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Football Manager 2024 Official Feedback Thread

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All these comments about the game being easy are ridiculous to me. Do you guys really expect to play an offline game for several years and still receive a big challenge? If you want a challenge, get together and play a network league.

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Is there an known issue with AI squads not registering players?

I parked my beta save a few days ago but opened it again this morning just to mess around. Moved jobs from Kobenhaven to Valencia and looking at the Valencia squad they only registered 15 players, there are loads of players at the club, unregistered.....makes no sense. 

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2 hours ago, janrzm said:

This......100% It's been missing from the game for a while. There is no jeopardy, the saves where you'd go into each fixture like your life depended on it. The ones where you'd want to throw your keyboard at the wall because you couldn't steal a win. The struggle saves have been my favourite saves of all time. My Otelul Galati save where we had two season of absolute struggle, on the edge of being sacked or sliding into oblivion only to gradually rise from the ashes and qualify for Europe again after 8 long seasons. 

How I miss those days.... this is all autopilot stuff. I don't even watch some of the games once I can see how we're playing. I know people (a lot of people) want to win and to win every game and every trophy but the real joy in this game used to be in the struggle.


Have you tried sitting back and not using gegenpress though?

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5 hours ago, Domoboy23 said:

It's actually a simulation nowdays. Hence the reason they got rid of player condition % and also introduced that awful matchday UI tablet replacing the old UI that was so simple and brilliant and allowed you to get all the essential info you needed.

Which I get... but if I were managing a team in real life on the touchline I'd be able to see my players, see if they were knackered, shattered or if their heads had gone. You can't see that in FM. So I disagreed with them removing the condition % which helped us see things in more detail as we would IRL and still do to this day.

I'd actually argue however that the game is starting to seem more like an arcade game for the casual player, and less like a spreadsheet management game. Which suits the new crowd and casuals, but is hard to bear for the longer-term hardcore players.

This is where SI have to tread rather carefully moving forward, as we're already seeing a sizeable shift in terms of the demographic that are able to play.

Right now the game is a bit of a mess with it trying to be both a game but also, as you said, a simulation. If they're seriously looking to move down the path of the latter then they need to start removing all the aspects that a true football manager has no control over. Outside of a few key staff that a manager may bring on board with them when joining a club, a manager isn't responsible for hiring the clubs scouts, physios, managing finances, and alike. Make it a proper management experience, not the hodgepodge mess it currently resides as that was better served 20 years ago when it was actually a game that welcomed a vastly wider audience.

The current state of the franchise definitely doesn't point in the direction of being acardeish or for the casual, it's anything but that, and has been for quite some time now. You can't just pick-up and play anymore, it's more or less a full-time job in itself if you're going to actually reap any benefit out of playing. As mentioned before, the audience has been massively watered down - and continues to be. Older players who work full-time, have families, or other adult commitments aren't really catered for unless you go down the shittier mobile or touch pathways - neither of which provide a true FM experience. It's also arguably one of the worst games when it comes to encouraging new players because of the complexity, bombardment of information, and real world time that needs to be invested to generate gain. 

As someone that has played the CM/FM games since 00-01, the franchise has lost the magic that made it so special initially. The constant pursuit of realism, 3D elements, and subsequently greater detail, has removed the gloss. Then you throw in the awful UI experience, the gimmicky "features" with every passing year, undercooked editions that feel rushed, I would no longer encourage buying into it every year as I once did many years ago. 

Really hoping with FM25 and the big changes ahead see SI pull their finger out once and for all. Sometimes i wish there was a true competitor to the franchise to encourage actual positive change with more players actioning their disproval through investing their money and time into an alternative, unfortunately all we really have are the older versions (to a degree), which isn't quite enough. 


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14 minutes ago, endlessxcircle said:

This is where SI have to tread rather carefully moving forward, as we're already seeing a sizeable shift in terms of the demographic that are able to play.

Right now the game is a bit of a mess with it trying to be both a game but also, as you said, a simulation. If they're seriously looking to move down the path of the latter then they need to start removing all the aspects that a true football manager has no control over. Outside of a few key staff that a manager may bring on board with them when joining a club, a manager isn't responsible for hiring the clubs scouts, physios, managing finances, and alike. Make it a proper management experience, not the hodgepodge mess it currently resides as that was better served 20 years ago when it was actually a game that welcomed a vastly wider audience.

The current state of the franchise definitely doesn't point in the direction of being acardeish or for the casual, it's anything but that, and has been for quite some time now. You can't just pick-up and play anymore, it's more or less a full-time job in itself if you're going to actually reap any benefit out of playing. As mentioned before, the audience has been massively watered down - and continues to be. Older players who work full-time, have families, or other adult commitments aren't really catered for unless you go down the shittier mobile or touch pathways - neither of which provide a true FM experience. It's also arguably one of the worst games when it comes to encouraging new players because of the complexity, bombardment of information, and real world time that needs to be invested to generate gain. 

As someone that has played the CM/FM games since 00-01, the franchise has lost the magic that made it so special initially. The constant pursuit of realism, 3D elements, and subsequently greater detail, has removed the gloss. Then you throw in the awful UI experience, the gimmicky "features" with every passing year, undercooked editions that feel rushed, I would no longer encourage buying into it every year as I once did many years ago. 

Really hoping with FM25 and the big changes ahead see SI pull their finger out once and for all. Sometimes i wish there was a true competitor to the franchise to encourage actual positive change with more players actioning their disproval through investing their money and time into an alternative, unfortunately all we really have are the older versions (to a degree), which isn't quite enough. 


“FM classic” mode which shipped with FM 13-14 was wonderful as a simpler version, for those who wanted the previous CM-style experience 

Edited by sthptngomad76
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16 minutes ago, endlessxcircle said:

This is where SI have to tread rather carefully moving forward, as we're already seeing a sizeable shift in terms of the demographic that are able to play.

Right now the game is a bit of a mess with it trying to be both a game but also, as you said, a simulation. If they're seriously looking to move down the path of the latter then they need to start removing all the aspects that a true football manager has no control over. Outside of a few key staff that a manager may bring on board with them when joining a club, a manager isn't responsible for hiring the clubs scouts, physios, managing finances, and alike. Make it a proper management experience, not the hodgepodge mess it currently resides as that was better served 20 years ago when it was actually a game that welcomed a vastly wider audience.

The current state of the franchise definitely doesn't point in the direction of being acardeish or for the casual, it's anything but that, and has been for quite some time now. You can't just pick-up and play anymore, it's more or less a full-time job in itself if you're going to actually reap any benefit out of playing. As mentioned before, the audience has been massively watered down - and continues to be. Older players who work full-time, have families, or other adult commitments aren't really catered for unless you go down the shittier mobile or touch pathways - neither of which provide a true FM experience. It's also arguably one of the worst games when it comes to encouraging new players because of the complexity, bombardment of information, and real world time that needs to be invested to generate gain. 

As someone that has played the CM/FM games since 00-01, the franchise has lost the magic that made it so special initially. The constant pursuit of realism, 3D elements, and subsequently greater detail, has removed the gloss. Then you throw in the awful UI experience, the gimmicky "features" with every passing year, undercooked editions that feel rushed, I would no longer encourage buying into it every year as I once did many years ago. 

Really hoping with FM25 and the big changes ahead see SI pull their finger out once and for all. Sometimes i wish there was a true competitor to the franchise to encourage actual positive change with more players actioning their disproval through investing their money and time into an alternative, unfortunately all we really have are the older versions (to a degree), which isn't quite enough. 


Ironically enough, in a way, making it more realistic in the sense that you can't hire scouts, physios, and do whatever the hell you want with the whole squad from the u-18s up would make the game easier for me, because it means less overall responsibility. I want to be able to give the other staff as much responsibility for what they *should* be responsible for as I possibly can (ie, Head of Youth Development assigned to finding youth players; DoF to negotiating contracts, etc.). I know you can delegate these things in the games already, but I can't trust the AI staff. I've experimented with it and, despite having high staff attributes (19/20 Judging Potential and Ability), they never seem to try to bring in any quality players. I just kept myself with the final say post-contract negotiations and always ended up refusing the signings before just giving up on the idea.

It might be far too easy to succeed in this game because the AI managers are generally awful, but I feel like I have more control over teams than I'd like.

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Add a global "cross less/more often" team instruction similar to the "run with ball more/less often" option. Something that will slightly move the needle in the direction you want beyond the player instructions. 

It's an IRL "team philosophy" that you see coaches talk about reasonably often.

Or something like "cut-backs only".

Edited by whatsupdoc
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10 hours ago, isoche said:

It really makes difference. For example I live in Turkey, and even though the clubs have big debts, they still bring many many players... I look at the game, only Fenerbahce and Galatasaray buys plenty of players.. Most Turkish teams get AT LEAST 8-9 players in summer windows. I see clubs without transfers sometimes. (Even some of them are rich) That are in England, Bundesliga etc.. You will not have fun playing in Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Netherlands because the AI is still so bad at squad building.

I think a big cause of poor squad building is the fact players demands are outrageous for contract renewals.

A player whose a bit part player will go from a 200 pounds a week contract and demand 1.5k for his renewal.

Actual starters and stars will ask for even more outrageous sums of money going from 800 pounds to wanting 3-4k which in a low-tier league could be 30% of your wage budget.

So they end up leaving the club and the squads all slowly get eroded away via players being released and the clubs make zero in transfers.

Noticed this was as a huge problem in Japan and South Africa.

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5 hours ago, sthptngomad76 said:

I REALLY miss a good relegation battle. One of my fondest early memories from the CM days was scraping through on the last day. A few seasons after we went up- it felt so much more that I’d earned it.

I feel I’ve been chasing that same sense of accomplishment ever since, without artificially construing one by handicapping myself. I almost hope to lose sometimes to bring back that feeling…

I think the thing that made it easier was getting rid of the abstraction that the sliders provided for tactics.

These forums were full of people pulling their hair out that they couldn't set their tactics up just right back in those days.

Now it's way, way too easy to set a tactic up if you know even the basics of football.

Even if you don't just use the in-game plug and play setups and you'll do just fine if you choose geggenpress or vertical tiki-taka.

The abstraction IMO was really frustrating at times but more realistic as it often ended up with you having tactics that should work in theory but for whatever reason didn't (which happens a lot IRL).

Now my tactics work first time every time because I know exactly what I'm doing and exactly what tactical setup I want my team's to play and the more options I get the bigger my advantage over the AI.

Hence the game is now very easy, I haven't been fired from a job in a long, long time.

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2 hours ago, kiwityke1983 said:

I think the thing that made it easier was getting rid of the abstraction that the sliders provided for tactics.

These forums were full of people pulling their hair out that they couldn't set their tactics up just right back in those days.

Now it's way, way too easy to set a tactic up if you know even the basics of football.

Even if you don't just use the in-game plug and play setups and you'll do just fine if you choose geggenpress or vertical tiki-taka.

The abstraction IMO was really frustrating at times but more realistic as it often ended up with you having tactics that should work in theory but for whatever reason didn't (which happens a lot IRL).

Now my tactics work first time every time because I know exactly what I'm doing and exactly what tactical setup I want my team's to play and the more options I get the bigger my advantage over the AI.

Hence the game is now very easy, I haven't been fired from a job in a long, long time.

What I don't understand is the passivity of the AI, especially since presets were introduced. I would love a skin or editor feature that lifted the lid on exactly how the AI were setting up in terms of team and player instructions. 

Are presets and match plans available for the AI like they are for us? If so, why are users not getting undone by these systems?

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1 hour ago, whatsupdoc said:

Another bug:

Promise kept / met RE playing position. Player reports they're happy then immediately becomes unhappy:



Have you got a save just before the player becomes unhappy? If so I’d upload it in the bugs forum so they can replicate it and investigate it

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1 hour ago, rdbayly said:

What I don't understand is the passivity of the AI, especially since presets were introduced. I would love a skin or editor feature that lifted the lid on exactly how the AI were setting up in terms of team and player instructions. 

Are presets and match plans available for the AI like they are for us? If so, why are users not getting undone by these systems?

I scratch my head when I see some people claim it’s too easy whilst others claim they can’t get a tune out of their team. But the AI can defo have great seasons and great matches against you.

This isn’t a reply directly towards you but more so the convo, I don’t think sliders are more realistic at all. Least not when attempting to simulate IRL football. 

Many of us do need to consider who and the who are the majority playing the game. Think about those who buy the game, play about 2/3 hours after work and back to their normal life. They don’t want the ultimate tactical challenge and most in general don’t want that. Many FM players aren’t even tactic enthusiast so getting them to try and think of logical systems, you could be driving them away.

weirdly, I have suggested a difficulty system before. Least with FM normal and FM touch but they removed FM touch for god knows why. Not exactly a “easy, medium, hard” system but I think they can look at game modes that essentially make it easier or harder.

Edited by RDF Tactics
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11 hours ago, Bakiano said:

What is a clean sheet? :kriss:


In my Sapporo save, in the first season I've had 8 games that have finished with a scoreline to nil including one 0-0. They do happen, but not as frequently as they probably should (particularly 1-0/2-0 scorelines)- some tuning needed.

On the plus side - think of all those clean sheet bonuses you're not having to pay :)

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52 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

I wonder if all the people gettings these 7-5 results are playing a 4-2-4 or some absurd downloaded tactic. My figures look aren't outrageous. Only the 7-1 which was against last placed when they had 10 men for most of the game.



No they're not, sadly. They're using "normal" tactics such as 4-4-2, 4-2-3-1 and 4-3-3, even 4-1-4-1, 5-4-1 and 5-3-2 designed to be hard to break down and sneak a result.

Also your screenshot? GPG of 3.68. (league) Average in Italy over the last 3 seasons? 2.67.

You have one 1-0 in 34 matches...

Edited by Domoboy23
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3 hours ago, whatsupdoc said:

Another bug:

Promise kept / met RE playing position. Player reports they're happy then immediately becomes unhappy:



I had something similar. My first choice DM moaning that another DM I bought was going to take his place, told him they're gonna play together )4-4-2 with DM). 19 games later he's finally satisfied my new DM isn't there to replace him. The very next day he says his concerns has gone, but he's now concerned at the lack of depth for, wait for it......DM!!!!!

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3 minutes ago, Domoboy23 said:

No they're not. They're using "normal" tactics such as 4-4-2, 4-2-3-1 and 4-3-3, even 4-1-4-1, 5-4-1 and 5-3-2 designed to be hard to break down and sneak a result.

Also your screenshot? GPG of 3.48. Average in Italy over the last 3 seasons? 2.67.

You have one 1-0 in 34 matches...

Just asking... 

Also didn't say mine were underscoring just said they weren't totally outrageous. I have a strong team and play an attacking system.

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Finally had a chance to really play, first impressions...

  • Love the match engine improvements. It is a huge step up from 22 which is the last game I played heavily.
  • Little touches like discussing figures with agents before contract negotiations are nice.
  • I've only had one squad rebellion so far and was able to placate them with relative ease.
  • LOVE the 'myworld' setting. I support Norwich and we made some questionable moves over the summer so to be able to start as if they never happened is a nice touch, even if it means I'm in negative transfer budgets.
  • I like the fact top teams are more willing to loan out young prospects without crazy fees or wage contributions, although it feels a bit easy that I got James McAtee with no contribution at all.
  • I like the extra feedback on interested parties- it helps understand why clubs are or are not making bids.
  • AI transfers feel a bit odd to me. I just saw Chelsea spend £27m on Gyorkes from Coventry. I'm not sure I can picture a club with their resources splashing that figure on a Championship striker.
  • Gengenpress feels overpowered again. It is the style I like to play and I've won 4 from 4 with 13 goals scored despite my best striker being injured.
  • Increasing bugbear is stadium graphics. Carrow Road is a simple enough stadium. Two end stands with two tiers, a small stand on one side and a bigger stand on the other, both single tier, 3 corner infills, all square. Seats 27,000. Instead it looks like a 50,000 seater behamoth.
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1 minute ago, rdbayly said:

The proportion of users that are encountering such struggles is diminishing with every release.

Is it because the game is easier tho? Or because its attracting less new fans and therefore its just more and more of us who have been playing for yrs and know every trick in the book. 

im pretty confident if I showed this game to any football fan friend who has never played, it would be a few months before he either A) gets the results he wants or B) actually enjoys the game. 

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I'd also add, scouting could use some work still.

I'm managing with Norwich in the Championship and have a minus scouting budget. I've had my scouts recommend taking a look at Morgan Gibbs-White, Ben Johnson and Ryan Yates, all of whom are regular starters for Premier League teams with asking prices of £20m+.

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This is a weird one ...

Manager timeline is saying that I reached the final of the J League Cup, but I didn't.  I was beaten in the second leg and went out in the semi-final.  Manager timeline has only taken into account the first leg.




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1 hour ago, Dadecane said:

Is it because the game is easier tho? Or because its attracting less new fans and therefore its just more and more of us who have been playing for yrs and know every trick in the book. 

im pretty confident if I showed this game to any football fan friend who has never played, it would be a few months before he either A) gets the results he wants or B) actually enjoys the game. 

Aren't we at record levels of users according to Miles tweet right after his apology?

All the suits at Sega and SI care about is number goes up and the numbers they care about are all going up so as far as they are concerned everything is going brilliantly.

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22 minutes ago, StephenG said:

Lollujo isn't happy! 10 centre backs but looks like the bug around "squad depth" was not fixed after all.


Sometimes I question if they actually fix what they say they have in the patch notes…

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49 minutes ago, rp1966 said:

This is a weird one ...

Manager timeline is saying that I reached the final of the J League Cup, but I didn't.  I was beaten in the second leg and went out in the semi-final.  Manager timeline has only taken into account the first leg.


Hello, if you have a save file from before that Manager Timeline message generated, please can you create a post on our Bug Tracker so we can examine further, thank you.


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2 minutes ago, Zachary Whyte said:

Hello, if you have a save file from before that Manager Timeline message generated, please can you create a post on our Bug Tracker so we can examine further, thank you.


I created a bug report, but I don't have a save from before it happened, I'm afraid.

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2 minutes ago, Domoboy23 said:

I bet he doesn't report it or create a bug thread though. 

He has a direct line and given he's panicking about the graphics and squad depth bug during his streams/videos, they will be prioritising these 2 issues. Too bad he's not realised the AI doesn't sub etc...

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Just had a player say to me he wants to explore his options at the end of his contract who has a determined personality. I tried to convince him to stay, but said he still wanted to explore his options. Player walked away from the conversation Ángry´. 

Now he has pre-concerns how i treated him. Trying to convince someone to stay shouldnt have that sort of reaction. This is not how things work out in real life.

If I told my boss i wanted to leave and he tried to convince me to stay, I wouldnt walk away from the conversation angry. I would say, "thanks but I´ve made up my mind". I would actually be a little pleased he wanted me to stay, regardless if it was for their financial gain. If anything, I would be a little annoyed if they just didnt bother with me.

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12 hours ago, krkyseventwo said:

Well if that’s the case a choice of difficulty level should be provided. I mean almost every other game in existence has it. 

It’s not a difficult game to understand anyway. Yes, it’s a lot of information to take in but if you are a proper football fan then you will catch on pretty quick, and appreciate that you can’t win all the time. 

The idea that it now is being catered to those who want an easy ride really annoys me. Right now it feels like playing a shooter game on easy mode and being untouchable. 

There is though.

Coaching experience and past playing level completley changes the difficulty of a game.

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I understand SI trying to prevent game from being very challenging. But here is the thing, even though if you want to make it easier so that new players wont get bored and delete/refund it, me and many of my friends, many FM veterans dont even buy or enjoy FM anymore. I got it on Xbox gamepass with my friends, and only for 1 month.

Because game does not have the taste of struggle anymore. Now many here saying "Ayo bro its a video game! Of course its going to be easier than real life" hell yeah bruh. Thats not really what I mean..

All I want from AI is to score goals as much as me, or game preventing me from scoring many goals. All I want from AI is to bring plenty of good players. I check my fixture, many matches are like 3-0, 5-0 4-0... And look at the AI... They HARDLY score sometimes. Teams in real, which transfer atleast 9-10 players at summer window, in game they only buy 3-5 players, most of them being for rotation and not good enough to change the fate of the league/competition. I'm having to put my matches on commentary or just simulate it because i dont want to witness my team scoring 5 goals against one of the major clubs in the league.

Also I was talking about how 5 big leagues are harder, I change my opinion on that, except England. Just promoted to Bundesliga with Schalke and already 2nd on the table. Other teams like Paderborn etc. who promoted with me buying only 3-4 players despite they are given good prize money.

This game will always be like that if you're not playing England or Spain, I really thank you all for developing this game and appreciate your work until now, but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, please... I want to have fun. Difficulity level or whatever it is.. Do something about that, please...


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1 minute ago, isoche said:

I understand SI trying to prevent game from being very challenging. But here is the thing, even though if you want to make it easier so that new players wont get bored and delete it, me and many of my friends, many FM veterans dont even buy FM anymore. I got it on Xbox gamepass with my friends, and only for 1 month. Because game does not have taste of struggle anymore. Now many here saying "Ayo bro its a video game! Of course its going to be easier than real life" hell yeah bruh. Thats not really what I mean..

All I want from AI is to score goals as much as me, bring plenty of good players. I check my fixture, many matches are like 3-0, 5-0 4-0... And look at the AI.. Teams in real who transfer atleast 9-10 players only buy 3-5 players, most of them being for rotation and not good enough to change the fate of the league/competition.

Also I was talking about how 5 big leagues are harder, I change my opinion on that, except England. Just promoted to Bundesliga with Schalke and already 2nd on the table. This game will always be like that if you're not playing England or Spain, cheers.


I think it being ´too easy´at the moment is to do with the subs and squad building issues. I think after the patch drops, fixing them niggling issues will resolve that. Thats what im hoping anyway.

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3 hours ago, RDF Tactics said:

I scratch my head when I see some people claim it’s too easy whilst others claim they can’t get a tune out of their team. But the AI can defo have great seasons and great matches against you.

This isn’t a reply directly towards you but more so the convo, I don’t think sliders are more realistic at all. Least not when attempting to simulate IRL football. 

Many of us do need to consider who and the who are the majority playing the game. Think about those who buy the game, play about 2/3 hours after work and back to their normal life. They don’t want the ultimate tactical challenge and most in general don’t want that. Many FM players aren’t even tactic enthusiast so getting them to try and think of logical systems, you could be driving them away.

weirdly, I have suggested a difficulty system before. Least with FM normal and FM touch but they removed FM touch for god knows why. Not exactly a “easy, medium, hard” system but I think they can look at game modes that essentially make it easier or harder.

In the same breath you could argue the game thrived more during the slider era, and was far more "pick up and play" friendly for the more casual audience. Not that sliders were perfect either, but in ways they provided a good balance for both the tactically interested or not. I wouldn't say the current state of the game caters to the casual player at all, it's one of the least friendly "pick up and play" games you could possibly get - but that's a different discussion I suppose.

CM 01/02's tactic system was by the far the most simplified with player/team instructions, arrows, and then the additional choice to utilise the"wibwob" of things. A return to something along those lines would be interesting with the way the ME is in the modern releases. 

Maybe a toggle option that allows for varied tactical levels can be implemented, so the player can choose at the beginning a game whether they want a simplified tactical system or a difficult one? 

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30 minutes ago, Showerman said:

There is though.

Coaching experience and past playing level completley changes the difficulty of a game.

Thats not the case. Thats to do with the quality of club you attract (if unemployed) and the respect of the players. If you had lowest badges (which you will upgrade to over time) and reputation of a lower league footballer, that will only affect your relationship with players initially.

Edited by greenz81
bad spelling
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16 dakika önce, greenz81 said:

I think it being ´too easy´at the moment is to do with the subs and squad building issues. I think after the patch drops, fixing them niggling issues will resolve that. Thats what im hoping anyway.

Oh mate.. To be honest, I would say YES if it was a problem that was specific to FM 24 only.. But the game is like that since years... Every year.. Great game for newcomers, seriously. Many people who buy the game and play for the first time are happy.. But what about us? People who play the game for years and want to have more competition and fun? I dont think it will get competitive with 1 update. But I hope they will do that. I dont want to lose my hope on this game and its developers because I love them.

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2 minutes ago, isoche said:

Oh mate.. To be honest, I would say YES if it was a problem that was specific to FM 24 only.. But the game is like that since years... Every year.. Great game for newcomers, seriously. Many people who buy the game and play for the first time are happy.. But what about us? People who play the game for years and want to have fun? I dont think it will get competitive with 1 update. But I hope they will do that. I dont want to lose my hope on this game and its developers because I love them.

I think it also depends where you start your club. I start in Denmark, 2nd division sometimes, try to get promoted, then try to win the league there. After that, turn down better jobs to try to win the Champions league with my Danish club. The latter, very hard (Pre FM24). Im currently MK Dons and already in Championship after 2 seasons, sitting top, so can see there why some people find this one easy

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9 hours ago, whatsupdoc said:

Add a global "cross less/more often" team instruction similar to the "run with ball more/less often" option. Something that will slightly move the needle in the direction you want beyond the player instructions. 

It's an IRL "team philosophy" that you see coaches talk about reasonably often.

Or something like "cut-backs only".

Good idea.

One thing Id like to see is either a new role or IWB/auto so we can set Inverted Wingbacks to cross more or a least not cross less often. Yes. I could play them as CWBs but I lose the build-up portion of them stepping into midfield.

Otherwise when trying to setup ala Ange's Spurs its possible with the new movement of wingers being able to cut inside to get players like Porro into the positions we see him in but not to get them to cross on a consistent basis.


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