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Football Manager 2024 Official Feedback Thread

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I think people need to be very careful about stating that what they see in their save applies to everyone.  There's a few people saying about the kind of super high scoring games that we saw in the first version of the ME, but certainly for me, and for some others who have commented in this thread, the number of goals have dropped considerably post-patch.  I've just had quick tour through the big European leagues that I have got on full detail as well as J1 where I'm playing and things seem much more toned down - a high scoring game is far more likely to be a 4-2 than the 6-3 type scoreline from the pre-update ME.  In my last season, pre-patch, I had a couple of 9-2 league wins.  This season, post patch, the biggest win was a 6-0 against lower league cup opposition and most games seem to have the winning team hitting 2 or 3 goals.

We also know from SI's posts about their internal testing that goals per game across their bulk testing is generally right for the main leagues that most people are playing. So there's a question of why some people are still seeing very high scoring games and some aren't.

There's also the question of what happens if SI listen to the 'too many goals' crowd again with this ME.  We've already seen that the first patch, as well as reducing goal numbers, has also reduced variety in the play seen in the ME.  Some of the play seen in the early ME is just not there any more, possibly because the probability thresholds are cutting off some options, meaning riskier options are not being taken.  The ME is significantly more predictable in its patterns of play than the pre-patch iteration.  The danger with pandering to the 'too many goals' crowd again is that we end up with a very dull and predictable ME (we've already taken a step in that direction) or that attacking play gets totally nerfed and we go back to something resembling the dreadful ME of FM20.


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4 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

I think you need to play realistically if you want realism. 

Attribute-less skin. Only sign players your scouts have found or youve played against. The club negotiates the deals and contracts. If youre one of the worst sides in a league create a tactic that fits that, like a real manager would. Its what ive tried to do and getting realistic results for a weaker side who lack a goalscorer and are trying to grind their way to safety.


Ive zero doubt someone could have the same squad top of the league and scoring every week instead by just going balls to the wall attacking tactic wise, but theyd then compain the games bad halfway through the season whereas im loving it.

Its just like everything thats coded. Crap input = crap output. You could put a GK up front and have him hit double figures, but thats your fault for ruining the realism of the game, not the games.

What tactic do you use as a weaker side? I've been looking for something more "realistic" for the first few seasons when I use a weak squad. 

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13 minutes ago, DavutOzkan said:

What tactic do you use as a weaker side? I've been looking for something more "realistic" for the first few seasons when I use a weak squad. 

What I'm using. But the squad had no scouting network, and virtually no wingers or attackers, while having a lot of CMs, so I was kind of forced into this shape. Cant get my striker working at all though.


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40 minut temu hagedisboy powiedział:

Planowałem pominąć FM24, bo FM25 będzie początkiem „nowej ery”, ale po przeczytaniu kilku pozytywnych recenzji nie mogłem się powstrzymać i kupiłem grę. Teraz żałuję, że nie trzymałam się planu i pominęłam ten temat. Jak co roku jest mnóstwo błędów, ale dla mnie przełomem jest ilość graczy marudzących o niczym. Grałem już kilka sezonów w różnych zespołach, wiele razy, ale po pewnym czasie staje się to dla mnie zbyt denerwujące.

Może warto wspomnieć, że pierwszą grą, w którą grałem, był FM2005, a każdą wersję kupowałem (i grałem w nią setki godzin) od 2010 roku. Dodam trochę kontekstu na temat mojego obecnego zapisu. Zarządzam De Graafschap, drużyną środka tabeli drugiej ligi holenderskiej. Jak zapewne zrozumiesz, nie mamy strasznie dużo pieniędzy. Mój najlepiej zarabiający zarabia 120 000 rocznie, jest jeszcze dwóch innych graczy, którzy zarabiają ponad 100 000, ale to zdecydowanie moi najlepsi gracze, więc ogólna płaca wynosi od 50 do 70 000 rocznie. Mam młodego środkowego obrońcę, który podpisał nowy kontrakt pod koniec poprzedniego sezonu, obowiązuje go jeszcze trzy lata, a ponieważ jest dobry i bardzo obiecujący, zdecydowałem się uczynić go jednym z moich zawodników, którzy zarabiają ponad 100 tys. Tak naprawdę zarabia dokładnie 100 tys. tygodniowo. Nazwałem go „ważnym graczem”. Trzy lub cztery miesiące później przychodzi do mojego biura i pyta o nowy kontrakt, ponieważ jego stan czuje się lepiej w okresie od podpisania ostatniego kontraktu do chwili obecnej.

Po pierwsze, bardzo odważne jest proszenie o nowy kontrakt zaledwie kilka miesięcy po jego podpisaniu. Mówię mu więc: „przepraszam, ale twój kontrakt obowiązuje jeszcze przez trzy lata, więc nie zamierzam ci już przedłużać nowego”. Oczywiście się nie zgadza i jego morale spada z „bardzo dobrego” do „bardzo złego”. Postanawiam więc nie ryzykować (bo doświadczyłem już, jak marudzący gracze są w FM24) i mimo to oferuję mu nowy kontrakt. Żąda 450 tys. (!) rocznie. Jesteś dobrym kolegą, ale masz trochę wstydu. Myślę, że nie byłoby nas stać na kwotę wyższą niż 180 tys., więc to jedyna opcja, jaką mogę mu zaoferować (budżet płac jest już wyczerpany, nie mogę już przesunąć kropki na stronę płac), a on odmawia i natychmiast odchodzi .

Oczywiście po tych wybrykach cała drużyna gra na moich plecach. Oni (jedenastu graczy) żądają spotkania, podczas którego powiedzą mi, że są niezadowoleni ze sposobu, w jaki poradziłem sobie z tą sytuacją. Mówię im, że nie byłoby sprawiedliwe dać mu nowy kontrakt, bo wtedy wszyscy musieliby go otrzymać. Chciałbym im powiedzieć, że jego wymagania są zdecydowanie za wysokie, a nawet gdybym chciał, nie byłoby nas na to stać, ale oczywiście nie wchodzi to w grę (dzięki SI). Jedenastu zawodników, którzy byli w bardzo dobrej formie i zajmowali 3. miejsce w lidze (oczekiwania: środek tabeli), opuściło salę i jest teraz ze mnie bardzo niezadowolonych. Natychmiast wychodzę z gry i nie sądzę, że będę ją ponownie wczytywać, ******* bzdura.

Słuchaj, mógłbym zrozumieć, gdyby najlepszy przyjaciel danego zawodnika powiedział mi, że jego zdaniem zasługuje na nowy kontrakt, ale jedenastu zawodników? Co do cholery. Czujesz, że musisz robić wszystko, czego oczekują od ciebie gracze za każdym razem, bez wyjątku, bo jeśli tego nie zrobisz, cała drużyna będzie niezadowolona. Rozumiem, że sam zawodnik jest trochę niezadowolony (chociaż to też idiotyczne, bo po prostu nie było mnie na to stać) i może jeden lub dwóch jego najlepszych przyjaciół w drużynie, ale w taki sposób absolutnie nie da się sobie z tym poradzić. Jesteś po prostu suką graczy, są wyjątkowo nierozsądni i zrujnowało mi to grę. Pamiętaj, że zawsze było denerwujące, gdy gracze marudzili w innych wersjach, ale rozumiem, że jest to część gry i nigdy nie byłoby to przesadzone. Ale w tegorocznej wersji tak. SI zrujnowało mój szum wokół gry już po zaledwie miesiącu grania ponownie. Myślę, że zdarzyło się to strasznie dużo razy od 2019 roku. Nie musisz już liczyć na to, że w najbliższym czasie zagram w tę grę! Do zobaczenia później.

describe it in the bugs tab because it's really irritating
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3 horas atrás, RandomGuy. disse:

What I'm using. But the squad had no scouting network, and virtually no wingers or attackers, while having a lot of CMs, so I was kind of forced into this shape. Cant get my striker working at all though.


Try DLF on attack 

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Many people are saying that the game is easier. I think of it this way: FM is a simulator, it must be based on the reality of football (statistics, attributes, tactics and mainly sporting situations) must be analyzed throughout the game. If these characteristics are correct the winning result must be achieved. It's a game and it has to be fun too, because a game in which you don't win never loses its fun and meaning.

I'm playing in Brazil (a league that doesn't have licensing rights) and I see some points that might be in line with the game as a whole. The first save I made was in England, and I also tested it in Spain. In fact, ME has reproduced many goals, football matches that look like futsal or, as some say, handball. I believe that some points need to be improved:

- There must be a balance of goals between times with gray players and times without gray players

- Between teams with a playable division and others without And mainly between humans and machines, that is... AI has to be more aggressive in order to reproduce what is happening in reality (predefined attributes of coaches, coaching staff and especially players). The game needs to be more dynamic to have difficulty between human and machine.

One point I notice is that AI technicians don't manage the squads well, the management doesn't hire players for specific positions, I still see many signings that aren't useful for the main team or players that simply pass through the club don't generate a contract, that's why Yeah... the inferior team always stays inferior and doesn't progress, making the game seem easy. The signing market has always been my biggest interest in FM: I see few exchanges between teams, few players progressing in their careers, few teams forming partnerships, just as I don't see improved financial management of smaller or average teams in big leagues around the world. Football director is still somewhat useless in the game, just as scouts should be more optimized in smaller teams, and veteran players can add attributes to lower quality teams, just as happens in real life, clubs need a team and not just a team, tactics must have more progress to be replayed in ME.

I'm still a little disappointed with the financial management that was released in videos that in this FM we would have total control and a lot of information. Just as social media is practically null in the game, it is not realistic. I believe that the interaction between the squad needs to be more varied, especially in terms of contracts (players asking for a raise and having a contract in force). In relation to ME, the biggest point of problem in my opinion is that the game does not have the most "humanized" players, varied movements in gestures (complaining about the referee for example), more technical players are not as apparent in the game, passes that are torn practically non-existent and making the game focused on the most basic characteristics of each player, this makes FM seem more programmed and easier

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3 hours ago, chris72 said:

will there be an update in january? 


FM24 is like a bad version of fm23 same type of game with updates no real new features and a worse match engine



Agree, despite the nice introduction of the new roles the actual quality / realism of the ME has significantly regressed. Considering this is a huge aspect of the game, I'm bitterly disappointed with the game so far this year, especially as we were promised "the most complete version" of football manager.

It will need a major change in what I expect will be one last final last patch available now, to save this version.

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I usually play Bundesliga because I think it is the best league to play in the game, so I decided to start a save unemployed in Australia, got hired by Perth Glory and started to manage the team right after the Sydney FC game. That's what happened:

I simply won all the games easily, just putting on a simple 433 tactic and simply pressing continue, not even watching the games properly. The last 4 games I got bored and went on holiday, finished the season and now I'm thinking whether I will keep playing or not. I mean, is the game now so easy ? Okay, it might be because I'm managing a team in a low level league like Australia, but I was unemployed, got the job and won the league!

I like a lot of aspects of the game, but it seems so shallow now. Training has nothing to do with what training is about in real life, interactions are boring and you just have to find the right button to click to get the desired outcome, AI teams not properly built and managed.. I'm thinking about starting other saves or quiting Perth North and moving to a better league, but my Manager is probably not going to be hired in better leagues since I started unemployed and played only half a season, but how am I supposed to keep managing in Australia without any challenge ? 


Just in case, in real life Perth north is the second worst performing team on the league right now. How have I won the league ?



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7 minutes ago, Rodrigogc said:

I usually play Bundesliga because I think it is the best league to play in the game, so I decided to start a save unemployed in Australia, got hired by Perth Glory and started to manage the team right after the Sydney FC game. That's what happened:

I simply won all the games easily, just putting on a simple 433 tactic and simply pressing continue, not even watching the games properly. The last 4 games I got bored and went on holiday, finished the season and now I'm thinking whether I will keep playing or not. I mean, is the game now so easy ? Okay, it might be because I'm managing a team in a low level league like Australia, but I was unemployed, got the job and won the league!

I like a lot of aspects of the game, but it seems so shallow now. Training has nothing to do with what training is about in real life, interactions are boring and you just have to find the right button to click to get the desired outcome, AI teams not properly built and managed.. I'm thinking about starting other saves or quiting Perth North and moving to a better league, but my Manager is probably not going to be hired in better leagues since I started unemployed and played only half a season, but how am I supposed to keep managing in Australia without any challenge ? 


Just in case, in real life Perth north is the second worst performing team on the league right now. How have I won the league ?



Nicely sums up this year's game at this point. A real disappointment.

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1 hour ago, Ti Ago said:

Try DLF on attack 

Did try that for a few games, but they kind of got sucked into midfield too much and we lost a focal point.

Trying Pressing Forward now.

Ideally im wanting them to help out defensively, but in attack just stay as the central focal point who either drops deep or goes in behind, but doesnt really drift too wide.

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2 ore fa, Rodrigogc ha scritto:

I usually play Bundesliga because I think it is the best league to play in the game, so I decided to start a save unemployed in Australia, got hired by Perth Glory and started to manage the team right after the Sydney FC game. That's what happened:

I simply won all the games easily, just putting on a simple 433 tactic and simply pressing continue, not even watching the games properly. The last 4 games I got bored and went on holiday, finished the season and now I'm thinking whether I will keep playing or not. I mean, is the game now so easy ? Okay, it might be because I'm managing a team in a low level league like Australia, but I was unemployed, got the job and won the league!

I like a lot of aspects of the game, but it seems so shallow now. Training has nothing to do with what training is about in real life, interactions are boring and you just have to find the right button to click to get the desired outcome, AI teams not properly built and managed.. I'm thinking about starting other saves or quiting Perth North and moving to a better league, but my Manager is probably not going to be hired in better leagues since I started unemployed and played only half a season, but how am I supposed to keep managing in Australia without any challenge ? 


Just in case, in real life Perth north is the second worst performing team on the league right now. How have I won the league ?



Same here with Brescia in italian Serie-B i'm watching matches at maximum speed because i win almost all matches and i got bored, very very disappointed 

Edited by steve.bs69
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Winning games easily, once you get a high press short passing 4231 system going the game becomes too simple. Still hitting the woodwork 5-6 times a game and goals from near post headers all too regular. Players still go in the huff too easily, young 20yr old RB on £2K PW moans because I changed his squad status from regular to squad player, erm the guy in front of you is a full international, a far superior experienced RB and on triple your wages, of course you're not a regular. 

Again this years game is fairly boring and winning most things all too easy, there's no real challenge in the game any more.

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9 minutes ago, jc1 said:

Winning games easily, once you get a high press short passing 4231 system going the game becomes too simple. 

Again this years game is fairly boring and winning most things all too easy, there's no real challenge in the game any more.

Dont do what makes it easy then?

Why waste your money this way.

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15 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

Did try that for a few games, but they kind of got sucked into midfield too much and we lost a focal point.

Trying Pressing Forward now.

Ideally im wanting them to help out defensively, but in attack just stay as the central focal point who either drops deep or goes in behind, but doesnt really drift too wide.

Tried the penalty area PPM?

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2 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

Dont do what makes it easy then?

Why waste your money this way.

I get what you're saying but it's the style of football I like seeing, it just becomes too overpowering in the game. Remember FM12, 433 with 3 strikers, won everything but after 4-5 seasons you realise it's just a tactic that beats the match engine. I have tried other tactics, 451, 442, 424 but as soon as you add in high press and quick passing the ME can't cope.

I'll probably drop down a few leagues to make it harder, or try a save with just youth players, that's quite fun. Just feel SI has taken their eye off the ball and concentrated too much on all the wee fancy extras instead of the ME.

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Press conferences still need lots of work.

I just had a mad game where I went 2-0 down to goals scored in the 90th and 95th minute and then pulled it back to 2-2 with goals in the 96th and 99th minutes.

First question post match.

'You're team benefitted from a lot of time added on- do you think this was fair?' 

Reasonable question, fine.

Second question.

'Your team suffered and lost a result due to so much time added on, you must be furious?'


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1 hour ago, jc1 said:

I get what you're saying but it's the style of football I like seeing, it just becomes too overpowering in the game. Remember FM12, 433 with 3 strikers, won everything but after 4-5 seasons you realise it's just a tactic that beats the match engine. I have tried other tactics, 451, 442, 424 but as soon as you add in high press and quick passing the ME can't cope.

I'll probably drop down a few leagues to make it harder, or try a save with just youth players, that's quite fun. Just feel SI has taken their eye off the ball and concentrated too much on all the wee fancy extras instead of the ME.

I think for me, what ultimately needs to happen to have a more balanced engine and challenging game, is to firstly reduce the number of goals further that are being scored from the super aggressive tactics, but most importantly have an actual appreciation for lower mentality football to function (which at the moment, seems non-existent).

So by making it harder to break teams down with overly aggressive tactics, this in turn will hopefully make lower mentality football a viable option in the right game / match circumstances.

If this is implemented in the final patch, then I actually think with the new roles introduced along with this better ME balance, I think this would then be perfect.

The potential has been there for this final FM version to be a really good one, I can only hope they will look to address this in the last patch.

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I don't understand  how people can say, don't do this don't do that.... I had tactics, shortlists of wonder kids, free agents all stats for me maximum as possible, and with all that i was not able to win CL.

after 5-10 years i was competitive for CL with Partizan.

I installed the game, first save, after 3 days i won CL... At start of the season 2, changed the tactics, so they were not playing the same tactic for two years, I delegate most of the stuff(press conf, trainings, team talk,)

And how I'm I suppose to make it difficult?  It's like saying, here play the game but try to lose...

I could have won the CL without any transfers at all, because the starting eleven it the finals, eight or nine are in the club from start....

Just to point how surreal this is, they failed to qualify  this season for Conference league, losing 5:0 0:1 from  Nordsjaelland (in real life)




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Way too many free-kicks are categorized as direct.

Can't select more than one if needed instruction for wall and you obviously have to use at least three players in the wall due to actual direct FKs.

Then when those 30m+ FKs are deemed as direct, you're completely f-ed due to 3 players standing in the wall for no reason and attack having extra players around the box, allowing for easy setups via crosses or just a couple of passes.

Needs to be fixed.

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20 hours ago, dannyo666 said:

This was a promised headline feature that along with the new engine(which for me is worse than 23)was the reason i bought the game- as far as instructing your team to do things which just do not happen live and in game is a shambles...If the AI cannot build a squad why play more than a  couple seasons?its a joke......Nothing worse than assembling a world class team from a mid table team and moving jobs and the new AI manager just dismantles it in a few months...selling world class players and signing rubbish players,stacking CBs,giving crazy contracts,signing middle of the road players and giving them 300k a week all in ...below is literally whats on the FM24 headline feature page....


Smarter opposition recruitment is the order of the day for FM24, with AI managers now programmed to consider factors like form and reputation more so than ever before.

AI Managers are now better geared up to recognise imbalances in their squad make-up and will take their tactical style into consideration much more when shortlisting players. In essence, this means that they’ll look to fill Attribute gaps in their squad. So, a manager using a Gegenpress approach will look specifically for midfielders with high Stamina and Work Rate Attributes if they determine that their squad is missing such a player.

Did we get any explaination for why this isnt in the game?

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C'mon SI, a bit of attention to detail- this is really poor.

Pleased I qualified for the Europa League (I didn't), despite the poor run of form we ended on (6 wins, 1 draw, 2 losses in the last 9 games, so 19 points from a possible 27). Wrong on both counts.

So many little things in this game just don't quite work and help kill the immersion.  


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46 minutes ago, KingCanary said:

C'mon SI, a bit of attention to detail- this is really poor.

Pleased I qualified for the Europa League (I didn't), despite the poor run of form we ended on (6 wins, 1 draw, 2 losses in the last 9 games, so 19 points from a possible 27). Wrong on both counts.

So many little things in this game just don't quite work and help kill the immersion.  


Where is the second EL spot though? Did a Championship club win the FA cup?

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2 horas atrás, Madjionicar disse:

I don't understand  how people can say, don't do this don't do that.... I had tactics, shortlists of wonder kids, free agents all stats for me maximum as possible, and with all that i was not able to win CL.

after 5-10 years i was competitive for CL with Partizan.

I installed the game, first save, after 3 days i won CL... At start of the season 2, changed the tactics, so they were not playing the same tactic for two years, I delegate most of the stuff(press conf, trainings, team talk,)

And how I'm I suppose to make it difficult?  It's like saying, here play the game but try to lose...

I could have won the CL without any transfers at all, because the starting eleven it the finals, eight or nine are in the club from start....

Just to point how surreal this is, they failed to qualify  this season for Conference league, losing 5:0 0:1 from  Nordsjaelland (in real life)




Could you upload some screenshots for us to see ? I'm really curious about this. Maybe your results, the teams you've beaten in CL, your tactic, etc. 3 or 4 screenshots will do. Thanks in advance

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18 minutes ago, frank_olaf said:

Just had an update to 24.2.1 - but can't see any patch notes....

I was just about to play a Champions League final and have no room to test my tactics between now and then... Steam promptly put to offline mode for now lmao

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5 minutes ago, trviggo said:

What platform or did you misread? Was 20 here. 

Steam - came in at 227Mb.  Slow internet here, so was on screen long enough to read it clearly.

EDIT - details have been posted

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35 minutes ago, Rodrigogc said:

Could you upload some screenshots for us to see ? I'm really curious about this. Maybe your results, the teams you've beaten in CL, your tactic, etc. 3 or 4 screenshots will do. Thanks in advance

keep in mind, that all these players, beside 2 defenders, have no stats over 15.

when I say all players, I mean substitutions also.  

results (after 2 games) after group:

knock out round - Juventus   3:1

1/16 - Bayern 3:3* penalties*

Quarter finale - Athl Bilbao 3:1

Semi final - MUTD 2:1


Didn't even set, set peace's, corners, penalties...

Just look at playing time....






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7 minutes ago, KingCanary said:

So it has now updated and I now am in the Europa League? Can't for the life of me work out why now.

Uhmm, did the PL perhaps get the extra CL spot from coefficients? With the new system the 2 countries with the best coefficients get an extra spot the next season and most seasons the PL is one of the two. That would give you Newcastles EL spot as they go into the CL.

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