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No option for some first team players to play for B team for sharpness

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Greetings everyone!


So, in FM21 when playing in Spain, I used to often times make first team players available for the B team to increase their match sharpness when needed. Or to give playing time to youngsters which were good enough to give depth to my first team but if the starters were in shape may not see much play some stretches of the season.


However this year Im finding the option to make players available for B team quirky. In the menu, the option to make them available for the B team doesnt appear at all, while it still appears for the U-19. Sometimes it appears but only for some players.


What its weirder, its that sometimes there are players which are suggested by the staff through the inbox to make available for the B team and it allows me to make it so do it through that, but it wont appear in the player menu itself to do it manually.


Is there any reason for this? Like are there more restrtictions to allow players to play for the B team or is it a bug? I thought at first it may be a rule thing, due to a warning that appears when registering players, but my last few matches for example I was able to make availabke if I wanted only 1 player (always the same) from my main squad and he is registered like all the others, so Im not sure what the criteria is. Given the staff wasnt suggesting anyone I couldnt have a workaround.


Thanks in advance for any possible help!

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En 14/12/2022 a las 12:07, Baodan dijo:

Isn't there something about players having to be registered for the B teams squad in Spain?

Yes. B teams also have to register their players. In fact they need to be registered to be able to play with the main team.


I've made some digging, as Im not that proficient on the exact rules myself, as Im not a heavy fotball follower to be honest and its not something that its often commented about. It seems that the mobility between affiliated teams only works upwards. Meaning you can only play in teams above the one you are registered on. And then you can only go back if you havent played more than 10 matches with the first team or are under a certain age.

So, yeah. That explains it. I have everyone registered with the main team. I guess I should have registered the younger prospects in the B team and then move them up, but I didnt do it because the B team itself was quite full too and I had more slots available in the main team.


I only wonder now why could I do it in FM21 though. Maybe the rules werent correctly implemented. Because its not something that has changed recently. Does encourage keeping the squad a bit shorter, specially only very young players dont need to be registered in Spain (unlike Italy for example). Its difficult to keep 25 players in match shape unless injuries are hitting you hard.

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One thing I might suggest, as this is something I had to do when I was managing a team without a reserve or youth team, but had a slew of youth players and prospects: Set up a mid-week friendly each week, tag all the youth and prospect players with an * at the end of their name. then go into Tactics, put all the starred players into the tactic and save it. That way, each week you can pull up that saved  tactic ,adjust for players needing fitness, and give them a weekly game. You can even send the reserves on tour, give them a "futures cup", etc. 

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