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Nation name won't change


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I've recently begun to ignorantly attempt to add my own custom nation into the game. I am trying to add Navajo Nation as its own country and tried to replace the U.S. Virgin Islands. I changed all the information, added dozens of cities, changed jersey colors, etc and all that is represented when I load the game. The only thing that isn't, is the name of the nation. For whatever reason I cannot get it to change from U.S. Virgin Islands to Navajo Nation. Is there a possible work around or did I just waste a lot of time using a nation whose name you can't change in the game? 

I'd appreciate any help, I'm a rookie when it comes to using the editor and I recently decided to create my own sort of world similar to what @Wolf_pd is doing. Just off to a rocky start....thank you!

Edited by Pattric_b
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Did you change both the Name and Short Name? Different screens show different ones. So if you only changed one, you might need to change the other to get it to show everywhere.

Do you have any "real name fix" files installed? They often overwrite name changes done in the editor. Not sure why they'd have a name change for the US Virgin Islands included, but it's definitely a possibility.

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Yeah I changed both names. I went to search for Navajo nation in game and nothing appeared, I only found the stadium and newspaper I created for the nation. 

I did load the Sortitout name fix when I went to check so I didn't load anything apart from my Navajo editor file and the problem persists. Weird.

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Yeah, very likely to be the "real name fix" in your lnc files. You don't have an option to load it, if it's in that folder it will be loaded all the time.

This is the file path for me to get to lnc files. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2023\data\database\db\2300\lnc

So look there, or whatever the Mac? equivalent is. It might be in one of the lnc sub-folders too, depends on where you put it.

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