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Asia league reputation didn't update like in european league?It really kill the immersion of the Asia long save.

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This is leauge stading in beginning of the save


In nearly 10 years the league is doesn't change.So is basically AFC qualifying spot doesn't change in every years.


It really difficult to play in long save in Asia.I hope this will change in future fm

I also wonder does africa,north america or south america league have dynamic reputation.

Edited by nevercora
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Looks like you're right.

I believe it was a thing when the game started, so maybe an issue with the latest patch? I tested it upon release and things were dynamic then, granted I was actually testing for dynamic prize money rather than reputation, but I'm pretty sure the two are linked so if that was dymanic back then, reputation should have been too.


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Never mind. I can confirm they are dynamic.

Tried an initial 3 season test, plus looked at my own save (only in 2024) and it looked like there weren't changing. Just tried a longer test and they definitely have changed:



India was the only nation loaded, plenty of leagues changed rep though.

Also, AFC qualifying places aren't based on reputation. Under the Nations tab there should be Nations Coefficients and Qualification Places pages, they determine places in AFC competitions. They're linked to dynamic rep, but they're not exactly the same.


Are you playing with edited continental competitions? Editing them breaks dynamic rep.

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Yup,i was playing with edited AFC champion league,afc cup and aff cup.So it continental competition was the problem.

I used to download all asian continental competition in previous fm verision without a problem so why it happen now

Why they created it that would break dynamic rep?

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Unfortunately, you'll have to contact whoever created the editor data file to figure that one out.  Honestly, my guess is that they probably copied over information from files that worked with previous versions, and that a bug might have sneaked in.

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By read these two threads, I found out that all the edited continental competition has to be create the competition again from scratch in the editor, removing the existing competitions entirely instead of just edited them. By create competitions from scratch to include competitions rule (which I want substitution rule to change to 5 from 12 and new squad registration rule from AFC champion league) and doing so could cause breaking the coefficient/qualification system.

I already had pre-game editor, but I cannot see which part of continental competition editor file that would cause breaking the coefficient/qualification system and I don't know how fix this.

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