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[FM23] Republic of Ireland | Quality of Life Update

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This is a Quality of Life Update aimed to provide a more realistic game experience when managing in the Republic of Ireland. 
Ireland QOL Update.fmf 
Database Used: 23.4.0

Number of Changed: 2990
Stadiums Location Updated: 138
Media Added: 13
Cities Added: 39

Added cities to all active Clubs in Rep of Ireland, set Latitude and Longitude for Cities and Stadiums that don't have any. Locations of Stadiums matched with Google Maps to be as close as possible to real life. 

Created New Cities to give local clubs a more personalized location rather than relying on generic regional city names

Added Irish Specific Media (RTÉ, Virgin Media, Off the Ball, ect.) to give a more familiar feel to press conferences.  

Most of the Irish active clubs beneath the League of Ireland have 0s for Attendance, and Facilities. 
Randomized attendance between 80 and 300 for clubs without attendances. 
Randomized facilities between 2-8 for clubs without facilities 


This is part of my Republic of Ireland Overhaul Database where I recreate the Irish football structure down to level 14. You can follow this project here: 


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