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I tried with Xcode 10.1 to add .xml file new entries to the comp editor for FM 2022


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Hello I using Xcode for .xml files

my idea was add to comp.xml local region so I wrote to comp.xml these lines:

            <!-- Local Region -->


                <flags id="field" value="Clri" />

                <translation id="name" translation_id="292941" type="use" value="Local Region" />

                <flags id="type" value="database_record_unique_id" />

                <flags id="database_table_type" value="local_region" />

                <boolean id="is_optional" value="true" />

                <boolean id="is_client_field" value="true" />


and added to comp ui.xml these:

                    <record db_field="comp,Clri" />                 <!-- local region -->

to comp columns.xml and comp filter.xml

            <record db_field="comp,Clri"/>                <!-- local region -->

after I save the comp editor with fm Resource Archiver and started the FM Editor 2022 the test 

so far so good the FM Editor 2022 starts without a beep and shows local region 


now I tested the search these works 


and test to choose local region but here no succeed 


What have I forgotten to edit .xml that the local region at club works?  

Edited by affe1802
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Hello again now a other question where stands the translation_id´s ?

My plan is for local region a parent option to choose and a sub option for the parent local region but this needs a translation_id and these is the case.

Example: Nation USA have 51 local region like California and possibly have California sub ordinated district region. I don't know it.

But Example:

Germany like Mecklenburg Vorpommern have 6 sub ordinated district´s region if I create a new local region like in German "Landkreis Rostock" I must have the Parent section. Because for "Landkreis Rostock" is Mecklenburg Vorpommern the parent region. Mecklenburg Vorpommern is in German "Bundesland" in USA would it be "State" .

The Idee is that the Local Region tab in German have the name "Bundesland" and a new Database option District in German " Landkreis"  so The Club and Stadium have the "Bundesland" and "Landkreis" and the second Idee is a other database option Football Federation in German"Fussball Verband"  with types, like  World, Continental, Nation, Regional, State and last one District.  These should have For Competitions like Verbandsliga Meckl.-Vorp. have state federation and For Club district and state federation.

I found out where to set, but since there is no translation_id and the editor crashes. I tried translation_id´s below the last one from example.ltf without succeed. 

Federations.png.f74656fc924faa9bada13201916f9c99.png 2103462731_Editorcrashes.png.595d0e7d48f9ce378f652649b7652897.png

Here I´ve let out "translation_id="fffffff" because no existing id. It is only a test and learning a little bit programming.

Edited by affe1802
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vor 13 Minuten schrieb krlenjushka:

All translation ids are stored in language file. 

Stored in lang_id.dat? That is the Problem because encrypt. I have open it with app "file info professional" checksum sha1 sha256 MD2 MD5. 

And where are stored enum_id?  These enum´s are for types of regions and federations !!!!! Did You open these files ?

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Hm for example in the original enum.xml under "rstm" can't you find U23 B´s If you copy the U23 Team type entry and paste it below and delate the existing "translation_id="292977" and change the enum="9" to 43 and change value="U23 Team" to "U23 B Team" will be show the team type under reserve team  and no no blank name in the details section for reserve team but is you change this enum="43" to 29 will be the U23 Team displayed as U17 Team type.



So the enum=""" is for type´s like team type or division types like U19 Division and more but if you try other enum numbers some one give a blank  name and some one shows the other things. 

So  somewhere on my Mac the enum="43" so that the U23 B Team appears in the name. So I think these are stored in a .dat file. And did you mean example.ltf? Then language.ltf I can´t find. 

Edited by affe1802
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So the enum="" in enum.xml file has to be somewhere again because I tried several for U19 C Team but found nothing. Only other things like U23 B Team which is not in the enum.xml file either. And I assume that these are in the .dat file.

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vor 13 Stunden schrieb krlenjushka:

language.ltf files.

Not sure i understand this about enums id...

Regions are id 19. 

The Regions id 19 is located in comp editor/format/extractor/extractor.xml these is for database like comp editor/format/database ui/db record list.xml and db record.xml. If you look in the path

/steam/steamapps /common/data/database/db/22../22.._fm/ there is lang_db.dat and a view more .dat

If you have a Mac click the editor icon right klick and view package contents/Resources/ icudt65l.dat  that could also be a file where something like enum_id´s are in there.

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vor 13 Minuten schrieb krlenjushka:

Yeah example ltf.

Ok there have I create for the test below the last one entry and wrote the id´s with name and this don't worked. So I think, I must ask the experts from SI. 

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@Kyle Brown@Daniel Dawson I tried to add U19 C Team Type With Xcode 10.1. But I don't find this Team Type but other like U23 B with enum="43" without translation_id  that was not in the enum.xml stored or example.ltf  where are comes the enum="43" that in the FM Editor displayed U23 B Team and where are the translation_id´s stored? 

Why I ask Example Local Region needs the parent section and there is no translation_id for this. I think that .dat files are these files for translation_id and enums. Correct?

Here in this thread are my plans.

Edited by affe1802
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