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Former Save Scummers, how did you kick the habit?

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I had my last straw with this year's version after an absolutely ridiculous sequence of events. Even went so far to delete the save. 

Anyway in the event I return to the series with FM24, what are some things you've utilized to convince yourself to not alt-f4 the game mid match?

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not done that in many a year, it just got boring and recognized that it defeats the purpose of the game. there's no real sense of progression or achievement if you cant lose. you havnt really done anything. At least thats how i felt 

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On 17/06/2023 at 22:14, Renyy said:

Ran out of things to do in the game, but I still enjoyed playing it. Playing it legitimately was the next logical step. I never really save scummed as much as made sure I didn't have to in the first place though.

Winning the Champions League is infinitely more rewarding losing 3 finals in a row before it. Then 10 minutes later we're back to 0 and we go again. It's an abusive relationship this game.

I think if you're rage quitting mid-game you should re-consider if this is the game for you. The beauty of Football Manager is that you can't control how things play out, only guide them there. There's more appropriate games out there if you want direct and immediate control. 

I have often debated whether to quit the game entirely. I put it down for long stretches. But it scratches an itch that no other game can replicate so every so often I boot it back up and get sucked in again. 

tbh it's not the lack of control that gets me, it's the "one game you're putting 5 past your opponent to the next game you're questioning if all your players are colorblind" dynamic. I think the lack of feedback in terms of tactically this system is sound and players x,y,z just had off-days or yeah you need a total overhaul contributes to the general frustration on top of the receptiveness/predictability of the match engine for highlights. 


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FM is a weird game where it makes you feel like you have complete control over 11 other people and that they should bend to your every whim. Real life isn't like that. I think when I changed my perspective a bit and put that 'realistic' lens on it I became less bothered. Also, minutely obsessing about one particular game and playing it again and again is a law of diminishing returns so even when you finally scum that game it doesn't feel good.

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I've never done it for results. The only time I do it - and have my back-up save every single time, is when I am offered a new job. I feel it unrealistic to accept a job without knowing the finances. I play LLM, so by their simply stating finances are 'OK', then find you're £300k in the red & haemorrhaging £40k per month is not something I take lightly lol  :) 

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Failing to achieve goals is part of any manager's life, it's realistic. I have no problem when it happens to me in the game. And just like in real life, you simply have to accept defeats and move on

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Il 18/6/2023 in 04:14 , Renyy ha scritto:

I think if you're rage quitting mid-game you should re-consider if this is the game for you.

No offence, but i always found this pretty extreme, unfair and really harsh to say. Anyone upsets for something in his real life, and doing it for a game is just slightly different. Should he just give up on anything then? Also not rage-quitting doesn't place anyone above those doing it and no one should rule out what's for him and what's not.

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10 hours ago, Federico said:

No offence, but i always found this pretty extreme, unfair and really harsh to say. Anyone upsets for something in his real life, and doing it for a game is just slightly different. Should he just give up on anything then? Also not rage-quitting doesn't place anyone above those doing it and no one should rule out what's for him and what's not.

Don't worry. Renyy got banned for rage posting. I guess the forum wasn't for him :lol:

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go play with a team you know nothing about, in a league you know nothing about..    then if you're still doin it, ask yourself why, and if FM is really the game for you

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