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Static Adboards FM23 - Overlapping by design in larger stadiums?


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This is not related to sourcing or downloading adboard packs, but to a query around placement of static adboards in stadiums.

I have noticed that in larger capacity stadiums, some upper tier adboard frames appear to want to show half of one board and half of another (one half of one board above one half of another). Has anyone else experienced this? Is it deliberate? Any idea how to alter so that only one of the two shows in full rather than two halves?

Not sure if a new issue or possibly to do with me directing too many boards to the stadium in my xml file.


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Could be due to the stadium size . Not enough room so it cuts off.  

When I make adboards they run right to left in the sequence I number . So if i make 6 i number them  1- 6 and they run left to right . 

Are these ones you have made yourself ? Common sizes are 1024 x 112 but also 1024 x 124 . 

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11 hours ago, alian62 said:

Could be due to the stadium size . Not enough room so it cuts off.  

When I make adboards they run right to left in the sequence I number . So if i make 6 i number them  1- 6 and they run left to right . 

Are these ones you have made yourself ? Common sizes are 1024 x 112 but also 1024 x 124 . 

Thanks alian, 

Some are my own, most are drawn from previously released packs before the controversy around created dynamic boards. I am trying to combine various packs for personal use, but it will take a year or so given time needed against time available. Plan to do every team where the team had ads in pervious packs. I've lost some of the static I had though e.g. those from the 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 of rabcps last patch for fm21. I think it might be to do with allocating too many as individual boards. Think the game might be saying either this or that as when I use the standard boards only one shows. I'll work on it more and try to figure it out.

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On 04/01/2023 at 02:10, alian62 said:

Could be due to the stadium size . Not enough room so it cuts off.  

When I make adboards they run right to left in the sequence I number . So if i make 6 i number them  1- 6 and they run left to right . 

Are these ones you have made yourself ? Common sizes are 1024 x 112 but also 1024 x 124 . 


(Also doing similar to the OP but with the old fan banners mod and wanting to change/add/update a lot of them), do you know (to save constantly having to check each...single...stadium) does stadium size have a definite number of boards?  So say...20k is 9 boards...30k is 12...40+ is 16 etc etc (talking about stadia boards here...between bottom and top tiers of the stands)?  I know the 'number' inside the stadia is (seemingly) randomly assigned and some are used more than others etc, but do you know the answer to my question in that is there a direct correlation to number of adboards to stadium capacity?

Any help or a pointed finger in the direction to confirm/clarify would be greatly appreciated.

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Sorry, I don't know if there is a default based on capacity. The randomly assigned part is really frustrating. I am playing as Celtic, and using Celtic as my base. I am kind of amalgamating static boards from the fan pack and what I have of rabs last version. However, it doesn't seem possible anymore to assign a run of boards together that doesn't result in at least one of the boards appearing somewhere else. If I had four boards that were designed to appear in sequence, I can get them to do so, but then elsewhere in the stadium one of them will appear randomly and obviously no longer in sequence with the others.

I have also noticed that there is little logic to the random allocation in that the same board can appear at the end of one stand then immediately again in the next stand. 

The more I look at it, the more I am inclined to use no boards that need to run in sequence and to just accept repetition of some boards in random places and over an over. 

With Celtic, who have a capacity of 60,000, I found I could use 44 boards without it starting the overlap issue I described. It could be that 44 is the maximum number in stadiums of that size or similar. Even then, board 0 appeared eight times, and the actual number of boards in the stadium is over 70, but coding wise it couldn't cope with more than 44 entries in the XML file without starting to create overlap boards with one half of one and one half of another. 

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19 hours ago, joe5p said:

Sorry, I don't know if there is a default based on capacity. The randomly assigned part is really frustrating. I am playing as Celtic, and using Celtic as my base. I am kind of amalgamating static boards from the fan pack and what I have of rabs last version. However, it doesn't seem possible anymore to assign a run of boards together that doesn't result in at least one of the boards appearing somewhere else. If I had four boards that were designed to appear in sequence, I can get them to do so, but then elsewhere in the stadium one of them will appear randomly and obviously no longer in sequence with the others.

I have also noticed that there is little logic to the random allocation in that the same board can appear at the end of one stand then immediately again in the next stand. 

The more I look at it, the more I am inclined to use no boards that need to run in sequence and to just accept repetition of some boards in random places and over an over. 

With Celtic, who have a capacity of 60,000, I found I could use 44 boards without it starting the overlap issue I described. It could be that 44 is the maximum number in stadiums of that size or similar. Even then, board 0 appeared eight times, and the actual number of boards in the stadium is over 70, but coding wise it couldn't cope with more than 44 entries in the XML file without starting to create overlap boards with one half of one and one half of another. 

Very interesting and yes have noticed the half/half (bottom of one and top of another) issue myself in all stadiums I've checked.  Currently trying to work out how it decides which image to use.

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2 hours ago, Maviarab said:

Very interesting and yes have noticed the half/half (bottom of one and top of another) issue myself in all stadiums I've checked.  Currently trying to work out how it decides which image to use.

I think it always uses both if you try to allocate too many boards to the stadium via the xml file. I understand to a point the issues around dynamic adboards and external sharing of a pack openly. Just wish someone from SI could explain what is going on in terms of allocation of static boards for those working on personal use static boards that have no impact on the dynamic aspect which had caused issues if in the public domain.

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5 hours ago, joe5p said:

I think it always uses both if you try to allocate too many boards to the stadium via the xml file. I understand to a point the issues around dynamic adboards and external sharing of a pack openly. Just wish someone from SI could explain what is going on in terms of allocation of static boards for those working on personal use static boards that have no impact on the dynamic aspect which had caused issues if in the public domain.

They get paid by businesses to advertise those adboards in the game so makes sense that if you paid for it then you wouldn't want people to overide it in the public domain hence the removal. Im thinking next year it will all be hard coded so that will be the end of it . Can see kits being the same soon . 

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8 hours ago, alian62 said:

They get paid by businesses to advertise those adboards in the game so makes sense that if you paid for it then you wouldn't want people to overide it in the public domain hence the removal. Im thinking next year it will all be hard coded so that will be the end of it . Can see kits being the same soon . 

I really hope you’re wrong.  I think it would be a dumb move by SI, a lot of people would be put off buying the game if such modding wasn’t possible.  I think SI know this and don’t want to discourage modding they just can’t be seen to be encouraging it.

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6 hours ago, priority76 said:

I really hope you’re wrong.  I think it would be a dumb move by SI, a lot of people would be put off buying the game if such modding wasn’t possible.  I think SI know this and don’t want to discourage modding they just can’t be seen to be encouraging it.

I agree, I think the issue SI had was with dynamic boards mainly because the dynamic advertising is triggered by bidstack and if everyone were to just use custom, it would be hard sell to the advertisers, which I understand. 

Static boards though...there aren't that many hard coded. If SI hard coded a section of each stadium to enforce advertising with the boards of sponsors they could open up the other static boards en masse for individual modding. At the moment, it is triggered to just repeat a small sequence of boards. Some stadium models have 70 boards. If 10-20 went to advertisers and modders had freedom to add fan banners or real club sponsors for immersion purposes it would probably be a happy medium. 

Guess they could actually apply similar to dynamic, enforce a few triggered by bidstack and leave two or three spaces for custom. 

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14 hours ago, MattyEssTTV said:

It would be a very silly move by SI if they were to do that. I would say a very small percentage of the community use the adboards pack. 

when has that ever stopped a company doing somethign stupid?  Ever..at all in history?  Also, the people who pay SI a LOT of money to hage their clickable adboard...have a very powerful influence.


Edited by Maviarab
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