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RDF Tactics

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Everything posted by RDF Tactics

  1. This, this and this!!! everyones time can be utilised better. One of my main points when it comes to the lack of SI communication.
  2. Yeah this has been an FM feature for too long now I reported a schedule thing a couple of years back but it wasn't exactly this. It was how different teams had the same fixtures. So example, I play United, City, and Chelsea in a row and there will be other team(s) in the same league with the same fixtures lol
  3. It was in a post from November 10th, with information about future updates. I should change my wording though because it wasn't a promise. November 21st seemed like the first of it (which are the same notes from the November 10th post). There's an update in the coming weeks covering transfers and player data changes from later closing transfer windows which I believe is the last one before FM25. So maybe a similar post to come
  4. REFEREE!!!!! WHAT SORT OF SCAM IS THIS? This is mine atm. I am in first season, though. Not sure how much they'll increase the cap. But Diomande is close to double than what I can pay. But also goes back to something I spoke about before. Players should be able to recognise this. If there's a wage cap, the player should know there's a wage cap. He shouldn't be asking for more than the cap knowing I can't offer that. His moan or complaint can/should be that he wants to leave to earn more because of the cap. If he doesn't want to leave, then, he should deal with the fact there's a cap haha as there's nothing anyone can do about it. I have the option to tell the player "We can't offer that right now" but it's not really the same as getting the player to understand it's not in your hands. Probably an interaction thing.
  5. The bonuses I never touch, unless we can't afford to pay it or sometimes because of the cap on wages, it means you have to tone down some bonuses as well. But, in Morita's case, it was only the wage as he did ask too far from what the cap was. It was only £8k more than the cap, so the bonuses were all left untouched. Offered him £42.5k and he came back and said nah, actually I want £57k now But doesn't happen to all players and all the time. Adan was adamant about wanting £59k. There was no budging from that number at all lol And yeah, like @NineCloudNine mentioned, there is a cap but it seems like it's a league thing. I just tried offering a contract at Porto and it was a similar thing. A cap on a figure though can afford to pay more. To be honest, I don't mind it. I like it. Maybe not best-balanced atm but I like the challenge of sometimes your player asking for a certain figure but because of a cap, you can't offer him. Stops you from being able to hold talent in certain leagues when realistically, they may be too good for the league and should be difficult for you to keep them. I was just making sure it wasn't a game problem
  6. Admittedly, I am not clued up with finances and stuff in the game. Is there a reason that at Sporting, I can't offer players more wages? The most I can offer out is £42.5k. A few players are asking for new contracts and now struggling to keep players happy as I can't offer more than £42.5k. Annoyingly, like Morita, he's asking for £50k, I offered the most I could and he counter-offered with more than the original £50k he asked for haha but I don't know the reason I can't offer out more when I can. With player's contracts relatively low at Sporting compared to their ability, a few players are knocking on my office door. I have a "fix", but it's not ideal. I was able to offer one player the £42.5k but gave him a minimum release clause (domestic) of £10k help!
  7. Similar to what I said. What he’s writing, I’m not sure why its difficult for someone at SI to put similar across. Of course, legally, they will not be an allowed to say certain things. when it comes to communication from SI, part of it was to be more open about studio developments. We’ve got zero of that throughout the year. And people asking them to back up the communication improvement, doesn’t then mean we expect SI to be hanging around all day replying to complaints and questions. Not at all. But we’ve gotten zero of any sort, like you say.
  8. @santy001 in all honesty, you’re adding extra stuff and talking about things others aren’t. i haven’t mentioned SI not communicating is affecting my playing experience of FM, or my enjoyment. Or insinuating that. My frustration is very simple. SI claimed something but didn’t deliver so I’m bringing that up. and Again, you are explaining things which shouldn’t be difficult for SI to explain. If a whole new UI can be interpreted in different ways, what exactly is the issue of wanting to know in what way is the UI going to be “whole new”. To most people, that sounds like you’re creating a whole new UI. This can create confusion, then, on what you’d report. In what other way can “whole new” be interpreted? Especially when you’re changing the game as we know it. Telling us certain things are going to be wholly new and completely different, there will be expectations that it’s going to be “whole new” and completely different. To me, and others, it’s a simple thing of developers shouldn’t promise something and not do it. If they’re not comfortable, again, still, shouldn’t say you will. And it’s not just about replying to people’s comments in the thread, it’s in general. And part of what SI had in mind, unfortunately, I can’t actually speaking on that, legally. But I’ve been very fortunate with opportunities given and able to have direct contact. So I’m not exactly just pulling my expectations out of thin air. Yet, all of this does not affect my playing experience or enjoyment. That was never a part of any of my feedback or comments. other people may say “I can’t play this game” “This game is unplayable”. Through all of this, I’ve been in here clearly disagreeing with that. It may be a complaint you see in here, but not from me.
  9. I saw what you wrote anyway. I've run into this mod before, it is likely the reason for the "obsession with roadmaps" and "weird sentiment you're expressing that seems common across games these days". Mod probably felt good typing that
  10. All of what you said is great, but hardly has anything to do with what I've said or my frustration. Comparing it to other games and how/what they do is fine. I am addressing what FM said. I have an "obsession" with roadmaps because it was something I was looking forward to. As they said, it will be similar to how they did feature-release roadmaps as that was well received. So it meant something. If they had no intentions of doing these things, they should never mention it. But, a bit of a push to call it an obsession when I've only just brought it up. An obsession looks more like me banging on about FM needing a glossary for yeaaarrrss but nobody calls that out as an obsession. Likely because it's a good idea many players are on board with. An update roadmap, to me, was also a good idea. So I shall mention a couple of times like I do. Importantly, you mentioned the move to Unity. Clarity on what people should be reporting or is worthwhile would help massively those who want to and are reporting. Some issues are likely to be fixed, some aren't, I'm not asking for details on what exactly SI are up to. But asking a community to report bugs which you may have no intention of looking at for whatever reason (as in development reasons, maybe they're scrapping something) - can be wasting people's time. Apologies for people's "lack of logical thinking". SI said Unity will be bringing "powerful user interface tools". Does it seem logical to keep reporting Interface bugs in FM24 when you aren't sure the very thing you are reporting will even exist in the next version? Or maybe you're hoping for another FM24 update (not me personally) and still reporting in case there is one. "whole new UI which will dramatically improve the ways you are able to interact with the game". Again, forgive people for not understanding what that really means. If my FM24 filter is out of place and has a visual bug, do I report that still? Newgens and manager creation are also changing. I'm not sure SI will be trying to reproduce these issues internally for FM25. Logically speaking. And part of what you said, I mean, is literally what is being asked for here. You were able to communicate within a few hours. No, you are not SI but you were able to explain some things. So, sure. May seem like I have some wild expectations, but only put on by SI through their words. If they can't deliver something in a meaningful manner, they shouldn't mention it as if it means something. If they want to mention it, then they should expect questions to be asked if not delivered. And next year, people have already been told that a "whole new UI" will be introduced. But if old UI issues appear... Are we really going to point fingers at people and say their expectations carried them away?
  11. This is the thing. Miles himself is telling people to use the bug tracker. But surely, reporting certain things like graphics in ME may not be that helpful for FM25 given a new graphics engine (whatever that means if you’re not clued up). myself tell people to post in bugging place or post screenshots about issues. Only because I want the best help possible for SI/FM. but you can imagine, someone like me will just get excited about anything SI announces lool. I personally don’t think it’s too much or too big of an ask to get a response on something they’ve mentioned or promised. And some clarity
  12. Lack of clarity and not following up on communication improvements (plus update roadmap). Amongst other things but my other things are more selfish thoughts. But this helps others help SI knowing where we’re at with things like bug tracking. ive spent time reporting things. And they aren’t all things I just spot whilst playing, some things I look to test multiple times before reporting. It’s time consuming but for what? I don’t know if it’s going to be help or if what I’m reporting on will be changed anyway like interface issues as FM25 will be different. I (and we) want to be helpful with reporting for FM25 release too. so my expectations isn’t for one last game-changing patch. Because they haven’t mentioned or promised that. But a roadmap for future updates is what they did mention. But also acknowledging they dropped the ball with communication and will improve that. These things would help those who want to help know where they’re at with things regarding reporting stuff. FM is a passion of mine. So my words may come across a bit OTT and have people thinking “chill out, it’s their product”. I acknowledge that. But this passion has me wanting to go above to help improve the game, and others. I’m just at the point where I don’t think it’s worth it, for me. It’s time consuming and voluntary
  13. I might be shooting myself in the foot but it's come to a point where I'm trying to get help to help and it's not being received. I've spent a lot of free time this year submitting things but it's empty, and it's a frustrating feeling getting no response (the world doesn't revolve around me and I'm not asking it to). Of course, I decided to use my free time in that way. Happy FM'ing and hopefully FM25 is a killer game! Peace.
  14. Don’t quote me. I think he has the “frt” symbol next to his name which would mean he’s leaving on a free. or it could be a transfer update in using. Not sure if I’ve turned off a modded updated after FMs data update.
  15. I think this thread will distract you from the good things in the game haha The lack of bug resolution is probably the most frustrating thing. But I’d also say a lot of the issues people pointing out may not be something that grabs your attention or bothers you in game. It may not even be an issue and just someone ranting haha when I get that feeling your having, I often just go for a quick challenge that’s not much of a challenge haha like picking Newcastle for their riches but sign only English. Or Benfica and do Brazilian signings only + youth challenge. That sometimes gets me in the FM mood. This year admittedly, I haven’t been able to stick with a long term save but the mini challenges and tactic creating (basically just picking a team, creating a tactic and only playing for a season) is where I found my joy this year
  16. If regarding this conversation then it isn't about hope for certain issues to be fixed. As you say, the only bug fixes that will be made are game-breaking ones but we don't know if there's any update at all other than a data update. Whether another update is coming with fixes is one thing. Saying you've realised you drop the ball on communication and telling us there's going to be a roadmap for game updates is another thing. I for one (I am speaking for myself), want to know what to do with bugs/reports I come across. I wouldn't want to keep reporting things SI have no intention of looking at it. That should be communicated and I believe this is a good opportunity to improve their communication. I do realise it may come across like I have these unreasonable expectations from SI and they should treat us special. But, I'm also using what they've said.
  17. People don't know if there's a further update for this edition, or not. So what you're saying is sort of my point. We don't know and it's all "I think". And we don't know exactly what "other things" are. They're still collecting ME behaviour stuff too. And still telling people to use the bug trackers for any problems people come across. It can just be a waste of time. It may not. We have no idea. They want to be more open and transparent. They said they've decided to give us a roadmap for game updates because it worked well for feature releases - that would've allowed us to know if reporting certain things would be worthwhile. But then didn't give us a roadmap for game updates.
  18. There are currently bugs in the ME (not development or improvements), for example, a penalty is given to an offside player but VAR only checks for the penalty and not the offside. And players just genuinely marking wrong positions when using or up against certain formations. Those are likely to be bugs. One reason for it could be a graphical thing - but if they're moving the graphics engine then there's no point reporting that bug if there's no further update. And what they'll be interested in is exactly what they should be communicating because we don't know exactly what is useful and what's not. Communicating what would be useful helps those reporting. Let's say we've all bought into the "FM is changing forever. FM24 is the last of its kind", then we have absolutely no idea what's changing and what's useful or not. Them communicating, as said they would, can avoid some people feeling ignored (not saying they should be replying to every report and asap), and people wasting their time. It would be a lot more appreciated for sure. It's disappointing for Miles to mention they'll be doing a roadmap with future updates like how they did with feature reveals and just decided not to deliver on that. I don't want to think they thought something like that would go unnoticed because it wouldn't with me They recognised what they didn't do, acknowledged it, and still didn't do it. Regarding the big data update, I was intrigued to see what they'll mention in their roadmap of updates but wasn't one.
  19. I personally think we should know if there is any point in still bug reporting at this stage. People are using their time to report stuff and collect information but with SI not telling us if there will be another update or not, people can be doing this for no reason. It can be time-consuming and not really fair to those who do want to go beyond to help. If there's no further ME update, should we then stop reporting bugs as FM25 will be different? We don't know if these bug reports will be any help for further updates (again, because practically no communication). Interface bugs. SI said FM will be completely different as we know it, so is there any worth in reporting interface bugs? A member of SI staff wrote and quote "It's time-consuming to go through these to find out that you are insisting we change correct info to incorrect info." but similar applies to those reporting bugs. It's time-consuming to report and collect information which in the end could be for no reason. I just personally don't think it's fair to promise better communication etc and now to be left in this position due to no communication. Miles also promised us a roadmap for game updates this year, similar to how they did feature releases. I don't believe we're getting that either. The previous update post doesn't mention anything about future update/plans. We've had one Content Update change list which was on November 10th (I believe).
  20. Has anybody else noticed in their game that Everton always starts this player 'Halid Djankpata' ever since the update? At first, I thought it was a one-off but looking into a different save, Everton don't have an injury crisis or anything. Better players on the bench but Dyche seems to always pick him
  21. This is what I was getting at as well regarding the Juve result. The poster didn't post the result. For all we know, he got a 4231 from you-know-where and beat Inter 4-1 at home. People post with no background or explanation. It's hard at times not to challenge some of what people are posting lool
  22. What I'm getting at... Example...."this game match engine is so bad, I can't get my striker to score"....now does this automatically mean the striker can't score because the ME is bad just because I said so? Or could there be something I'm doing that affects my striker? This is the sort of stuff I'm getting at. Winning 4-1 with Juve doesn't automatically mean it's because the game is too easy. That's one match, he can very well go on to lose your next 2. But also, AI managers are above the Juve AI manager. So you are also showing us there's a level gap being AI manager and AI manager. Clearly, look at Milan vs the rest. It's not just you vs Juve AI manager, there are 18 other teams and managers. I understand your point. People just aren't putting it forward in the best way.
  23. But you are. By saying "13th as Sampdoria that just got promoted. Easy." That is suggesting you shouldn't be where you are. This is what I mean by people are just ranting off for the sake of it. That Sampodoria statement isn't constructive. This all leads back to my point of empty statements - people just saying things because it's easy rather than constructive. I made points that COULD justify the win. But as I stated, he did not post the win so we can not conclude that result. Was it a lucky win? Did he have 30 shots to Inter's 4?... You don't possibly know if it was an "easy" win. We're just assuming that he picked Juve, did not use an aggressive tactic in order he wins, then complain he won. Because we can not see the win. The AI not being good is something we all know. Everybody and their pet wants that to be improved. It doesn't then mean that everyone's "game is too easy" complaint carries the same weight. Some say it in moments where it's not entirely the case for them.
  24. Too easy because it never happens. Girona didn't finish 10th then next season in a title race. Never happens. Genoa promoted from Serie B, currently 10th in Serie A...Only one of the teams promoted from Serie B are in the bottom 3. Clearly, it's a good game. FM has issues, nobody has ever denied that. But it's constant rants and even in subjects about one thing, it rants off to another just to show displeasure in the game. You're now saying 13th as Sampdoria is too easy when there are many many many examples of promoted sides staying up and finishing in good places. It's not completely uncommon for you to be 13th.
  25. "yeah sure" to your comment. I wouldn't be sitting 13th claiming the game is too easy. That seems very respectable. Also, Juve relegated?
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