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Spanish newgens called Ivan

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Yeah I noticed the same. Also, check the Argentinian newgens, most of them are named Tomás.

Extremely annoying and immersion breaking in my opinion.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-05-30 a la(s) 18.57.14.png

I have the in game editor so whenever I encounter one of these "in the wild" (as in, not actively searching for newgens) I change their first name to one from a random Argentine name generator (?) I found online. Still far from ideal.

Edited by Javier
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Head cannon needs to be that there is some famous Activist, or awful reality star that broke out around 16 years prior hence the surge in the popularity of a particular name. 

How does the naming work? I imagine it's totally random for each generated person so that always means that there is a good chance of stuff like this happening as the odds of that name being picked don't actually change. I guess similar to why it feels like a playlist always gravitates towards one song even when you shuffle it each time you start a session. It seems a bias, but it's not. (At least that's how it was explained to me. I am really rubbish with maths and probability.) 

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