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RDF Tactics

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Everything posted by RDF Tactics

  1. I mentioned this happens before and it happened to me today on stream again. Raheem Sterling, who was a free agent, asked for £220k a week. We couldn't offer that so offered a little lower. He then asked for £500k lool And that's not due to him missing out on any bonuses. But he for some reason asked for £500k after asking for £220k and also added crazy bonuses
  2. so the opposite to the late bloomers. 'Burst onto the scene' youngsters
  3. For me, Ajax specifically making signings isn't an issue and shouldn't really break immersion - especially looking at their recent recruitment IRL. I'm sure they've spent over 100million Euros this season and 113million last year. (Signing Calvin Bassey for 20mil from Rangers). The big issue is, IMO, them not using their youth system, at all. Pushing their younger players who are talented into their Jong team. And them creating no pathway for their youth players with their squad building not prioritising the youth system as it should.
  4. And it's not just Ajax doing this. PSV as well. PSV B has 54 players. PSV's first team have 0 players under the age of 23. Within these B/Jong clubs, they are many players who don't get to play football at all! Jong PSV have 18 players who haven't touched grass yet. Top clubs, with high youth importance and have 'develop youth' as a club culture, can't develop their own. With no youth players in the first team, am I right in also saying they're not even setting up mentoring groups? At least with the younger players as they would have to be in the first team for that. A manager like Frank de Boer (Ajax current manager in my game) has 'use young players in low priority cups' but Ajax don't have any. Just Dutch and UCL which aren't low priority to Ajax. My last screenshot, you can see Ajax team in their first round of the Dutch Cup. Played their strongest possible team just 3 days after a league game and 2 days before another league game. After the cup game, it's left a star player and an important player in need of a rest while having so many players in those positions fit (but not match fit as they can't get a game).
  5. As you say, players like Endrick and Arder Guler will develop because of their decent starting CA, extremely high PA mixed with high rep. You mentioned smart loans. My typical experience - finding a talented young player at Man Utd, for example, available on loan. Spends a season with us, develops nicely and gets high avg rating. Try to loan back but get told he's now part of the first team plans. As the season goes on, he doesn't play and back on the loan list. I try and loan again but I get told they want the player in a different environment. As no other teams want the player, he's now stuck on the loan list, not playing games. I like the fact you can't rinse and repeat loan deals but situation like this doesn't make sense to want the player in a different environment when there's no other interest. They think it's better for the player to not play over loaning back to the same team where he can develop and get closer to his PA. I'm currently Sparta Rotterdam - Ajax in my save have failed to develop or look to develop a single player. Hato plays as he starts as one of the better players anyway. But a team like Ajax should be given youngsters opportunities. Their average age in my game is quite high which isn't a major problem. But, their squad building is very telling in which direction they're going and it's not to develop youth which should be Ajax's focus (and is their in-game culture). They have 3 players 30 or over in their first-team squad. Not a single player under 20. Most being between the ages of 25 and 29. Jong Ajax is stacked with players who are too old for u18s and didn't make it to the first team. Currently 57 players in Jong Ajax and seeing some of the names in their squad is a shame to see. A lot of wasted talent when Ajax could've easily used some rather than playing players who are in need of a rest because they have higher PA/rep. Rayane Bounida, Ethan Butera, Benjamin Tahirovic, Silvano Vos. Avery Appiah, Mika Godts, Tommy Setford, Kian Fitz-Jim, Julian Rijkhoff.... My feedback would be that AI squad building is still far off from being at a decent balance (not just based on this example). Improvements were made but really that's the minimum expectation.
  6. Agreed. Composure is the biggest attribute for me for pen taking. Also players body language (I like to say mental state). noticed as well, if my striker misses a big chance or two, his body language can then be nervous. theres a few things it could be. Consistency (ability to perform the 19 attribute often), and pressure hidden attribute. Not saying for sure, but this all could also be playing a role
  7. It's one reason why I've stopped reporting things now. It's clear something weird happens with scheduling. After sending so many examples of teams having the same fixture list and the frequency of teams playing each other back-to-back - I get told basically nothing is wrong there. I stream. It takes me, literally, 2mins to show my viewers the schedules from leagues all around the world and how often it happens. I even sent them (SI) a screen recording of me opening FM, and starting a new save, look at Everton and Brentford fixtures and see they have the same fixture list. Little effort to reproduce it but somehow, hard for them to see an issue. Got to show some care in this area after so many years.
  8. I mean, you’re on to something. Go into the first legs letting them think they’ve won the tie. Get them tired (injured haha) and roll over them in the 2nd legs
  9. After the scheduling talks in here, it's like the game is doing it on purpose to wind me up now loool Flamengo and us may as well set up a mini league haha
  10. Was my point a couple weeks back. That sort of stuff has made me uninterested in even trying to communicate anymore. When I mean communicate, talking about using my time giving feedback, reporting stuff etc. I've wasted hours (no exaggeration) over the months and it could've been avoided. From my part, lesson learnt. Not worth the hassle. That's not an attempt to discourage others from reporting bugs and stuff, by the way. Just for me, my experience, this year told me a lot of things about how things work with them.
  11. I get similar when playing against Everton. They often play youth players Mackenzie Hunt or Halid Djankpata despite having way better players on the bench and just not selected. Those players were not injured either. Only saw this after the recent update. Maybe they tweaked something with AI squad management - for Everton though, surely they'd play their better players while in a relegation battle and on minus points Dyche doesn't strike me as someone who relies on youth (players from the u23 squad) in difficult moments too.
  12. Great conversation. Feels like I've learned something to take on board next time I log things or "rant". Some things make a little more sense like player interaction, AI squad building, transfers imbalances
  13. Actually, maybe a stretch but I wonder if that’s useful for SI. You don’t see it in FM21 and I first reported it in FM22. and also not the last few editions as I suggested. Maybe just first noticeable from FM22
  14. I see and think similar. Admittedly, I thought me mentioning that would come across a bit conspiracy theory'ish You do the same 10 teams having to facing the higher rep teams in the screenshots. But I just haven't looked at it as far as seeing if there is a mixture (like Arsenal - Brentford - Sheff Utd - Man City) pattern that appears.
  15. There's always some expectation for that to happen. As I noted in the Serie A, it happening with Napoli and Atalanta. 10 teams having the same set of 4 fixtures back-to-back is a bit different, though. Like I was asked to point out to show examples of this not happening, there's no example of this happening in the EPL. So something, IMO, is off balance there - which is what I'm pointing out. Then to add you draw a team in the cup leading for you to have the same team back-to-back. Now, a lot of cup draws are out of a hat. But often, you get this coincidence. This is just a simple statement. This is how EPL say they get their fixtures. In FM, because up to 10 teams can have the same set of fixtures, it doesn't seem right. Or "random". It feels more calculated. Upon replying to this comment. I started a new save. Looked at fixtures and look at this. In no snarky way or anything, does this seem right? Notice the team's fixtures I'm looking at here. Everton, Fulham, Bournemouth...these are the exact same teams I screenshotted earlier. In a totally different save. They have Liverpool, Chelsea, Tottenham and Man UFC back-toback and in the exact same order. Given the want for files etc, I don't think it was the intention of SI for this to happen either.
  16. Would recommend managing in Brazil on FM to anyone. It’s absolutely nuts! (In a good way). difficult to advertise as you have to play like 7 million games a year but they come thick and fast anyway. Brazilian and Portuguese football in FM are really fun. And rarely goes stale in the future with the intriguing newgens that come through
  17. I have addressed this. Yes, my bad I did not respond but given it's something you can literally replicate by starting a new save (as I have just done), I mean, that should be a big of a deal or a stumbling block for them. I already showed in that post it was happening in multiple leagues. If I don't then respond, they should still look at it. What if I forgot to respond? lol, SI should not be resting and waiting for my response. Not being funny, but all it takes is 'start a new game'. and also, privately, I brought this up. Again, it's not something to just have a go for the sake of it. I'm obvy not going to leak a conversation. But, here is me also reporting it directly to them in 2023. For FM23. So technically, yes. I did get back to them with this. Again, two different leagues.
  18. I've shown for EPL, Serie A, La Liga. And now Brazil. Other people are also in different leagues. Me sending in the example of it NOT happening in real life is also, very time-consuming. And showing it NOT happening, shouldn't be my thing to do. That should be SI as it's their simulation. I'm showing examples of it in the game of it happening far too regularly. In different leagues. I've pointed out there are repeated fixtures. Surely now it's their job to check if it adds up. And, or to clarify the league rules. That's how the EPL get their fixtures. Mix them up randomly. My EPL fixtures seem far from random. As shown multiple times now. I also can't find this rule/option in my pre-game editor. Where did ya find that? I probably will change if its set to straight. Where do I go from this page?
  19. In Brazil. Fluminense and Athlético Paranaense. We both have AMG, GOI, FLA, ATM, GRE, CEC, INT, VDG, SEP and SPO That's the same TEN teams back-to-back in the exact same order. There's likely to be other teams with the same fixtures but I'm not spending any more time on this. I spoke about this stuff being time-consuming before. It's clearly an issue for years. Little to no point in spending any more time on this if there's no intention of doing anything. It is what it is. Football Manager.
  20. And what am I supposed to be looking at? If you're trying to say the same thing, then it's not. Napoli started against Frosinone and Sassuolo. Atalanta start with Sassuolo and Frosinone. Roma start is completely different not playing either of those sides nor do they play them back-to-back at any stage. Napoli and Atalanta also play Genoa and Bologna back to back. This is not the same as 10 teams in the same league having the same 4 to 5 fixtures back to back. And in the same save, 10 teams in EPL, Ligue 1, La Liga etc etc all going through the same thing. Then, back-to-back league/cup draw. At no stage do Roma, Napoli or Atalanta have the same team in a Coppa Italia game then a League game back-to-back. I don't mind IRL examples in FM convos, but you have to recognise what people are saying and the complaint first. Because, in pointing out the fixture flaws, we are not saying two teams can NEVER have the same two teams back-to-back. Or saying in football it will NEVER happen you play the same team in the cup and league back to back. It's the fact it ALWAYS happens. I currently have 10 teams with the same back-to-back fixtures in EPL. If this happened occasionally, it could be pretty funny and story-building. It happening every time seems very odd. It happening for the past 4/5 editions is difficult to understand. They originally acknowledged it - if this was no problem then the reply back would've been that it's not a problem.
  21. I also see it. As much as I play the game, it's difficult not to. But again, it makes you wonder about the testers and the system behind it. Did testers bring this up and it got ignored or not a high priority? But then again, it's been 4/5/6 years off this. At some stage, it should become a priority. Always look to improve. These minor things start to become major in a player's experience. For me, it's at the point where it's no longer relevant if this is on their priority list of things to fix or look at. It's been too long to be ignored.
  22. I did report my repeated fixture thing in November 2021. @Michael Sant did reply, but not sure what I did after as I didn't reply after haha I think I got a little frustrated with the "send game file in" thing as it's something that can be replicated by just starting a new save lol it wasn't random and happens all the time. It's not something I think it takes someone to send in a file. Can start a new save and see it immediately. You can see from the images in my bug report, that EPL screenshots were from a different save than Serie A and La Liga. It is my bad not replying back. But, FM have testers who surely would've come across this too. We're now in FM24 and....Nearly half the teams in the EPL have to play Man City, Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal back to back (cases with the exact same order and with West Ham after Arsenal). The chances of that happening when fixtures are random? lol A little bit of care with this stuff, for me, isn't too much to ask for. I first reported this in November 2021. So that's FM22. We're now in FM24 and it's still a thing. Two new editions and this hasn't been sorted out, with the bug report. No, I don't think what I reported should be fixed ASAP, but it's been two editions since It was reported and known and was in the editions before I reported it. This scheduling thing seems to have received little to no care which is a shame because of "immersion". Maybe not high on their priority list, but again, it's been years. Not an ASAP fix is fine. Leaving it for years is a bit of an issue and starts to become a little annoying (for me).
  23. It happens all the time. Just took over Everton, first FA draw was against Man Utd. That now means i play Man Utd then Man Utd back to back One in the cup and one in the league i also play the top 4 in a row. But same to as Fulham, same 4 teams in a row
  24. Apparently it’s not an issue and I know someone is ready to claim “but West Ham hit the woodwork 4 times once”…but its not even comparable to the amount of times you can hit it and how often you’re hitting it multiples times in a game lol I’ve given up on speaking on the woodwork for a while. To the point now I just have to ignore it and accept it. I hit it over and around 50 times a season if I manually count it. Not including when the shot is deflected/saved onto the woodwork. a couple years of asking and wondering why there’s no simple ‘woodwork hit’ stat too. Don’t think there’s ever been a reply to that so just have to keep guessing. i used to get told to lower my tempo by people. That made me give up speaking about it there are obviously reasons to why you can hit the woodwork so often. Maybe there’s only so many “off target” possibilities. No idea. But it can be annoying
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