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Required wage to get a work permit for a player currently at the club with settled status (English Championship side)?


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Example: Leon Dajaku of Sunderland. At the start of the game he has settled status. Is on 2k p/w. Apart from getting a work permit, it is easy to get him to accept a contract extension for a low wage, in the region of 2.5-5k p/w at any point during season 1. However, the WP application for him seems to get rejected every time.


Somewhere in game I read that the WP application would probably get approved if I offered him a higher wage. However, I have seen no indication as to how high a wage is required.


Anyone who has a good guess regarding the required minimum wage to get a WP application for Dajaku approved?

Hm, on second though I guess I could just save the game before negotiating with him and reload infinite times. Do trial and error, figure out the required wage that way.


In any case, input appreciated. Not least input regarding whether the wage threshold is basically the same for alle English clubs, or whether it makes a difference which club you manage, what league you are in and whatever else.


Edit: Just tried to reload etc. The WP application gets rejected even though I offer him 22.5k p/w, the maximum I am allowed to offer.


So I guess wage isn't as important as I though and that I think I saw indicated somewhere in-game.


I guess a player like Dajaku is just to bad to have a chance of a WP, and that there is nothing I can do about it. Please let me know if I am missing something here.

Edited by danej
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No idea where you read that about wages, has zero to do with it.  The WP is simply down to his reputation as a player and ultimately, international appearances (has to be something like 75% of last x amount of games.  The only qualifier to exempt that requirement is if they are touted as being the next big thing and/or their rep, value and experience (decided by an FA panel upon request) overshadow the lack of international appearances.  Ultimately this comes down to the home office (un the UK), nothing to do with the club.

Edited by Maviarab
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  • 5 months later...
1 minute ago, enders357 said:

Same question... no indication at all what I need to offer Undav, just that it needs to be higher.

As the other guy mentioned above - my experience so far suggests that wage has nothing to do with it. Misleading when that is being mentioned. It feels more like, either a player gets the WP, or he doesn't. Possibly makes no difference how much money you offer him.

I am no expert in this, but it is my impression so far. WP is probably decided on other criteria which are accesible somewhere, don't remember where, probably mentioned in game as well if I remember correctly.

In any case it is remarkable how some players, typically youngsters can get a WP even on a very low wage. Whereas others with a much higher wage can't get a WP. Perhaps also implies that wage has little to no significance.

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