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Dynamic Potential Ability increase for players who perform exceptionally


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I have played countless saves where players consistently outperform their attributes. However, since they are old and/or have reached their PA, their attributes do not move at all.

This is frankly quite frustrating, as I have to replace players who play exceptionally well simply because they are not improving. It completely ruins the immersion when I have to replace a player who's playing at a world class level, just because his attributes do not follow his form.

There are countless examples of such players IRL. Junior Messias for Milan, Edouard Mendy for Chelsea, Jamie Vardy for Leicester, etc. These examples are quite rare, but it's ridiculous that FM has ZERO chance for this to happen. 


I understand that this feature may seem overpowered. However, it would only be for players who are consistently performing (over the course of 1-2 seasons at least) better than their attributes. This would mean that the likelihood of it happening would be similar to real-life scenarios.


One example of this is my goalkeeper, Robin Zentner (This was in FM22, but I doubt much has changed for FM23). He has average attributes, but has consistently overperformed for me in the Bundesliga for two seasons. His goals prevented tally is around 20 for both seasons, and has regularly pulled off 10+ saves in matches against teams like Bayern and Dortmund.

If this happens in real life, he would start for any top team in the world. However, I had to replace him with a better keeper, because his exceptional form over two seasons did not result in any change of attributes.

I've attached some screenshots of the level of performance I was getting from Zentner




By Gameweek 32, he had prevented 16.24 goals. If this happened in real life, he would at least be getting a few attributes bumped up by 1 or 2. However, he remained as seen below, unchanged (discounting the occasional yellow arrow up)




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  • 3 weeks later...

A few points regarding this recurring topic:

  • Ability and performance are two different things.
  • High ability increase the likelyhood of world class performance, not the other way around.
  • Ability is not a reward or points for great performance.
  • Performance can be because of or despite of a player's ability.
  • And above all, if your player is performing that well, just don't replace him. You actually don't have to do that.
Edited by Vänsterback
Correcting typos
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  • 2 weeks later...

People across SI and the community hate having this discussion, for some odd reason, when in my opinion it would absolutely be one of the best features ever added to FM.

If a 110 CA & PA striker starts on a Premier League team and then proceeds to score 30+ goals each season across multiple seasons, why shouldn't they have a PA increase? Every reason I've heard against this, in my opinion, is lackluster.

On 25/07/2023 at 13:56, boey said:

There are countless examples of such players IRL. Junior Messias for Milan, Edouard Mendy for Chelsea, Jamie Vardy for Leicester, etc. These examples are quite rare, but it's ridiculous that FM has ZERO chance for this to happen. 

I completely agree with this. If anything, dynamic PA not being in the game ruins the immersion for me in certain cases and in my opinion goes against the will of SI to make the full semi-realistic experience that they wish for year after year. It is one of the only things that FIFA's (now EAFC) manager mode has gotten right, which to me is embarrassing as career mode is not even a main focus for that game. If the player's individual attributes and CA are dynamic, their PA should be too under rare circumstances. This should also mean a player's PA going down after devastating injuries, which I believe was an actual feature back in CM3 but I'm not sure whether or not it is still in the game.

I hope now with the addition of DYR, dynamic PA will be on the horizon.

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On 10/08/2023 at 02:44, Vänsterback said:

A few points regarding this recurring topic:

  • Ability and performance are two different things.
  • High ability increase the likelyhood of world class performance, not the other way around.
  • Ability is not a reward or points for great performance.
  • Performance can be because of or despite of a player's ability.

I understand this. However, if a player performs at a very high level over a long period of time, is it not fair that they would be able to improve past their PA?

Another example is Joelinton, he improved drastically due to his position and role change, I find it upsetting that this is IMPOSSIBLE in the game. He even has countless attribute changes of more than +5 (iirc his tackling has gone up almost 10 points?)

On 10/08/2023 at 02:44, Vänsterback said:

And above all, if your player is performing that well, just don't replace him. You actually don't have to do that.

Yes, but eventually they will stop performing at such a level due to their attributes pulling them down. Furthermore, their transfer value/transfer interest would not be reflective of their performances. For example, Edouard Mendy would not have secured that big money move to Saudi Arabia if it were not for his few seasons of good form at Chelsea

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I disagree on the base of potential ability level .

I mean why it should has a sealing on that ? Let’s say that I have a player on age of 19 and has current ability 101 .

Why any moderator should put a seal on his potential ability let’s say of 110?! 
if has the attributes that fixed with my tactical approach for the role that I want to use him and has the determination and he is focused on his evolution and give him significant playing time why can can’t reach 130 at the age of let’s say around 30 when a player stop to evolute ?!?

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And still there is yet to be an argument that convinces me this is a decent idea, let alone "realistic".

Potential ability is the absolute best that someone can be at something.  There is no way for that to increase, but there is a way for that to decrease (hence why the game at least used to do that, if not still does) through a serious injury meaning they can never reach that mark.  That ceiling increasing is a logical absurdity.

Now take the main real-life example that people always bring up.  Jamie Vardy.  I'll preface this by saying that trying to draw parallels between real life and two numbers that are pretty much only there for functionality purposes is always going to lead to problems, but let's try anyway.  The level which he could reach has never changed through his whole life.  There was always a theoretical limit that could never be breached, but that was fairly high.  When he was in the lower leagues, that potential was still high, but his current ability clearly wasn't close to that point.  He got moves to bigger clubs, and he ended up playing seemingly outwith parameters.  When really his perceived ability was just increasing at a far higher rate than before.  He didn't breach his potential ability, his current ability just moved differently.

So in summary, dynamic potential ability is a largely nonsensical idea, particularly when it's being brought in to somehow give realism.  What definitely does need to be tweaked is how CA progresses towards PA.  You could definitely create a number of unique scenarios purely by modifying that, and achieve a lot of what dynamic PA seems to want to be.

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This already exists. It's true that PA is fixed, but there is also perceived potential ability, which will change based upon performances, progression, etc. Perceived potential can change throughout the development of a player. 

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21 hours ago, Gangor said:

This already exists. It's true that PA is fixed, but there is also perceived potential ability, which will change based upon performances, progression, etc. Perceived potential can change throughout the development of a player. 

Yes, I understand that this is the current implementation for there to be a range of PA's available.

However, it does not work in the scenarios that I mentioned. There is zero possibility for player growth like Joelinton, Junior Messias, Edouard Mendy, Jamie Vardy etc. to occur in-game. Players who are in their mid to late 20s will never have that exceptional growth even if they play exceptionally well, which is quite infuriating.

There's no point of this feature not being in a game that's predominantly single-player. It would improve the realism of player development and allow the game to be more immersive.

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On 24/08/2023 at 11:09, forameuss said:

And still there is yet to be an argument that convinces me this is a decent idea, let alone "realistic".

Potential ability is the absolute best that someone can be at something.  There is no way for that to increase, but there is a way for that to decrease (hence why the game at least used to do that, if not still does) through a serious injury meaning they can never reach that mark.  That ceiling increasing is a logical absurdity.

Now take the main real-life example that people always bring up.  Jamie Vardy.  I'll preface this by saying that trying to draw parallels between real life and two numbers that are pretty much only there for functionality purposes is always going to lead to problems, but let's try anyway.  The level which he could reach has never changed through his whole life.  There was always a theoretical limit that could never be breached, but that was fairly high.  When he was in the lower leagues, that potential was still high, but his current ability clearly wasn't close to that point.  He got moves to bigger clubs, and he ended up playing seemingly outwith parameters.  When really his perceived ability was just increasing at a far higher rate than before.  He didn't breach his potential ability, his current ability just moved differently.

So in summary, dynamic potential ability is a largely nonsensical idea, particularly when it's being brought in to somehow give realism.  What definitely does need to be tweaked is how CA progresses towards PA.  You could definitely create a number of unique scenarios purely by modifying that, and achieve a lot of what dynamic PA seems to want to be.

So if I'm understanding your POV - Vardy always had a real-life PA of, say, 160, but hovered around the 110 mark for most of his career? Then suddenly at the age of 25 (or whatever) improved massively to reach that 160 mark?

I'm pretty sure this can't happen in FM. But otherwise I would agree it's a fair way of looking at it. 

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16 hours ago, IgnorantLobster said:

So if I'm understanding your POV - Vardy always had a real-life PA of, say, 160, but hovered around the 110 mark for most of his career? Then suddenly at the age of 25 (or whatever) improved massively to reach that 160 mark?

I'm pretty sure this can't happen in FM. But otherwise I would agree it's a fair way of looking at it. 

I'm not saying it can happen, I'm saying it should be possible and it would be a decent improvement to make.  But having dynamic PA isn't the solution, just a different journey towards that PA.

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On 28/08/2023 at 10:37, boey said:

Yes, I understand that this is the current implementation for there to be a range of PA's available.

However, it does not work in the scenarios that I mentioned. There is zero possibility for player growth like Joelinton, Junior Messias, Edouard Mendy, Jamie Vardy etc. to occur in-game. Players who are in their mid to late 20s will never have that exceptional growth even if they play exceptionally well, which is quite infuriating.

There's no point of this feature not being in a game that's predominantly single-player. It would improve the realism of player development and allow the game to be more immersive.

What's realistic about having an unlimited cap on potential? Are you asking for this feature so you can buy any half decent 25 year old stick him in your side, put in some good performances and then poof you got yourself a world class player for 10M? Sounds like that's pretty unrealistic to me. 

The game is simulating real life. There has to be a limit at which a player cannot improve both real and newgens. For the large majority of real players in the game their PA is perfectly fine. Cherry picking a handful of players who performed better than expected across a vast system of 100s of thousands of players and calling it "unrealistic" is quite the claim. The only reason you know a player is at their limit or what their limit is, is because you're playing as an omniscient character instead of a manager. If the researchers could do that I'm sure they would. Dynamic PA solves no problems and creates countless others, chief among them unrealistic player development. 

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On 29/08/2023 at 00:04, IgnorantLobster said:

So if I'm understanding your POV - Vardy always had a real-life PA of, say, 160, but hovered around the 110 mark for most of his career? Then suddenly at the age of 25 (or whatever) improved massively to reach that 160 mark?

I'm pretty sure this can't happen in FM. But otherwise I would agree it's a fair way of looking at it. 

This would have to be the case for Vardy's situation to happen in FM, which is incredibly unrealistic.

I'm proposing a feature that Vardy's PA would be around 110, and due to some circumstances (good performance in matches, good training rating, playing in a preferred role, good morale etc.), his PA climbs to 160 rapidly

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21 hours ago, wazzaflow10 said:

What's realistic about having an unlimited cap on potential? Are you asking for this feature so you can buy any half decent 25 year old stick him in your side, put in some good performances and then poof you got yourself a world class player for 10M? Sounds like that's pretty unrealistic to me. 

The game is simulating real life. There has to be a limit at which a player cannot improve both real and newgens. For the large majority of real players in the game their PA is perfectly fine. Cherry picking a handful of players who performed better than expected across a vast system of 100s of thousands of players and calling it "unrealistic" is quite the claim. The only reason you know a player is at their limit or what their limit is, is because you're playing as an omniscient character instead of a manager. If the researchers could do that I'm sure they would. Dynamic PA solves no problems and creates countless others, chief among them unrealistic player development. 

It does not have to be overpowered, it can be implemented in a way that is incredibly hard to get a player's PA to increase significantly. It's just that not having this be possible at all is completely unrealistic.

The current system can be kept, with this added feature that makes it possible, but very difficult to increase your player's PA. It can be based on several factors, such as morale, mentoring, training rating, match performance, playing in a certain role/position, team match performance etc.



Are you asking for this feature so you can buy any half decent 25 year old stick him in your side, put in some good performances and then poof you got yourself a world class player for 10M?

Didn't Brighton do this with Mitoma? And probably a few others like Enciso, Buonanotte, Ferguson etc.  There are a few more examples, but the fact that this is possible in real life, should mean that it's possible in-game, even if it's incredibly difficult.

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7 hours ago, boey said:

Didn't Brighton do this with Mitoma? And probably a few others like Enciso, Buonanotte, Ferguson etc.  There are a few more examples, but the fact that this is possible in real life, should mean that it's possible in-game, even if it's incredibly difficult.

None of them has surpassed their potential. It has just been somewhat unknown (and still is of course). Just because I as a researcher set the PA of, for example, Jens Cajuste to barely professional level when I first created him in the FM16 database didn't mean he didn't have Napoli potential at that time. It just meant that I underestimated it and didn't see that potential.

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On 31/08/2023 at 11:39, wazzaflow10 said:

What's realistic about having an unlimited cap on potential?

The fact that you've managed to come away from this discussion with this absurd claim, which nobody here is arguing for, just shows that you are clearly trying to argue on extremes. With this logic, do you think that the dynamic youth rating feature, which is already in this game, has an unlimited cap and is "unrealistic"? Obviously not.

On 31/08/2023 at 11:39, wazzaflow10 said:

Dynamic PA solves no problems and creates countless others, chief among them unrealistic player development.

If every feature requested here has to solve a "problem," then this board would cease to exist.

In fact, if DPA was added to FM24, the vast majority of the community would be ecstatic about it. Which is why, in my opinion, this feature (or alternatives for it) should be a must in some way for SI going forward.

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15 hours ago, Vänsterback said:

None of them has surpassed their potential. It has just been somewhat unknown (and still is of course). Just because I as a researcher set the PA of, for example, Jens Cajuste to barely professional level when I first created him in the FM16 database didn't mean he didn't have Napoli potential at that time. It just meant that I underestimated it and didn't see that potential.

Yes, everyone who determines the potential of footballers are human and makes mistakes. Be it FM researchers, or IRL scouts/analysts.

Shouldn't there be a feature in-game to account for this margin of error then?

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39 minutes ago, boey said:

Yes, everyone who determines the potential of footballers are human and makes mistakes. Be it FM researchers, or IRL scouts/analysts.

Shouldn't there be a feature in-game to account for this margin of error then?

Well in most cases our guess still is better than if the game would somehow overwrite the data the researchers have put in. For every Cajuste there are 20 teammates of his in that youth team in FM16 that turned out precisely as semi-pro or amateur as I predicted back then. And hundreds more in other teams I cover. Would a random or 'dynamic' factor increase or even perfect the quality of that data in total? Simply no. It would do that only if that dynamic factor found exactly those players that would turn out better IRL than their PA suggested. And it wouldn't.

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On 02/09/2023 at 06:03, Gum said:

The fact that you've managed to come away from this discussion with this absurd claim, which nobody here is arguing for, just shows that you are clearly trying to argue on extremes.

On 23/08/2023 at 04:00, Gum said:

dynamic PA not being in the game ruins the immersion for me in certain cases and in my opinion goes against the will of SI to make the full semi-realistic experience

uhhh yeah here's your own comment calling it unrealistic so don't know what you're on about but at least be consistent. 

On 02/09/2023 at 06:03, Gum said:

With this logic, do you think that the dynamic youth rating feature, which is already in this game, has an unlimited cap and is "unrealistic"? Obviously not.

Completely separate systems and not relevant to this discussion. If you want to argue with strawmen you can ask someone else or start a new thread.

On 02/09/2023 at 06:03, Gum said:

If every feature requested here has to solve a "problem," then this board would cease to exist.

In fact, if DPA was added to FM24, the vast majority of the community would be ecstatic about it. Which is why, in my opinion, this feature (or alternatives for it) should be a must in some way for SI going forward.

Incorrect. It's a very vocal minority who keep pestering the devs with this stupid idea. People have limits in all facets of life. You cannot surpass those physiological limits. Otherwise why wouldn't any sunday league player be able to make it in the Premier League? Researchers make their best guess at what those limits are based on what they observe. If you think there is a player who is underrated you're welcome to take it up with team's researcher on the appropriate pages.  When you rate 100s of thousands of players you're going to get a few wrong. The fact that the only name tossed up here as why this system is needed is from an event that occurred nearly 10 years ago shows you how absurd it is to keep claiming dynamic potential is needed in the game. 

The only concession I'd make in regards to this disccusion is that CA should be 'uncapped' when viewing the player's attributes from the player profile and based on coach/scout JCA rating and player form. This would have no effect on the ME rendering it a skinning exercise rather than a core mechanic/feature change. So yeah your in form striker who you bought for 10M could display world class attributes and it'd be up to you to decide if those attributes are real or not. 


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12 hours ago, wazzaflow10 said:

Incorrect. It's a very vocal minority who keep pestering the devs with this stupid idea.

If it is such an unpopular idea, why was DPA added to FIFA career mode to much acclamation, which is notoriously known for its lack of good features every year? The claim being made here is that the people against this feature are a silent majority, which to my knowledge are usually not this passionate against small harmless change. If anything, it's very similar to the people vehemently defending using 2D mode on social media to the point where you'd think it's a majority, just for statistics to be released showcasing those same 2D users as a small percentage of the player base.

Once again, I have yet to see a valid reason against this feature (besides SI's own time constraints/priorities) so far that isn't based off exaggeration or misconception, such as saying those who are for DPA want it to be a common occurrence with an unlimited cap on potential for Sunday League players, or claiming that the "only name" tossed up in favor of DPA was Jamie Vardy, which can easily be proven wrong as multiple names are mentioned in the OP of this very thread.

Therefore, I rest my case.

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There is no such thing as a FIXED potential in real life. You're limited in some ways about your athletic performance but the rest is very much dynamic! Read the current stream of psychological literature and be amazed! You are NOT born with a fixed potential. Your surroundings influence your potential massively.

FM NEEDS to make dynamic potential a thing and it would absolutely MASSIVE!

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Il 1/9/2023 in 15:14 , boey ha scritto:

Didn't Brighton do this with Mitoma? And probably a few others like Enciso, Buonanotte, Ferguson etc.  There are a few more examples, but the fact that this is possible in real life, should mean that it's possible in-game, even if it's incredibly difficult.

Couldn't you look at this also the other way around? Just to make an example, Mitoma could have been a player born with 160 PA in FM that has then stagnated around the 110 mark for a few years due to a variety of reasons. Then, after the move to Brighton, he's now in the perfect conditions for his PA to show and he's finally reaching what he has always had the potential to achieve.

Honestly I find the above a much more realistic condition to implement in FM, instead of a dynamic PA. There would certainly be the need to adjust how the current player development is working, as a Mitoma situation would call for an attribute increase that is much quicker and less progressive than how regular player development works in FM, but I would personally love to see something like this implemented in game.

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7 hours ago, Gum said:

If it is such an unpopular idea, why was DPA added to FIFA career mode to much acclamation, which is notoriously known for its lack of good features every year? The claim being made here is that the people against this feature are a silent majority, which to my knowledge are usually not this passionate against small harmless change. If anything, it's very similar to the people vehemently defending using 2D mode on social media to the point where you'd think it's a majority, just for statistics to be released showcasing those same 2D users as a small percentage of the player base.

Once again, I have yet to see a valid reason against this feature (besides SI's own time constraints/priorities) so far that isn't based off exaggeration or misconception, such as saying those who are for DPA want it to be a common occurrence with an unlimited cap on potential for Sunday League players, or claiming that the "only name" tossed up in favor of DPA was Jamie Vardy, which can easily be proven wrong as multiple names are mentioned in the OP of this very thread.

Therefore, I rest my case.

Good then you'll be quiet about it while you go play fifa.

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On 02/09/2023 at 22:06, Vänsterback said:

Well in most cases our guess still is better than if the game would somehow overwrite the data the researchers have put in. For every Cajuste there are 20 teammates of his in that youth team in FM16 that turned out precisely as semi-pro or amateur as I predicted back then. And hundreds more in other teams I cover. Would a random or 'dynamic' factor increase or even perfect the quality of that data in total? Simply no. It would do that only if that dynamic factor found exactly those players that would turn out better IRL than their PA suggested. And it wouldn't.

You are looking at it in a realistic sense, that FM is trying to predict the growth of a footballer based on factors available in real life. But this is not real life. My FM manager doesn't exist in real life, and as an extension, any player's development under my in-game manager should not attempt to EXACTLY follow real-life.

My suggestion is for the ability to alter a player's career path by changing how they are developed. Perhaps you could have a 25 year old 120CA striker, who with a position change, correct man-management, good team cohesion/performance etc. become a 140CA central midfielder? It can happen IRL, so why can't it happen in-game? I understand it may not be very often, but infrequent shouldn't mean impossible.

Look at Joelinton. You could make the argument that if Newcastle had not had a Saudi takeover and hired Eddie Howe, he would not be as good of a player as he is today. There were many factors in this sharp improvement. The Saudi takeover meant that he had better teammates to play around. Howe's appointment and coaching meant that he started playing a different position and role, which was much more suited to his abilities. Newcastle's league performance improved, which reduced the pressure of relegation on the entire squad.

I'm also not suggesting for this feature to be overpowered to the point where you can have 20 Jamie Vardy's in your non-league to PL save. That would make any save be incredibly unrealistic and way, way too easy. PA increases should be limited to very specific situations, and many factors have to come into play for there to be a significant PA change. Such factors could include determination increases, personality changes (i.e. someone with a better personality is more likely to have this PA increase, etc.)

This feature would mean that it'd incredibly unlikely for someone to replicate a Jamie Vardy, or even a Junior Messias or Edouard Mendy. But NOT impossible.


I just think that this feature would make the game more fun, as you can look at at your save and think "I've managed to turn <known subpar player> into a rotational player through my coaching and tactical decisions".

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10 hours ago, boey said:

You are looking at it in a realistic sense, that FM is trying to predict the growth of a footballer based on factors available in real life. But this is not real life. My FM manager doesn't exist in real life, and as an extension, any player's development under my in-game manager should not attempt to EXACTLY follow real-life.

The game purpose is to simulate real life as much as possible. Just because you wish to turn a Lower league player into a Premier League squad player does not mean that the feature should be added to the game. Dynamic potential ability would make many problems to the game and make the game more unrealistic. If you wish to take a Lower league player and make it a top division player, simply edit the potential ability with either the in-game editor or with Genie scout editor.

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17 hours ago, boey said:

I just think that this feature would make the game more fun, as you can look at at your save and think "I've managed to turn <known subpar player> into a rotational player through my coaching and tactical decisions".

That is already in the game. Many people even purposely play that way with youth only saves. You're just obsessing about a number that is not supposed to be known. If you have a player giving you 7's and 8's in a role then who cares what his PA says under the hood. 

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En 5/9/2023 a las 10:28, wazzaflow10 dijo:

That is already in the game. Many people even purposely play that way with youth only saves. You're just obsessing about a number that is not supposed to be known. If you have a player giving you 7's and 8's in a role then who cares what his PA says under the hood. 

that is the problem that the game should fix

For several seasons I played with a regen rated 2 stars, but he gave me more than 7 points every game. Time passed and the assistants' rating remained 2 stars. That is an error. If the player is playing well, the assistants should think that he is a good player, what does CA or PA matter to them? This is what needs to be fixed.

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On 08/09/2023 at 15:22, Señor Dan said:

For several seasons I played with a regen rated 2 stars, but he gave me more than 7 points every game.

Hyperbole? Or should this be read as you had a player literally score 7 goals a game?

On 08/09/2023 at 15:22, Señor Dan said:

Time passed and the assistants' rating remained 2 stars. That is an error. If the player is playing well, the assistants should think that he is a good player, what does CA or PA matter to them? This is what needs to be fixed.

Maybe your assistant is a poor judge of talent? Maybe your player is very one dimensional and does one thing really really well but can't play any other role. 


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There are three possibilities with a system which functions in a game. Not necessarily FM, but just any game. With a suggestion like this you have to factor in that it will be functioning in a game environment and so there are certain inescapable realities.

- It's entirely random, you have no part in it and therefore its entirely down to luck. 

- It's criteria driven and within a few days players figure out the trends and within a couple of weeks an extensive guide to 200 PA players becomes available. The whole system is annihilated.

- To prevent the second scenario it's so incredibly sticky a system that the criteria need to be sustained for such long periods its effect is negligible. 

The suggestion only ever truly works if you change what PA is currently a reflection of. There is no situation under which PA could be dynamic when PA represents the best this person can ever be under the best possible situation. 

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I do wish PA's could change like this but I understand why it would be terrible for FM.

Run a custom game and change everyone's PA to 200 and you will see why players PA's need to be set.


Does the players morale and synergy with tactics and other players not give hidden bonus's to stats? If a player has reached his PA then does this not make the PA dynamic?


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On 05/09/2023 at 08:14, Enzu225 said:

The game purpose is to simulate real life as much as possible. Just because you wish to turn a Lower league player into a Premier League squad player does not mean that the feature should be added to the game. Dynamic potential ability would make many problems to the game and make the game more unrealistic. If you wish to take a Lower league player and make it a top division player, simply edit the potential ability with either the in-game editor or with Genie scout editor.

Lmao, literally Federico Gatti played in Serie D and now he's a Juventus player. 


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4 hours ago, RazorITA said:

Lmao, literally Federico Gatti played in Serie D and now he's a Juventus player. 

Not all lower league players have a low potential. I have seen a 160+ PA player appear on Spanish lower leagues when I had Spanish leagues up to 6 division loaded (custom league rules). If I am correct the player appeared on a 4th or 5th division team.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 23/08/2023 at 09:00, Gum said:

People across SI and the community hate having this discussion, for some odd reason, when in my opinion it would absolutely be one of the best features ever added to FM.

If a 110 CA & PA striker starts on a Premier League team and then proceeds to score 30+ goals each season across multiple seasons, why shouldn't they have a PA increase? Every reason I've heard against this, in my opinion, is lackluster.

I completely agree with this. If anything, dynamic PA not being in the game ruins the immersion for me in certain cases and in my opinion goes against the will of SI to make the full semi-realistic experience that they wish for year after year. It is one of the only things that FIFA's (now EAFC) manager mode has gotten right, which to me is embarrassing as career mode is not even a main focus for that game. If the player's individual attributes and CA are dynamic, their PA should be too under rare circumstances. This should also mean a player's PA going down after devastating injuries, which I believe was an actual feature back in CM3 but I'm not sure whether or not it is still in the game.

I hope now with the addition of DYR, dynamic PA will be on the horizon.

Not gonna lie, I just increase a players potential ability by 10 points when they reach their max potential using the editor. 

Boom! Dynamic development

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