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40 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. @GIMN once more an outstanding work thank you for your effort, you and Ben have changed the game in a profound way that no one can imagine we can’t rpthank you (both of you ) enough for that . can you allow me a question though? I saw that you have a ratio of 16-20 as excellent attributes and etc etc . if I want to change that ratio for example to 18-20 as excellent where I should make that change ? this change will change anything else at your calculations? thanks once more in advance
  2. Have you released your new skin or some how your new player profile somewhere? I saw it on X from someone else posting players ?
  3. Any ideas how to scouting players without stats only with attributes? the international scouting areas are speed press recovery passing shooting dribbling heading movement/ create space awareness position decision make defending 1 vs 1 defending wide areas balance support set play effect those on outfield players any suggestions?
  4. Unfortunately no data chalkboard in new FM25 . What a disappointing for me .
  5. thanks mate i will give a try
  6. does any one how to enable or make a restrictions of transfers for a club? i mean to sign only players from a specific nation as the restriction in atletic bilbao to sign only basques.
  7. so sad to hear it , i was hoping for a release but you are the creator you know better
  8. the best part on this skin is all those hidden buttons is amazing looking forward to surprise us
  9. the info in down left part offcourse perhaps such info will be at your plans to be in hidden buttons .....
  10. i believe the second version (if we can say our opinion) is the best
  11. i am very glad to see you back finding time for skinning
  12. Perhaps the most challenging task I assume . So the transfer would be any price but the organization must have 237.000 € wage ?!?!? All the organization?!?! for sure the most challenging
  13. The Canadian league you are using custom edited league for more depth? Or as it is the FM data ? This salary cup is the key factor. What restrictions rules has ( for foreign players )
  14. If you have a club in mind my bet on Valour FC
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