits in my squad, so I find this extremely useful, particularly when considering a new signing. Great job FMM creators, I love this new feature!

Screenshot_20221110-110830_FM23 Mobile.jpg

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4 horas atrás, DW19 disse:

I don't know if everyone has noticed this in FMM23. There is a new feature where the game gives you more information about a player's personality. In previous years, a player's personality would be, "Loyal" or "Normal". This year, if you click on "Normal" a little box pops up with additional information, such as "Lazy", "Consistent", "Unprofessional", etc. I like to have players with what I consider to be positive personality traits in my squad, so I find this extremely useful, particularly when considering a new signing. Great job FMM creators, I love this new feature!

Screenshot_20221110-110830_FM23 Mobile.jpg

How do you show this window, just click the personality?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Agree very much, I'm very happy with that.

On a side note I think right now it's a bit too easy to have access to the full personality of any player, even the ones you have not scouted.

I think that traits should be hidden for non-scouted players, and for scouted ones it should depend of your scout's badge, pretty much the same way that some new traits appear on the coach report of your own players when your AssMan gets a new badge (has a tendency to bend the rules etc...)

A bronze scout would get to know 1-2 traits max, a gold scout could tell them all.

Edited by Maulubec
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  • SI Staff
12 hours ago, Maulubec said:

Agree very much, I'm very happy with that.

On a side note I think right now it's a bit to easy to have acces to the full personality of any player, even the ones you have not scouted.

I think that traits should be hidden for non-scouted players, and for scouted ones it should depend of your scout's badge, pretty much the same way that some new traits appear on the coach report of your own players when your AssMan gets a new badge (has a tendency to bend the rules etc...)

A bronze scout would get to know 1-2 traits max, a gold scout could tell them all.

Cool - not a bad idea at all, I'll consider putting this into the next version if you have fog-of-war (attribute masking) enabled.

I'm really glad people are enjoying the personality explanations :D

PS - In case people haven't noticed if you click on the strings in the 'team talks' after you hold one then it explains the effect of someone being 'motivated' or whatever btw.


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