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Attributes, stars and performance. Time for a change.

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7 hours ago, phd_angel said:

There should be an easier consensus from 1 to 5 (very poor, below average, average, above average, excellent)?...

it won't work because everything is relative to the league you're playing and you're asking them to use one system to rate all players in the game. At least with a range from 1-20 (under the hood the attributes are not 1-20 but they go from 1-100) you have different ranges where a player can fall under. For example for the league I'm currently managing in 10 is the average attribute for key attributes, if they were to use your suggestion it should be around 3 however, a 3 (average) in my league will be 1 (very poor) in the big leagues so how would we know what level of players we are looking at.

There is also the fact that if they did that there will still be people asking to know what very poor really means. obviously this is just speculation from me but you get similar question on the tactic forum a lot like "how wide is wide on attacking mentality compared to wide on balanced mentality?" While the question in this example can be a valid one to ask (I personally see it as unnecessary) it's still an example of how the game tries to simplify things but we are still looking for a complicated solution 

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Last word on this subject. Glad I started this thread and appreciate all the replies. I think the consensus is no need to change. 

one last thought. If an attribute is your maximum capability should they ever be reduced from peak capacity? At least until aging kicks in. It would kind of make data updates worthless. As a manager your skill is unlocking that maximum potential. I see some spurs players have dropped attributes in the recent update. Surely that’s unfair. Their form is rubbish but because they once were great they can be again??

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My meager suggestion to OP is to try playing without stars or player attributes for a change.

You can use skins like this one to try it out.

Opinions may vary, but it's honestly become my favorite way to play the game.  Hiding away the stars and numbers helps turn the players from pixels and computer data into actual players in my mind, which helps a lot with immersion.  Plus, then you don't have to waste time asking questions like exactly what impact the finishing number has on a player's ability to score.

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