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OK... So it Appears I Blew this One

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I have very little experience, so please bear with me.


I have a 4.5 star Attacking Midfielder on my B squad (Philadelphia in the MLS) who I decided I MUST sign.  So, I offered 850K to his club (he is on loan) and the offer was accepted.  So I get into negotiations with the player and his demand are far more than my budget will allow...but, I didn't realize I could re-configure my budget to allow more money for salary. (wages) Unfortunately by the time I realize this the player has cut off negotiations.  Am I done for good?  Will he ever come back to the table?  Do I need to restart the save all over again?  Obviously a rookie mistake (live and learn) BUT I am only days into the save.  I get the feeling I am going to be learning so much on the fly that I am eventually going to want to re-start my save several times.

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You should be able to renegotiate in a few weeks or so also check on his agent for any info. Being new maybe make a new save before making major decisions until you get the hang of it. 
Are you the psucolonel from OOTP?

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Thank you Fred.  While I am somewhat familiar with FM, I have never truly dove into it the way I have with OOTP.  I am hoping to change that this year, as FM 23 just looks and feels fantastic!!  For someone like me, the 30th edition is like a brand new game to me (since I never really delved in like aII plan to now)

It honestly seems like a strategy management sim that could rival titles such as Civilization and other monster games in it's genre.

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I have not..this is my first true attempt at a long term save.  I played in the Scottish league back in 1999 when SI was still publishing CM.  I have still purchased every edition/version since however to support the genre and to also get some ideas for OOTP.  There are obviously a lot of things I think OOTPD could learn from FM, but they don't seem interested in taking OOTP to the next level.  That's why I have decided to really give this a go and see how much I can get sucked in.  I have a feeling this is going to be an addiction going forward! ;)

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SO far, I am really, really enjoying it.  I need to learn/master the scouting aspect of FM.  Much more in depth than OOTP for sure.  Any suggestions on how to attack recruitment/scouting?  Are there any masterclass videos ou there for this?  I viewed some masterclass videos from Leyodemus/ FM Scout on team and individual training and found them to be immensely helpful.  I feel like I really need to sit down and learn each and every facet of FM via tutorials before I can really get going.  That's not to say actually playing the game isn't educational either...I am trying to apply what I learn in the tutorials when playing the game, but I am going to miss things like what I brought up in this thread.  Tactics is another big hill to climb.  I have some decent tactics saved, but I got lots of ideas from FM Scout and other sources.  I suppose it doesn't help that as an American I have very limited knowledge of football tactics...but I would really like to start learning.

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You will no doubt have countless unproductive agent negotiations. Pretty much once it turns orange you got 1 more shot. But sometimes demands are just out of sort. A lot has to do with player rep, agent attitude and who else is interested in the player. Big rep teams are interested then most likely will want a ton of money or sometimes they take less money to just be in the world beater squad.

I would also say the MLS is pretty tough. Lots of crazy rules and I never liked it in game. My first save after OOTP was English 10th tier in an extended database. I learned so much about the game. I would suggest bottom tier England VNS/VNN or start with no badges and sunday league footballer and see where you can start probably some 3rd/4th tier Scandinavian league or something. 

The problem with the MLS is no other league plays like that. So if you learn the MLS you don really learn anything about the other 99% of leagues. And once you get good at game the MLS is super easy. Even the AI has problems with the MLS rules and handling transactions.

I think you might like starting somewhere else in a lower league. Where ever you can find a job. Then work your way up. Maybe stop for a couple years in the MLS on your way to a top 3 worldwide league. 

MLS is ok but a long term I dont know. IF we are using long term as 1-2+ decades. I dont think there is enough meat there to keep you occupied. 

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20 minutes ago, priority76 said:

What is OOTP?

Out of the Park Baseball. Its the American sport FM. But even smaller dev team less then a dozen developers so really small indy team. 



Just as some detail american baseball at least organizationally as an institution isnt that different then the English football pyramid. It is just the players promote/relegate instead of the teams. As each top tier MLB team have around 8-12 minor league teams under their affiliation. In about what we can describe as at least 5 tiers basically. And the players themselves move up and down pretty freely. 

Scouting in baseball isn't  that different either as central/south american and the Caribbean are scouted hard for teenagers.  However north american born players are scouted and acquired completely different as for north american players there is a amateur draft. And there are even independent leagues outside of the MLB in america/japan which are also scouted heavily and there has been a lot of movement in recent years between the indys and mlb.

Edited by JimmysTheBestCop
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8 hours ago, psucolonel said:

SO far, I am really, really enjoying it.  I need to learn/master the scouting aspect of FM.  Much more in depth than OOTP for sure.  Any suggestions on how to attack recruitment/scouting?  Are there any masterclass videos ou there for this?  I viewed some masterclass videos from Leyodemus/ FM Scout on team and individual training and found them to be immensely helpful.  I feel like I really need to sit down and learn each and every facet of FM via tutorials before I can really get going.  That's not to say actually playing the game isn't educational either...I am trying to apply what I learn in the tutorials when playing the game, but I am going to miss things like what I brought up in this thread.  Tactics is another big hill to climb.  I have some decent tactics saved, but I got lots of ideas from FM Scout and other sources.  I suppose it doesn't help that as an American I have very limited knowledge of football tactics...but I would really like to start learning.

Like Jimmy said I would suggest you pick a club in the EPL because most guides on YT are going to be explaining the game/rules based there. Draft,roster,etc in Euro and MLS are very different and it's going to be hard to find MLS guides. There's a lot of let's play vids on YT so watch them ,get a notebook and enjoy.

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Ok…thanks for the advice guys…I think I will start a new save and go in unemployed as a Sunday Footballer and see what happens.  I kind of like the idea of working up the ladder…I will make getting a job with Philly my goal lol

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53 minuti fa, psucolonel ha scritto:

Ok…thanks for the advice guys…I think I will start a new save and go in unemployed as a Sunday Footballer and see what happens.  I kind of like the idea of working up the ladder…I will make getting a job with Philly my goal lol

it will also be easier as you don't need to manage huge number of coaches, analysts and other staff. just find players on loan and stick to the basics with tactics.

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Here is another question...as far as starting, does it matter what nation I start in since I am unemployed?  The reason I ask, is because I figured I'd try to find a date that is close to the actual present date.  So for example, Australia has a start date sometime in October 2022.  If I select this, will I somehow be more apt to receive job offers from Australian clubs?

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it is just a start date. you can select a start date in aus, but then you can look for jobs in any fully loaded league. doesn't need to be australia. also, i am not sure how deep is the australian pyramid, so if you start without badges you will have hard time finding a job if, i.e. you loaded only the top aus league.

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7 hours ago, psucolonel said:

WOW!!  Finding a job isn't easy!!  LOL

You have to make sure some lower leagues are loaded where there are amateur and semi pro teams as they are more likely to hire a 0 experience manager. Some players holiday to Xmas where there tends to be sackings/firings and you can apply for more jobs then that at the start of the game date.

What I usually do is add a league that has it's start date in the current years off season. So say may/june/july 2023. Just like holidaying to december there are more job openings. I like this better as I can start fresh and a year already has passed in game which means 1 year of newgens has been completed. As with long term saves the real world of football ongoings is insignificant as by the time you are ready to run with the big boys most irl guys are retired or on their way.



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It’s mid-season, the team is in horrible shape and I was given an 8 month contract and told to simply avoid relegation.  

I just took the job because it seemed it was all I could get without any coaching Licenses and a Sunday Footballer reputation.  Does it matter that I only speak English?

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22 minutes ago, psucolonel said:

It’s mid-season, the team is in horrible shape and I was given an 8 month contract and told to simply avoid relegation.  

I just took the job because it seemed it was all I could get without any coaching Licenses and a Sunday Footballer reputation.  Does it matter that I only speak English?

The language barrier does have an effect, how much is unsure, on your player interactions. If your players are not responding to you, try delegating team talks to a staff member with better man management. 

I almost always exclusively play in the lower English leagues. Having 6 levels out of the box is incredibly immersive. 

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25 minutes ago, psucolonel said:

yep..I have all of the leagues enabled...I just couldn't seem to find any other job though.

I wish my PC could handle all leagues loaded without taking 20 minutes to move a week in game. 

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It might be taking me that long also.  My processor is a 2.4 Ghz 8-core intel core i9.  I wish I had waited for the new Mac processors, but when I custom built this MacBook Pro in the spring of 2020 I didn't know.  How do you think my processor will handle all of the leagues?  I am somewhat patient when it comes to swimming (as I want the greatest degree of accuracy & detail as possible) but so far, it's taking a good 5 minutes of processing per day.  I can live with that, but if it get worse or to the point where I can't deal with the times, I will have to re-think things.  The nice thing about FM is you can change the detail level on the fly.

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2 hours ago, psucolonel said:

It might be taking me that long also.  My processor is a 2.4 Ghz 8-core intel core i9.  I wish I had waited for the new Mac processors, but when I custom built this MacBook Pro in the spring of 2020 I didn't know.  How do you think my processor will handle all of the leagues?  I am somewhat patient when it comes to swimming (as I want the greatest degree of accuracy & detail as possible) but so far, it's taking a good 5 minutes of processing per day.  I can live with that, but if it get worse or to the point where I can't deal with the times, I will have to re-think things.  The nice thing about FM is you can change the detail level on the fly.

You may want to check out the benchmarking thread, Thread Link, since it will give you an idea on sim times around the different range of processors. 

For me, if it's taking longer than 5-10 minutes (pure sim time) between games, it's far too long. I tend to play marathon sessions, so it's pretty disheartening to only play a few games after couple hours of play. 

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3 hours ago, Jonthedon26 said:

Love all the OOTP talk in here! I have been trying to get decent at that game as I am not a huge baseball fanatic being from the UK but I do enjoy it...just don't know enough about the rules etc. 

I consider myself an expert at OOTP and MLB rules. Feel free to message me if you ever have a question. I love talking baseball and OOTP

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without going too off topic, I discovered OOTP and baseball much later than FM, I find OOTP incredibly difficult to get into as there's so many games in the MLB season and so many different contract and roster requirements. I've read tons of stuff but never seem to retain enough info to get into.

Good luck with FM though, MLS is a notoriously unique league to play in, in FM terms, and starting unemployed with no coaching badges etc is pretty hard core. 

FWIW I wouldn't worry about huge databases for now and simply start with the main leagues loaded and play a season or two as a big top division club to familiarise yourself. 👍


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7 hours ago, Colorado said:

without going too off topic, I discovered OOTP and baseball much later than FM, I find OOTP incredibly difficult to get into as there's so many games in the MLB season and so many different contract and roster requirements. I've read tons of stuff but never seem to retain enough info to get into.

Good luck with FM though, MLS is a notoriously unique league to play in, in FM terms, and starting unemployed with no coaching badges etc is pretty hard core. 

FWIW I wouldn't worry about huge databases for now and simply start with the main leagues loaded and play a season or two as a big top division club to familiarise yourself. 👍


I’ll see how I do!!  If you ever need any OOTP advice JCP & myself can always lend a hand.  We have years of experience with it.

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17 hours ago, jcp1417 said:

I consider myself an expert at OOTP and MLB rules. Feel free to message me if you ever have a question. I love talking baseball and OOTP

Awesome thank you really appreciate it! The game rules I am okay with, it is all the contract stuff and roster movements etc that blow my mind haha. When I next fire it up I will be sure to message, thank again. 

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