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CPU Temperature on FM

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Running FM23 on macbook pro.

13" 2016 2.9 i5 8HB DDR3 Intel Graphics 550. 

Running 6 leagues is still at 3.5 stars but the CPU is running hotter than I think is acceptable... 

Not really a gamer other than FM but considering just buying new gaming laptop.

On Google I read conflicting messages re it being too hot or not..

Playing spotify and surfing Web it sits steady 35-40 start up FM and after about 30 mins the temps start to increase. 

Wondered if it is indeed to hot and if so would a cooling pad work or should I just blow my cash on a new laptop !

Edit- in some instances it was into 90s not shown in pic 


Edited by craigb1903
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No well designed laptop will ever let itself get so hot that it would cause actual damage.  They're designed to switch themselves off before it ever gets to that.  The game is processor-heavy, far more so than Spotify and Web Browsers, so it's always going to get hotter.  I doubt it's going to get bad enough to cause any damage.

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I find Chrome can contribute to this, especially if you go mad with tabs like me.

Do you have a stand? Not a fan, but a stand of some sort that props/tilts the fans of the laptop at the back 2-3cm. I used an old glasses case which can drop the temp by about 7/8c.

I think every laptop I've had, regardless of spec and leagues running has been within the 70-95 range depending on if stationary, processing dates or in game etc 

Edited by Domoboy23
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It's within the max safe temperature for the i5-6267U, which as far as I can tell is the CPU in that machine.  But it is an old CPU now and FM will put that CPU under a fairly heavy load so you will see the CPU reaching temperatures at the higher end of what it can handle.

Based on what I can find, it can handle up to 100 degrees celcius but you obviously don't want it getting too close to that for sustained periods.  If it's staying around 85 for the most part, you should be fine even with some peaks up closer to 90.

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Thank you all,  testing a cooling pad from amazon that will arrive tomorrow and will keep checking it to see what difference makes.

If it sits in high 80s into 90s I might just pull the plug and get new one incase it damages it long term. 

Have a short window to grab a big discount on on I've seen so will blast it tonight and monitor it and then tomorrow night with cooling pad to see difference!


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I have a laptop myself and it can heat up my room easily. 

The problem I've had is dust and dried up thermal paste in the past. Now, I'm not sure Macs use thermal paste, but they aren't immune to dust. 

Therefore, have it cleaned and also get a cooling pad. I have one myself and it helps a lot. It even is easier for my neck, since it is now higher and I don't have to look down all the time. 

My temperature levels hit 80ish and that's 'normal.' It's still scary though.  

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8 minutes ago, Brasilia88 said:

I have a laptop myself and it can heat up my room easily. 

The problem I've had is dust and dried up thermal paste in the past. Now, I'm not sure Macs use thermal paste, but they aren't immune to dust. 

Therefore, have it cleaned and also get a cooling pad. I have one myself and it helps a lot. It even is easier for my neck, since it is now higher and I don't have to look down all the time. 

My temperature levels hit 80ish and that's 'normal.' It's still scary though.  

Cooling pad on its way tomorrow!  If that works happy days. Only downside I have on macbook is its small 13" screen !!! 

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10 minutes ago, craigb1903 said:

Cooling pad on its way tomorrow!  If that works happy days. Only downside I have on macbook is its small 13" screen !!! 

If you have a TV, connect it through HDMI and you now have 40" gaming. Surely, you'll have to tinker with the resolution, but it works. 

This also implies getting a wireless keyboard, a mouse, a long HDMI cable (usually they're quite short (>1m) and an adapter.   

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Just now, Brasilia88 said:

If you have a TV, connect it through HDMI and you now have 40" gaming. Surely, you'll have to tinker with the resolution, but it works. 

This also implies getting a wireless keyboard, a mouse, a long HDMI cable (usually they're quite short (>1m) and an adapter.   

Sadly I will be using it in dining room / no monitor allowed on wife's orders lol. 

Have home office with monitor but I spend entire day in that room!  

Might just have to grim and bear it on smaller screen if sort CPU or just take the plunge in my path to be lost in my rabbit hole of FM. 

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5 minutes ago, craigb1903 said:

Sadly I will be using it in dining room / no monitor allowed on wife's orders lol. 

Have home office with monitor but I spend entire day in that room!  

Might just have to grim and bear it on smaller screen if sort CPU or just take the plunge in my path to be lost in my rabbit hole of FM. 

May I suggest you hiring your wife as an assistant manager? 

(I'll let myself out)

I understand the struggle, but you'll get used to it. 

I downgraded from a 24'' screen to a 17", and it works nicely. 

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I would say if it reached 90s it getting too hot. As others have said, windows (or whatever Os) should start to throttle performance to reduce temperature and as a last resort shut it down. If this happens, you know there is a problem.

Heating up the room is fine though - it shows that the heat is coming out,

Basically, CPUs are expected to max out and do so regularly in normal usage, Nothing to worry about.

Edited by Kickballz
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I would say those temps are perfectly reasonable for FM on a machine of that age.  No need for worry at all. 

I had a Laptop that I run FM on that would regularly hit the mid 90's and did so for years.  It still runs perfectly now and my dad uses it every day for his accounts.

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