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Question about Ticket Holders/Wait List

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Is it normal to have a high number of people on the season ticket waiting list DESPITE the number of current season ticket holders being lower than the capacity of your stadium?

For instance, at Stuttgart in 2025, I've become give or take the 2nd or 3rd most popular/reputable club in Germany. The stadium capacity is around 60,000. My average attendance is around 50-60,000 depending on who we are facing. The number of season ticket holders is around 37,000, but the waiting list is 75,000.

From what I can tell over the past seasons, is that the waiting list increases at a higher rate than the number of season ticket holders. Why would the wait list be such a large number when there still is a gap of around 23,000 between season ticket holders and stadium capacity? I get that not ALL of the seats should be given to season ticket holders.

Is there something IRL or some mechanism that I am missing? I am using a number of editor files though, so perhaps there's an issue there? Is anyone from vanilla experiencing the same thing?

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Would also say, you probably need to reduce stadium capacity by 10-20k (I don't actually know, may depend on club) regarding tickets for away supporters.  All very well saying 60k stadium...but what is the allocation for away support?  That needs deducting from thus obviously affecting how many seats are available for home support.

Edited by Maviarab
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17 hours ago, alian62 said:

Im gussing that with many stadiums there is only a certain percentage that is allocated to tickets holders . Not the whole stadium .


11 hours ago, Maviarab said:

Would also say, you probably need to reduce stadium capacity by 10-20k (I don't actually know, may depend on club) regarding tickets for away supporters.  All very well saying 60k stadium...but what is the allocation for away support?  That needs deducting from thus obviously affecting how many seats are available for home support.

Yeah, that's what I was guessing. Only a portion of the stadium seats is allocated for season ticket holders. Is there a reason that the number of season ticket holders still increases every year though?

As far as I can tell, the away support is usually around 10% when it's at full capacity/for big games (Bayern/Dortmund). Against smaller teams when the stadium is at full capacity, I've seen away support being at 2,000-4,000 or less.

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13 hours ago, Dalseong said:

As far as I can tell, the away support is usually around 10% when it's at full capacity/for big games (Bayern/Dortmund). Against smaller teams when the stadium is at full capacity, I've seen away support being at 2,000-4,000 or less.

Yeah I would say this is very highly dependent on club/country.  Germany seems far better than many countries for allowing non season ticket holders in (ie, book online, get a ticket at the gate etc) than say compared to the Premier League where if you're not a holder, good luck ever trying to get a ticket to a match.  Also, domestic vs continetal games will be different too I imagine in terms of allocations.  As for the increase, again, maybe dependent on how well you're doing, marketing etc.  A real life example of this would be Boca, always been my dream to watch them at home, but given they have an 8 year (iirc) waiting list, with approx 25k fans on a 'reserve' list (which they pay for) in case a current season holder drops out...I think that dream will always stay as one (ezpecially as don't even live there either lol).  And those numbers are increasing I believe.  In Argentina! 

I can imagine it's even worse for a big european club.

Edited by Maviarab
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  • 1 year later...

Only a portion of the stadium seats is allocated for season ticket holders

Just to be clear, NO. Its not about stadium allocation. 

FM24. Play in 7k stadium. Previos season I had 6996 ticket holders. Since then I had "waiting list" as ~1200 people...

Here comes the next season and what am I seeing?? "club have sold 6796 season tickets for this season" 

"The sales have dropped since last season, when the club sold 6996"

This MAKES NO SENSE. So after googling... I agree with whoever said that this "waiting list" number is just bogus. Made up. It doesnt mean anything really in terms of mechanics. It will increase because of reputation growing, but it wont affect season ticket sales... Completely pointless stuff. 

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