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AFC Wimbledon - Bringing glory days of the Crazy Gang back to the fans.


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Looks like this is it boys, if we win this one and results go our way on other fields we could become Champions of the EFL League One. Unbelivable achievement if u ask me, we have clinched promotion in our last match but this win could mean so much more. We are playing away to 20th placed Leyton Orient, a team against who we have played a lot last years and had some amazing matches and it has come to this, win it and claim it.


Their recent for has been miserable and i hope we pile on the misery.


Needless to say that everyone is expecting me to win it.


Everything is ready for a mud bath.


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Im speechless, everything was working like a Swiss clock, we were in the lead, controlling the match pace and then my DMF said "fk it" and sent opposition player into a backroll with a horrible tackle from the back which resulted with an direct red card. From then on everything turned around, they took over the match and overturned the result and came as winners which i can understand, they are battling for survival so every point matters to them. Unbelivable, i was so close.



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Here we go again, we have another chance, this time everything is in our hands, if we win we are the champions of the EFL One league. We are playing against the bottom team in the league, Northampton, a team that so far won only two matches in the season and which has been relegated from the league. This is the moment, now is the time not to get complacent and get that victory and that title that no one though we will even get close to it this season. Lets get it on!




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Absolutely nerve wrecking match, first half went in the mark of missed sitters, goal line clearances and all kinds of who knows what that made me scream at my screen. Northampton got a player sent off at the end of first half and that made my victory possible, i was gutted watching my players being unable to find the back of the net. Now, that to side...



Absolutely amazing achievement, never even thought i will be on top of Enlish third league so fast in my career but it seems just a few tweaks, some good transfers and good tactics did wonders. Thank you all for the support and for following my progression through my AFC Wimbledon career, season is still not over, we have a Papa John's Trophy final to play in few days and i want a double. See you all soon with the next update.

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This has been quite an amazing season and heres a review of it.


Both me and the board are happy with the signings, especially with Dallas who scored some important goals but im gonna push Pepple in fire next season and i expect a lot from him.


These are the finances and i have no idea how i earned less from the competitions then last season. Only thing that comes to my mind is that i did well in the FA Cup but i didnt won a single trophy.


Josh Davison has finally been dethroned and deservedly by Zach Robinson. Fans player of the year and our best scorer third season in a row.



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I have got a chance to arrange a testimonial for the most faithful servant of the club, Will Nightingale who has spent 10 years in the club and played 299 matches so far. Rangers has agreed to meet honor us and show respect to fantastic Will Nightingale.





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So the preseason is over and my players are 99% ready to start our first historic season in English Championship. We have managed to play no less then 9 friendly matches in the pre season and we mixed it up with low level teams and some first league teams and i am really happy how we managed top teams.


I have succeeded in holding on to all of my top players since cheeky bastards all asked for improved contracts after we got promoted so i hope they will be happy for this season. I managed arranging two transfers and quite decent ones, Herbie Kane joined us for free from Wigan while we payed 400K for Dion Sanderson, a really really good CD who was not getting any time in Middlesbrough.



And our first opponent in the Championship is Barnsley, well known name and stable Championship team for the last couple of seasons and the odds say that we are even with them. We will see about that, wish us luck in the new season.


Edited by Pearomaniac
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1 hour ago, Pearomaniac said:


Anyone know how to fix this guys?

Sadly, I don’t know the answer to your question, @Pearomaniac.

I do know that the star ratings from your coaches and scouts are relative to the other players at your club. If you didn’t sign anybody in the summer who is significantly better than the other players at your club, I’m wondering if you’ve just reached a level (top League One / Championship) where the star ratings don’t need resetting?

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6 hours ago, Pearomaniac said:


Anyone know how to fix this guys?

I thought the star rating was a comparison to players in your own club...so if the players are the same, it makes sense the stars would remain the same.

I am happy to be corrected. :lol:

Edited by Punch
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28 minutes ago, Pearomaniac said:

Hm, i thought the star rating is compared with the quality of the teams in the league,,, @Punch @Stuniverse

Damn, i learned a lot


As I said, I am happy to be corrected.

Just going off what I have read elsewhere, but this is why your stars can change through a season, as you bring in new players, or as younger players develop.

If you find a correct answer, be sure to let us know :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Woo, december 29th was the last time i posted in this topic and it has gone by fast. Besides the holidays and celebrations i was also sick and had no will to play, all that is behind me now and im all good and back in full training. Lets see whats going in the Championship. 21 matches have just passed and i havent given u any update.



Great position for a newly promoted team and i am quite happy how we were playing at moments and that is mostly due to my home record. From 11 matches played at home i have won 7 and lost only 1 while away the situation is completely different. From 10 played matches away i have managed to win only two and lose 6. Much tougher opponents and much tougher to defend, i concede a lot and its going to be a struggle until the end of the season.

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On 13/01/2023 at 20:23, Pearomaniac said:

Great position for a newly promoted team and i am quite happy how we were playing at moments and that is mostly due to my home record. From 11 matches played at home i have won 7 and lost only 1 while away the situation is completely different. From 10 played matches away i have managed to win only two and lose 6. Much tougher opponents and much tougher to defend, i concede a lot and its going to be a struggle until the end of the season.

A great start to life in the Championship, @Pearomaniac.

Do you have much budget to freshen things up in January or are you going to stick with what you have until the summer?

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On 15/01/2023 at 16:40, Stuniverse said:

A great start to life in the Championship, @Pearomaniac.

Do you have much budget to freshen things up in January or are you going to stick with what you have until the summer?

Not really, i will not be looking into any transfer unless i run into something really special. Now. talking about special, i have got a nutty nutty offer for my youngster. Not really sure what should i do with it.

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1 hour ago, Pearomaniac said:

So i have managed to struck a deal. They have agreed to pay 10mil overall and i am going to get player on loan until the end of current season. Quite happy with that i must admit.


wow what an business you have

i cant wait for Wimbledon go back to Premier League

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15 minutes ago, LazgoNNO2000 said:

wow what an business you have

i cant wait for Wimbledon go back to Premier League

Well, i hope in two season i will be able to make a team that is going to survive in the PL. Maybe three seasons. Will see. So far i have managed to do much better then my own expectations.

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12 minutes ago, Pearomaniac said:

Well, i hope in two season i will be able to make a team that is going to survive in the PL. Maybe three seasons. Will see. So far i have managed to do much better then my own expectations.

i doing my journeymen career and i make Braga been in first place challenge for the title

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What a tough season, its 5 matches left before the end and we have survived and as it seems we are going to finish comfortably at the middle of the table. Managing to do this without breaking the bank is really satisfying. The one thing that bothered me is that my main striker wants to leave the club due to the stupid bug in the game. He asked me to play as STC Poacher role and from that moment he played nothing else besides poacher at STC but the game somehow registered that it did not happen like that and now he wants to leave. Thanks SI. Anyway, this is how the table looks like after 41 matches in the season and some of the youth intakes i got which this season are quite decent. 



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49 minutes ago, Pearomaniac said:

What a tough season, its 5 matches left before the end and we have survived and as it seems we are going to finish comfortably at the middle of the table. Managing to do this without breaking the bank is really satisfying.

Congratulations, @Pearomaniac. That’s quite an achievement.

50 minutes ago, Pearomaniac said:

The one thing that bothered me is that my main striker wants to leave the club due to the stupid bug in the game. He asked me to play as STC Poacher role and from that moment he played nothing else besides poacher at STC but the game somehow registered that it did not happen like that and now he wants to leave. Thanks SI.

D’oh! 😡

Try and ride it out (unless his contract is due to expire when he may not wish to enter negotiations ☹️) if you can. I find most players become happy again if you wait long enough and keep playing them. Good luck 🍀

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5 hours ago, Stuniverse said:

Congratulations, @Pearomaniac. That’s quite an achievement.

D’oh! 😡

Try and ride it out (unless his contract is due to expire when he may not wish to enter negotiations ☹️) if you can. I find most players become happy again if you wait long enough and keep playing them. Good luck 🍀

The same thing happened with my DMF but he is not unhappy anymore while my striker looks resolved on moving on. What can i do man, im gonna move on too.

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Another season is behind us and it is time for another season review.



I had two signings last season and one did well while my CD Dion Sanderson got damaged cruciate ligaments and he was out for more then a half season and still has 2-3 months of a break. Herbie kane was ok, 6 goals and 4 assists for a player that was not a regular starter is not bad at all.


The finances were ok, we did not earn as much as we did last season but remember that in the last season we won a double crown and competition from the league still needs to be payed out. Also, isnt it weird how my club reputation has not been changed since i was promoted from EFL League Two? Maybe not, still i just won that pizza trophy.


Finally, my strikers were dethroned from being fans player of the season, this time it was Garry O'Neill, my CM who had a good season and who i always counted on when i needed a playmaker.


It was a tough season but i had a few nice wins and matches to remember.


That will be it for this season, i plan to improve the squad with at least two top Championship players and i hope 5mil i have in the budget will be enough to attract them. See you all in the next one.




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This is the first signing i got this season and i am quite happy with it, there were quite a lot of similar players and this one was the cheapest from the bunch and just what i needed, a good ball wining DM with good tackling and agression.


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1 hour ago, argento said:

As a fan of the old Wimbledon side in the prem during the 90s I’ll be reading. Some great progress so far 

If everything goes as planned i should be back in the PL in 2-3 seasons, also, i hope i will win FA Cup by then, that is one of the main goals of this save.

Thanks for the support

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A bit of an early season update. We have managed to beat PL club in a EFL Cup encounter. Wolverhampton Wonderers were in front all the way until the 94th minute when my striker Andrew Dallas sealed their hopes of advancing to the next round so easy. Penalty drama ensued and it was none other than my CD Paul Kalambayi who scored a wining penalty and sent us to the next round where we host Leicester. Thrilling match.


My striker Aribim Pepple who came into club last season was named the player of the month by scoring 4 goals in 4 matches and he decided to dedicate his award to me. Awwwwwwww <3 



Its still early in the season but i would give my career to end it now :D Six matches only has passed and we are at the play off zone and not only that, we have been playing brilliantly welcoming noobs from the PL giving the a few bruises by the way.


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