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[Suggestion] Local regions and extinct teams


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1) for local regions, IMO it would be a nice addition to the game to have a second level local region.

For example:

Country: France

Local region: Grand est

2nd level local region: Alsace

Country: Italy

Local region: Lazio

2nd level local region: Latina

This would be a nice addition to the game and also would be easier for creators to add more levels in their custom lower level databases.

Of course not all countries have second level local regions but for the ones that do have it would be great.


2) As for extinct clubs it is a really nice addition already that there is a choise for their phoenix clubs now that continue their history but in the history section of the championships although it is shown that the X extinct team won that championship the logo shown there uses the nowadays club and not the one from the extinct one! It will also be nice to find a way somehow for the extinct's club logo to be shown on the tab. 






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