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Skin readability for astigmatism / poor vision


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Very straightforward and trivial request from me.

white text on dark background is notoriously fatiguing and bad for those with imperfect vision. 

This is beginning to cause me real difficulties in playing the game, particularly at night. Can SI not produce a simple colour swap skin, with black text on pale backgrounds? Would be a comparatively easy fix?

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13 hours ago, Tonton_Zola said:

Very straightforward and trivial request from me.

white text on dark background is notoriously fatiguing and bad for those with imperfect vision. 

This is beginning to cause me real difficulties in playing the game, particularly at night. Can SI not produce a simple colour swap skin, with black text on pale backgrounds? Would be a comparatively easy fix?


Moving to Feature Requests forum.

We're aware of legibility and contrast issues in various places within the user interface but what would really help would be some specific examples that you have for us to investigate. 

There are lots of different user interface elements in the game where different colours, textures are used in conjunction with things like text size as well, so a "comparatively easy fix" is not quite the case.

We're resolute in improving accessibility across our titles and any specific examples of feedback will help us with that. 


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5 hours ago, Lucas said:


Moving to Feature Requests forum.

We're aware of legibility and contrast issues in various places within the user interface but what would really help would be some specific examples that you have for us to investigate. 

There are lots of different user interface elements in the game where different colours, textures are used in conjunction with things like text size as well, so a "comparatively easy fix" is not quite the case.

We're resolute in improving accessibility across our titles and any specific examples of feedback will help us with that. 


Hi there

thank you for this.

So mine is a general complaint about not having a skin variant where you can have dark text on light background.

it’s fairly well known that, for a whole range of eye conditions (astigmatism, post laser eye surgery, even just plain old senility), white text on dark background can cause blurring, fuzzing/‘contrast bleeding’ and high eye fatigue. This is a phenomenon known as “halation” I believe.

since I had eye surgery 6 months ago things I like this have really become noticeable to me, to the extent where I can’t play the game now in low light conditions. 

i would say it might be responsible/good practice for SI to offer an inverted colour skin, with lower contrast levels and dark text on paler backgrounds. 




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To be clear on the above, to solve this issue around “halation”, the fix would be as simple as a colour role reversal for text and background. The issue I am describing is not so much about font size (like many other people w this sensitivity, I actually have optically 20 20 vision), it’s purely about colour vs background. 

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1 hour ago, Tonton_Zola said:

To be clear on the above, to solve this issue around “halation”, the fix would be as simple as a colour role reversal for text and background. The issue I am describing is not so much about font size (like many other people w this sensitivity, I actually have optically 20 20 vision), it’s purely about colour vs background. 

Thanks for the examples :) 

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Completely agree. I am unable to play FM until someone is kind enough to create a more traditional light skin. I raised this a few months back and you can see the response I received in the link below.

"Thanks for the feedback, this is a suggestion that has been raised in the community before. As such the idea is to be reviewed and may yet be rejected or with further development end up in a future FM."

Please don't reject this request again. Let's try to make the game accessible to as many people as possible.

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10 hours ago, JAwtunes said:

Completely agree. I am unable to play FM until someone is kind enough to create a more traditional light skin. I raised this a few months back and you can see the response I received in the link below.

"Thanks for the feedback, this is a suggestion that has been raised in the community before. As such the idea is to be reviewed and may yet be rejected or with further development end up in a future FM."

Please don't reject this request again. Let's try to make the game accessible to as many people as possible.

Hope we can get this simple accessibility fix done! Just a colour refit for those of us with bad eyes!

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It would also help if they completely binned the current UI / UX and started from scratch.

The whole menu system is cluttered and has real readability / visiblity problems. It needs to be stripped back to the information that's actually required.

The term "less is more" is massively needed at SI - the game is getting close to becoming unplayable because of the cluttered menus. I don't know where to find half the stuff I need, and I have played the game for over a decade, I dread to think how a new player would find anything.

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My biggest issue with this is when you do a comparison of players - then go to compare attributes. For some reason, you've gone with a cyan and a blue - almost identical colours. Surely two opposite colours would be a better choice? Or even allow people to choose their own?

Screenshot 2022-12-24 032245.png

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