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Maybe Coincidence but.....

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The update has coincided with the start of my 4th season with Sunderland, and from nowhere almost every player is requesting a new contract despite having 3/4 years left on their existing deals.

Not only that, they're asking for ridiculous pay rises, from £45k to £145k a week - even the squad players have turned into mercenaries!

Anyone else seeing this??

Note: I have qualified for the champs league via the back door two seasons running, but surely this wouldn't force everyone to want to blow my wage structure to smithereens?

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Just had a look - there is a few hundred thousand left over but that’s all. My budget is currently only £1.5m. 

Maybe they’ve just outgrown the club!

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I don't know if this is coded in the game, but have a look at salaries in champions league teams.  I know that if I win the premier league and champioons league then half my team comes asking for a pay increases, so perhaps its the same for reaching the champions league.  Especially if they are on lower salaries, and 45,000 for a starter in the champions league is not high, and you are in the champions league 2 years running!

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I sold 3 of the players who wanted a crazy pay rise and loaned one of them out, I offered one of them a new deal and he became the highest paid player at the club on £65k a week (with ridiculous bonuses!!)

Another 2 or 3 of them were happy with me telling them they had plenty of time left on their current deals, so squad harmony has been restored just in time for the season start - let’s see how it goes with so many new faces!

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Just for a bit more context, I’ve continued the “Sunderland model”, which is signing only players around 22 years old and younger. Some of the players I’ve had to move on are 24 max - greedy little bstrds!

So it’s not like I’ve got a load of experienced pros who might feel they deserve big money. 

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