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Shouts - Which ones do you use, and when?

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Aside from:

1. Encourage;

2. Praise (when winning); and

3. Berate (when losing).

I haven't had any success with any of the shouts. All of the others seem to ruin morale during the game.

Does anybody have any tips for using shouts to boost morale in game?

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I find this to be a very strange part of the game personally.

The red faces indicate a bad reaction, green good. That makes it seem simple and straightforward, but I suspect the information being relayed back to us is misleading, whether by intention or not.

As an example, if you praise your team for going 3 up and they all look chuffed, or whatever, I find the chances of conceding seem to increase. Whereas the 'concentrate' shout will show up a load of red faces, suggesting a munity is on the cards and the players are about to down tools. However it reliably seems to be the better shout if your side is ahead.

So basically what I'm saying is I don't really trust the game when it tells me that morale is wrecked when it comes to shouts. I think it's a liar and a cheat!

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23 minutes ago, vrig said:

I find this to be a very strange part of the game personally.

The red faces indicate a bad reaction, green good. That makes it seem simple and straightforward, but I suspect the information being relayed back to us is misleading, whether by intention or not.

As an example, if you praise your team for going 3 up and they all look chuffed, or whatever, I find the chances of conceding seem to increase. Whereas the 'concentrate' shout will show up a load of red faces, suggesting a munity is on the cards and the players are about to down tools. However it reliably seems to be the better shout if your side is ahead.

So basically what I'm saying is I don't really trust the game when it tells me that morale is wrecked when it comes to shouts. I think it's a liar and a cheat!

Green doesn't always mean good and red doesn't always mean bad. This is a bit old now and it's about team talks but the same logic applies to shouts. It was written by @HUNT3R


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51 minutes ago, Cleon said:

Green doesn't always mean good and red doesn't always mean bad. This is a bit old now and it's about team talks but the same logic applies to shouts. It was written by @HUNT3R


You're first sentence is basically the point I was making. That guide looks great though and has literally just reminded me that the team talk feedback screen exists for the first time in years! 

We might be getting the right information after all, just later than we expect.

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17 minutes ago, vrig said:

You're first sentence is basically the point I was making. That guide looks great though and has literally just reminded me that the team talk feedback screen exists for the first time in years! 

We might be getting the right information after all, just later than we expect.

Yeah, I was only linking the article as it was confirming/shedding light on what you were rightly saying so :)

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After conceding I tend to use focus. I even use focus after scoring.

If 2-Nil down I will berate and if I pull one back Ill use encouragement .

I never use demand more seems to always backfire in fm23.

Praise if Im winning big

But in all honestly I just take each game as it comes

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What works well for me is:

"Demand more" when drawing or winning by one goal against a lower or equal opposition.

"Encourage" when the opposition scored and now the game is a draw or when they score and now we are losing.

"Berate" if we are losing by 2 goals or being dominated against an equal or worse team than us based on the odds.

"Focus" as an individual shout to players that are looking conplacent.

"Calm down" as an individual shout to player that are looking anxious or nervous.


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Complacent players - Berate

Anxious players- Most of the time don't say anything and sub them off.

Aggressive players/ Players on a yellow card - Calm down

Draw 0-0 - Encourage (if we have been playing well)

Draw 1-1 - Demand More (if we took the lead first)

Not taking our chances/Opposition GK turns into prime Buffon - Berate



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