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What does everyone thjnk about the idea SI need to move from yearly releases to by tearly releases 

Feels like the game is getting worse every year & i feel a discussion needs to be had about if its time they ditched the yearly release and actually start taking their time with the game rather than what it feels like they are doing now which is rushing yearly releases & not have any improvements at all

Just a idea

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57 minutes ago, Matty89 said:

What does everyone thjnk about the idea SI need to move from yearly releases to by tearly releases 

Feels like the game is getting worse every year & i feel a discussion needs to be had about if its time they ditched the yearly release and actually start taking their time with the game rather than what it feels like they are doing now which is rushing yearly releases & not have any improvements at all

Just a idea

I've been saying this since about 2016.

However, their business, business model and game.  That being said, this kind of business model is slowly falling apart as any similar model with a yearly release will prove sales are drastically falling from what they were years ago.  Maybe FM is slightly more advantagous in that it's really the only football management game with any depth around, kinda corned the market but the rumblings are here, on other forums and one look at the industry regarding this model will show that despite FM's recent rise in sales, it won't last if they keep producing what is essentially, in all but name and a few different ways of doing things, the same game they released years ago.

The fact that even today, in 2023, it still takes them 4 months to get a reasonably fleshed out working game, every...year...for a game that has a 12 month life cycle (with then no option to be able to buy older versions)...for a game that is essentuially the exact same one as it was before, does make one wonder at times exactly what they do all year....

I don't think they can afford to take a year off without income and actually do everything the game needs, fix what needs fixing, include what needs including and flesh out what has been stale for over 10 years and just release a transfer update for say £15.  So it is what it is, so euither put up with it or do what I have, this first time I've bought it in 5 years (and actually still quite stunned at the general state it's in compared to then and how little has actually changed).

Edited by Maviarab
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