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Please release the editors for FM24 early

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I pre-purchased the game because I expected that the editors will come out (at least the pre-game one) with the early access like they used to in previous games (at least the couple that I bought at the early access stage). 

I'm sure there are not too many players like me out there, but essentially, I'm not interested in playing the base game and instead I like to create my own club and personnel from scratch and just overall change thousands of things in the game (transfer, foreign player rules etc) before I can have fun playing it. It's been like this since CM 00-01 for me.

It's such a massive punch in the gut to not to be able to play it because of what appears to be a pretty arbitrary decision to not to include the editing capabilities...

If there is any way to reconsider this, please do for the sake of players like myself.

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By the nature of being early access not everything will be included from full release. That is by design. To the best of my knowledge, the pre-game editor hasn't been available with any of the early access versions in recent years and I genuinely cannot remember if it ever was in the past. 

The game and, by extension, tools like the pre-game editor are still under development. 

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As far as I'm aware the editor hasn't been included in the early access before. At least not for as long as I've been editing stuff anyway.

They probably can't release the editor either. Some of their licences aren't fully implemented in the beta version and we need to wait for the full release to get that (a lot of Japan stuff), having the editor already would allow people to circumvent that. So it may be for legal licensing reasons that they can't release the editor early too. Plus potential bugs that may be fixed between now and full release as well.

It's only like 2 weeks though, it's not that long. The majority of things done in editor files can be carried over to the new game anyway, so if you're that intent on starting editing now you could just do it in FM23's editor and then load that file in the FM24 editor once it releases.

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Well, if it's not possible then it is what it is, but I definitely remember being able to create my team back in FM19 early access more or less from the get go. Also, unfortunately I don't have FM23, otherwise I would just do what you suggest. 

Anyway, In case it's at all possible to release the editor early as well, it would be cool if they do. 

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1 hour ago, Soulseeker said:

Well, if it's not possible then it is what it is, but I definitely remember being able to create my team back in FM19 early access more or less from the get go. Also, unfortunately I don't have FM23, otherwise I would just do what you suggest. 

Anyway, In case it's at all possible to release the editor early as well, it would be cool if they do. 

No your incorrect ... The pre editor has never been BETA Released. 

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3 hours ago, Soulseeker said:

I guess I misremember this then. Anyway, if there is a way to make it available a bit earlier than on the full game release date it would be great.

You could make your own team/create a team via the main menu.

But editor has always followed after the beta is done.

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This has never happened in the past, and there are no plans for that to change. 

Will close the thread as asked and answered. 

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