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How many players is enough to satisfy board and supporters re 'develop players using club's youth system'

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Both my board and supporters are devastated on this topic, and it is the top marked required importance. Is there any way to ask the board by which criteria they will judge this? Or have any of my fellow players had success against this objective, and are able to discuss how they have achieved this?

At least 10 players who have come through my youth system have played in the first team this year.

Thanks for reading.

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This is a problem with this game I think, Objectives like this or promises that does not describe anything concrete, for example: Win the league.

Early this year I played with AZ and promised my players to give youth a chance and played tons of young players, most of my squad in fact was on the young side and I failed, never happened to me with Manchester United for example. Why did I fail? Who knows.

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On 30/08/2023 at 13:46, SergeiG said:

This is a problem with this game I think, Objectives like this or promises that does not describe anything concrete, for example: Win the league.

Early this year I played with AZ and promised my players to give youth a chance and played tons of young players, most of my squad in fact was on the young side and I failed, never happened to me with Manchester United for example. Why did I fail? Who knows.

Might be just us two encountering this problem mate. Is there a list of known issues anywhere before I go to the effort of logging the bug?

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I'm still on FM2018, where I've long ago stopped making promises of any kind and make it a priority to try and get rid of any vague philosophies if I can, because the lack of specific requirements mean they might as well be entirely random. Have seen the topic pop up regularly too. Definitely not just you two. Poor design.

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7 hours ago, paz said:

Might be just us two encountering this problem mate. Is there a list of known issues anywhere before I go to the effort of logging the bug?

We are definitely not the only once, it's basically the first rule of FM, never make a vague promise.

Unless it's something like "win the league" "offer new contract" etc. it's very random.

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This issue has been reported before but would always benefit from another report.

If this is a board requirement there is not much you can do apart from not accepting it at the outset.  As said above, however, there are ongoing issues with any promise that is not quantifiable, so it is best to try not to make any promise at all particularly where it is unclear how to satisfy that promise.

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3 hours ago, FrazT said:

This issue has been reported before but would always benefit from another report.

If this is a board requirement there is not much you can do apart from not accepting it at the outset.  As said above, however, there are ongoing issues with any promise that is not quantifiable, so it is best to try not to make any promise at all particularly where it is unclear how to satisfy that promise.

As a last resort, you can delete board and supporter objectives in the IGE.

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So interestingly, last night I was playing and bid for a 19yo CB playing in Brazil, and in the bottom left hand corner there was a little note that said the philosophy this signing matched was: “Develop players using the clubs youth system”.

Which to me feels like the opposite.

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10 hours ago, FrazT said:

This issue has been reported before but would always benefit from another report.

If this is a board requirement there is not much you can do apart from not accepting it at the outset.  As said above, however, there are ongoing issues with any promise that is not quantifiable, so it is best to try not to make any promise at all particularly where it is unclear how to satisfy that promise.

Can't 'not accept it'. It's a mandatory part of the vision. 

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